"Sima family." Guo Lintian said.

"What family is Sima family?" Chen Ge and Bai Xiaofei asked at the same time.

"Sima family is one of the families in the cultivation world. The family is very good at forging. Most of the weapons or magic weapons used by all practitioners come from this family. Remember the sword hanging in the middle of the reception hall?"

Guo Lintian stroked his beard.

"Remember." Chen Ge nodded.

In the reception hall of the Guo family, there is indeed a long sword hanging on the wall. Chen Ge just knows, but he doesn't care.

"The sword came from Sima's family. I got it by chance more than ten years ago. As far as I know, it belongs to the local stall. But my Guo family is not a family in the cultivation world. I can't wait to get such a sword."

"It's the treasure of our Guo family."

Speaking of this, Guo Lintian couldn't help but sigh. What he saw so seriously was so common in Sima's house.

"What's the use of this tripod? You can't take it up and hit people?" Chen Ge also didn't understand that the tripod seemed to have no other function except to look at it.

"Decoct medicine. This is a medicine tripod." Guo Lintian continued to explain.

"Medicine tripod..." Chen Ge narrowed his eyes. If he said so, the price of this tripod would be much normal.

While they were talking, the price of the beast shaped tripod was auctioned from 50 million to more than 100 million, and finally taken down by an old man with gray hair.

The old man was dressed in very simple clothes and looked no different from ordinary people, but when he made a move, it was hundreds of millions, which was enough to prove that his family was rich.

However, when Chen Ge looked at him, he found a young man sitting next to him. In terms of dress, it shouldn't matter, but this person made Chen Ge feel familiar.

It's not that I have seen the young man, but Chen Ge believes that seeing his background is like having seen him before.

"That's strange." Chen GE has never had such an idea.

The auction in the morning soon ended. Those who got the auction items left at the fastest speed. Most of them are people from small families. They don't have the financial resources to compete for the subsequent auction items, and they don't dare to stay here again.

We must leave qingjiao island as soon as possible, otherwise once we are watched by jealous people, we may lose our lives here without saying whether the auction items in our hands will be robbed or not.

This has not never happened in previous auctions.

Chen Ge and Guo Lintian left the box. Not far behind, Zhou Wanjiang and three elders followed. They were still watching Chen Ge.

Chen Ge felt like someone was staring at him. He looked back, but he didn't see anything.

"The boy is very vigilant." Zhou Wanjiang couldn't help laughing. Chen GE's appearance and body shape were very good, and his age was within his acceptable range. In addition, he could get the nine turn yuan God at such a young age, which was enough to prove that the talent of cultivation had long exceeded the vast majority of practitioners.

It would be nice to have such a son-in-law.

Moreover, Zhou Wanjiang believes that with the details and reserves of the Zhou family, Chen GE's strength can definitely be upgraded to a big level. Maybe in the future, it can become the top existence in the whole cultivation world.

"Is the patriarch satisfied with him?" Hearing Zhou Wanjiang's laughter, the three elders asked deliberately.

"I'm quite satisfied. I just don't know the identity and character of this boy. If it's OK, he can be our Zhou family's son-in-law." Zhou Wanjiang nodded and said.

He knows better than anyone what it means to have a nine turn yuan God at this age. Ten or twenty years later, there will definitely be a place for this person in the cultivation world.

Therefore, he should seize Chen Ge and miss it. It will be difficult to find such an excellent son-in-law.

"Dad, what son-in-law is not a son-in-law? It sounds terrible!" Zhou Min was quietly following behind, but when she heard Zhou Wanjiang say this, she quickly stepped forward to keep up, stretched out her white little hand and twisted Zhou Wanjiang's arm.

"Isn't this the best result? If this boy can pass my assessment, your reputation can be protected." Looking at some shy daughter, Zhou Wanjiang couldn't help touching Zhou Min's head and said in a tone full of doting.

"That can't be a son-in-law!" Zhou Min's face flushed.

"You girl!"

"By the way, old three, take time to arrange for me to meet the boy. Don't say our identity first. Don't scare him!"

Zhou Wanjiang laughed and turned to the three elders.

"No problem." Three elders nodded.

"Come early in the afternoon. I'll take a good look at the boy!" Seeing Chen Ge disappear in the crowd, Zhou Wanjiang's steps quickened.

At noon, after a casual meal, they returned to their resting place.

Zhou Yuantong also followed, but he sat on the sofa and didn't say anything.

Chen Ge sat opposite him, slightly frowning and thinking about the back he saw in the morning. Chen Ge can conclude that he has never seen this person and doesn't know him, but it's strange why he can feel familiar only by looking at his back.

"What do you think?" Guo Lintian came over.

Seeing that they were going to talk, Zhou Yuantong quickly raised his head. His task was to understand Chen Ge as much as possible.

"Nothing. I'm thinking that there are hundreds of millions of auctions this morning. What kind of auctions and prices will be in the next two and a half days."

Chen Ge shook her head, temporarily threw out the ideas in her mind, and then said casually.

"It's not what we can think of." Guo Lintian sighed. He had left two million yuan for Chen Ge, but now it seems that if Chen Ge really likes anything, it doesn't seem to play a big role with the money in his hand.

"Who said three days" who thought that before Chen Ge could speak, he heard Zhou Yuantong's voice.

"I have participated in the auction for 30 years and it has been going on for three days." Guo Lintian has some doubts.

"For you, the real auction lasts for five days, and the last two days are really good things. Those who have no strength to bid are not qualified to stay here until the fourth day, so I'll tell you that the auction lasts for three days." Zhou Yuantong shook his head and said the situation.

"How do you know?" Guo Lintian knew that it was impossible for the other party to say such words to deceive people, but at the same time, he wondered how he knew the news.

"I heard that, too." Zhou Yuantong was stunned and said with a simple smile.

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