"You have a lot of problems." Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhou Wanjiang was happy.

"I hope uncle Zhou can help me answer my doubts, which is very important to me." Chen Ge hugged his fist and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I'll tell you one by one, boy."

"My name is Zhou Wanli. I'm the patriarch of the Zhou family and the organizer of the auction."

"As for your second question, it's actually very simple because there is a real Qi boundary around qingjiao Island, which is the same as that around Yuanshan. I will open it only when the auction starts, and close it the rest of the time. Of course, I can't see it from the outside."

Zhou Wanjiang nodded. The questions Chen Ge asked were not a secret to him. Even if he didn't ask Chen Ge, he would answer them.

"It's just that simple?" Chen Ge frowned slightly.

"Of course, how much trouble do you think it will be?" Zhou Wanjiang laughed.

"I know everything I want to know. Uncle Zhou told me what I need to help." Chen Ge straightened up and asked.

"I need you to help me save a person's life." Talking about Zhou Min, Zhou Wanjiang looked serious again. He crossed his hands, focused his eyes on Chen Ge and said word by word.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm just a practitioner. I don't know the number of treatments at all. Your Zhou family should visit a famous doctor." Hearing this, Chen Ge said with some tears and laughter.

"No, only you can save this life." Zhou Wanjiang shook his head firmly.

"Can uncle Zhou tell me how I can save it?" Chen Ge is interested. He can see from Zhou Wanjiang's tone and expression that this is not a joke.

"Fifteen years ago, my daughter checked out that there was cold poison in her body. I've been running about this for years. I didn't expect that God didn't pay off his efforts. I finally found it!" Zhou Wanjiang raised his head, looked at the chandelier in front of him, took a deep breath and said with a vibrato.

"Uncle Zhou, you don't mean to say, which part of my body is used as medicine?" Chen Ge suddenly became vigilant.

"Of course not!"

"But I really need your help. According to a famous hermit doctor I visited earlier, the cold poison in my daughter needs nine turn yuan God to neutralize it. At that time, it can drive the strong cold poison out of her body, and the more mild can be used for self-cultivation."

Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand and hurriedly said that he didn't dare to scare Chen Ge. If the boy ran away, I'm afraid there would be no second cultivator with nine turn yuan gods in the world.

"No problem!" Chen Ge responded.

"Seriously?" Zhou Wanjiang didn't expect Chen Ge to agree so happily.

Even the three elders who didn't speak on one side looked stunned.

"Why not? Please come here, miss. I run the jiuzhuan yuan God in my body to expel the cold poison in her body, but I have to make it clear in advance that my understanding of jiuzhuan yuan God is shallow and may have only a small effect." Chen Ge nodded and ran Zhenqi to heal people. He had never done anything, but he could do it only with the help of Zhou Wanjiang.

"Hahaha, you misunderstood!" Zhou Wanjiang shook his head and said with a smile, "if it were so simple, I would have invited you. I don't need to observe you all day."

"What's that?" Chen Ge took a sip of tea.

"You need the combination of yin and Yang." Although he was saving his daughter's life, Zhou Wanjiang still felt a little embarrassed when he said these words. "Generally speaking, you need your roommate."

"Uncle Zhou, don't tease me." Hearing this, Chen Ge almost choked.

"Chen Ge, how can I make fun of life-threatening things," Zhou Wanjiang sighed heavily. "According to the famous doctor, the little girl's body can only support one year at most, but I'm worried that there will be some uncontrollable danger soon, so I hope you can do it as soon as possible."

"Little friend, after our observation, the patriarch and I think you are good. If you can, you can become the son-in-law of our Zhou family. At that time, we will provide top skills and cultivation environment to further your cultivation!" The three elders also echoed.


This time, Chen Ge couldn't help but spray out the tea in her mouth.

Tea splashed all over the table, and some even fell on Zhou Wanjiang.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm really sorry." Chen Ge casually sipped his mouth, stood up and apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Wanjiang waved his hand.

"To tell you the truth, I already have a girlfriend. If I do what you say, wouldn't I be unfaithful?"

"What's more, I don't know whether my girlfriend is safe or dangerous."

The look in Chen GE's eyes darkened. When he spoke, his voice became more and more low and his mood fell.

"Chen Ge, anyway, you must save my daughter. As the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven level floating slaughter. Even if your girlfriend knows, she must forgive. Besides, as long as we don't say it, this matter will stay here forever." Aware that Chen Ge meant to refuse, Zhou Wanjiang said quickly.

"Will you allow me to think about it?" Chen Ge scratched his head. Although it was not a big deal, it scratched his head for Chen Ge.

"Third, you go and call Zhou Min over and let her meet Chen Ge. If young people get familiar with it, they won't be so defensive. What's more, they are excellent young people. If they can get together, it's the best!"

In Zhou Wanjiang's opinion, Chen GE's girlfriend is not important at all. It's not marriage. If you want to grab it, you can grab it. And even if you get married, what can you do.

"No, No." Chen Ge waved and refused.

"Well, you go back and have a rest first. By the way, think about it. Anyway, you must help the little girl remove the cold poison. As long as the little girl recovers, you can make all the requirements, even if I'm the patriarch."

Zhou Wanjiang stood up, looked at Chen Ge, and then bent over Chen Ge slowly.

"Uncle Zhou, don't do this. I'm not interested in the position of the patriarch of your Zhou family. I'll go back and think about it. If there are other ways to expel cold poison, please tell me as soon as possible and I will help!"

Chen Ge arched his hands.

"Yuantong, send Chen ge back." Zhou Wanjiang nodded.

After bowing to the three elders again, Chen Ge followed Zhou Yuantong out.

However, as soon as he went out, the three elders immediately came to Zhou wanjiang, "clan leader, do you think Chen Ge will help?"

"I don't know." Zhou Wanjiang shook his head and exhaled a turbid breath.

"What if he doesn't help?" The third elder was a little worried.

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