"Oh, such a big battle." Seeing them, Chen Ge couldn't help laughing.

"I can't help it. The people who came to me today have very good identities. I have to ensure their safety." Chen Mingyong followed, "let's get out of the way, let Chen Ge go back."


The snipers agreed and made way.

Chen Ge waved and left slowly under their gaze, and walked out of the manor.

"Deputy leader, just now is the best chance to kill Chen Ge, so let him go?" My heart trotted over and asked in a low voice.

"You know shit!"

"Today, I just want to make sure where Chen Ge lives. I don't want him to live where we don't know. If we start here, the Guo family will not stop. If we send the news to Huaxia, we will get into trouble!"

Chen Mingyong put out his hand and patted his confidant on the head.

"When he knows that Liang Lu has been caught by us, he can solve it when he goes to save her?" He asked, covering his head with his heart.

"That's right. By that time, Chen Ge would have disappeared strangely. As long as his hands and feet were clean, it had nothing to do with us. Even if they suspected, it was useless."

Looking at Chen GE's back, Chen Mingyong said to himself.

After a few steps away from the manor, Chen Ge sees Guo's car parked there.

"Why did he come out so soon? He didn't embarrass you!" Seeing Chen Ge, Guo Lintian got off the car and asked.

"Uncle Guo, why didn't you go back?" Chen Ge came forward and sat on the bus before he spoke.

"I'm not worried that you'll have trouble in it. As long as I don't leave, they won't dare to do it." Seeing Chen Ge come out, Guo Lintian put down his heart.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. He doesn't dare to kill me here, and the people he sent are not my opponents." Chen Ge waved his hand. He didn't feel any pressure at all.

"The pie?" Guo Lintian was a little surprised.

When entering the manor, he asked, but Chen Ge didn't give him a definite answer.

"Twenty snipers and hundreds of special forces from the war department are all ambushing in this manor." Chen Ge patted the driver on the shoulder. When the driver was driving, he said.

"My God Hearing the speech, Guo Lintian took a cool breath.

"They don't dare to do it. Maybe they just want to scare me." Chen Ge rolled down the window and scanned the situation around the manor.

"That's also very scary. If Guo Lintian is insane and orders his soldiers to shoot, I'm afraid all of us will die in it." When he said these words to Chen Ge, sweat had already oozed from his forehead, and even his back was wet.

"He can not make such a low-level mistake if he can become the head of the sea area of the South Vietnam War Department and concurrently hold the post of deputy leader."

Chen Ge waved his hand and said.

"Go back. I was just a little drunk, and now I'm sober." Guo Lintian lowered the window and felt the cool wind from outside.

"I have been able to confirm that the disappearance of Liang Lu has something to do with Chen Mingyong." Chen Ge looked back, breathed and said.

"Why?" Guo Lintian was a little surprised.

"He told me that he would let me fall into his hands in a few days. I can't think of any other way except to threaten me with Liang Lu." Think of Chen Mingyong and his talk that a winning look, Chen Ge feel funny.

"That seems to be it," Guo Lintian nodded. "When Bai Xiaofei talked to me at the beginning, I felt that it was very possible. With the investigation in recent days and Chen Mingyong's initiative today, I can be sure."

"What are you going to do next? I think that since Chen Mingyong said that, he is fully confident that he can deal with you, but he can't be too reckless. " Guo Lintian looks at Chen Ge sideways, and there is a strong sense of worry in his words.

"Just wait for him to give me a message." Chen Ge looks out of the window.

Near twelve o'clock, he drove back to the manor. As soon as he stopped, Bai Xiaofei rushed out of the manor. The housekeeper also trotted behind with two umbrellas.

"Brother Chen!"


Bai Xiaofei rushes directly to Chen Ge, "how can you go without telling me? I can still protect you!"

"Just you, don't give me any trouble. I'll thank God." Chen Ge laughs and pats him on the shoulder.

"Sir, it will rain for at least a week. I have prepared some thick clothes for you, so that you won't be afraid of the cold when you go to the auction." The housekeeper raises the umbrella to the top of Guo Lin's sky, and then hands another umbrella to Chen Ge.

"Just let it fall. It's hard to get such a heavy rain." Looking around, Guo Lintian said.

"Master, you go today. Chen Mingyong didn't embarrass you, did he?" The housekeeper holds an umbrella for Guo Lintian, and everyone walks to the manor together.

"There's no embarrassment, but a lot of people have been sent out to guard." Thinking of this, Guo Lintian has some worries.

"It seems that he is also worried that these people will have an accident with him." The housekeeper didn't know anything at all. He just thought that Chen Mingyong sent these people to the manor to protect their safety.

"It's like this." Chen Ge took over and said.

Entering the manor, Guo Lintian didn't say much after 12 o'clock. He immediately asked the housekeeper to take a rest in his room. Today's reception scared him a lot.

Chen Ge also returns to the guest room, but Bai Xiaofei follows in.

"Don't you sleep?" Seeing Bai Xiaofei behind him, Chen Ge takes off his coat and hangs it in the wardrobe and asks.

"I went to sleep when I was free in the afternoon. I didn't get up for a while." Bai Xiaofei shakes his head, pulls out a bench and asks Chen Ge to sit down. "Brother Chen, you and uncle Guo are going tonight. Do you get any clues?"

"What clues do you want?" Chen Ge poured a glass of cold water and took a big drink.

"Of course, it's about Miss Liang Lu. Other things have nothing to do with me." Bai Xiaofei said without thinking.

"Yes." Chen gedao.

"What, what?" Bai Xiaofei is worried.

"It's certain that Liang Lu is in their hands." Chen Ge points to the seat beside him and asks Bai Xiaofei to sit down.

After Bai Xiaofei sat down, he was waiting for Chen Ge to continue to speak. Seeing Chen GE's words, he didn't mean to open his mouth, so he continued to ask, "that's all. Did you find out if Liang Lu was locked up in that dry forest by them?"

"How do I know that?" Chen Ge rolled her eyes.

"Ah? What about that? " Bai Xiaofei was a little frustrated. He thought Chen Ge would bring breakthrough news when he came back.

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