In any case, Liang Lu's arrest has something to do with herself. Wanyi Chen Mingyong's mind is hot. If he does anything, Liang Lu is indirectly killed by himself. Chen GE's heart will be uncomfortable all his life.

And I don't know what kind of face to see Bai Xiaofei again.

"I'll ask how the guns are ready." Guo Lintian took out his mobile phone and got through to the housekeeper.

Bai Xiaofei looked at it immediately.

A moment later, Guo Lintian said with a smile“ The guns have been prepared and bought from the military fire merchant, but it's still dangerous to use these things to save Liang Lu from the war department. You two may not be the opponents of those soldiers under Chen Mingyong. "

"Don't worry, uncle Guo. Even if I die, I must save Miss Liang Lu!" Bai Xiaofei said with his teeth clenched.

"Any other information?" Chen Ge is not as impulsive as Bai Xiaofei and still keeps calm.

"I'll forget if you don't say it."

"Last night, I received a phone call from a friend from the war department. He said that Chen Mingyong was still the same as before for two or three days. He would leave with a group of soldiers after dark every day, and would take a large number of materials from the armory."

"But because he is the deputy head of the War Department, my friend dare not investigate. He can only send trusted people to inquire, but he has not found out what Chen Mingyong's purpose is."

Guo Lintian thought about what he heard on the phone yesterday and quickly spoke to Chen Ge. He spoke very fast for fear that he would forget later.

"It seems that I still went to that place." When Guo Lintian said this, Bai Xiaofei immediately understood. He clenched his fist, clenched his teeth and said.

"Where?" Guo Lintian asked curiously.

"In a dry forest dozens of kilometers behind the War Department, Miss Liang Lu is likely to be locked up there. When Xiao and I flew away, we saw Chen Mingyong with the soldiers, but we thought they might have set a trap, so we came back."

Chen Ge frowned and said slowly.

"Remember, I seem to have heard you talk about it." Guo Lintian patted his head.

"Unexpectedly, three or four days later, Chen Mingyong still took people there. It seems that the boy took great pains to trap me." Chen Ge sneered and said.

"Of course, as long as he kills you, he will be sure to replace Lu Chengkun and become the next leader of South Vietnam. Of course, he should plan carefully, otherwise he will not kill you, but may make him the second Li Guojun." Guo Lintian also laughed.

"When the auction is over and Miss Liang Lu is rescued, I also want to see what Chen Mingyong has prepared for me!" Chen Ge drank the soybean milk in his hand and threw the bag into the dustbin.

The auction begins.

Because it has been going on for a day, the family that got the auction has left, or has been assassinated, and the forces that assassinated them will leave after grabbing it.

So yesterday there were some crowded lower floors, but today it's a little looser.

All forces are separated from each other by a certain distance, fearing that they will become the target of others, while the box on the upper floor is much calmer.

Those who can sit here are basically famous religious families or families in the Xiuzhen world. They disdain to compete for these things at all.

"Won't Yuantong sit with us that week?" Nearly an hour after the auction, Guo Lintian looked out and still didn't see anyone coming here.

"Maybe I have something to do." Chen Ge knew that after Zhou Wanjiang and himself made it clear, Zhou Yuantong had no need to follow him.

"That boy is really good, but I haven't heard of any Zhou family. Is it a family in the cultivation world?" Guo Lintian thinks about the families and forces he has known in recent decades. There are indeed people surnamed Zhou, but they don't exist like Zhou Yuantong.

"Uncle Guo, aren't you going to shoot anything more?" Chen Ge doesn't want to talk about the Zhou family.

"It's not easy to find those two bargains, and the prices of the things in this auction are too high and easy to be watched by others. I don't expect to end up empty of one person's property." Guo Lintian shook his head very firmly.

In the box directly in front, Zhou Wanjiang and others are still staring at Chen Ge. After telling the situation last night, Zhou Wanjiang's look is obviously much easier. He knows that as long as Chen Ge is under his own eyes, his daughter's cold poison can definitely be cured.

Just sitting next to Zhou Min, she doesn't know what happened. She looks up at Chen Ge from time to time. When Chen GE's eyes sweep here, she will immediately lower her head. Although she knows that she can't see inside, she subconsciously doesn't want to make contact with Chen GE's eyes.

"By the way, third, what's the matter with that old woman?" After reading Chen Ge, Zhou Wanjiang looked down. He remembered that Chen Ge said an old woman yesterday, but he looked back and forth several times and didn't see it.

"That's Miss disguised." The Third Elder looked at Zhou Min sitting in front of him and whispered, "Chen GE's nine turn yuan God was first discovered by the young lady. That night, Chen Ge accidentally broke into the border of Yuanshan. I showed up to drive him away, and the young lady took him away."

"Min'er, what are you doing pretending to be an old woman?" Zhou Wanjiang frowned and didn't understand.

"I like it!" Don't overdo it. Zhou Min doesn't want to talk to Zhou Wanjiang.

"You are such a girl. Your father promised you to get in touch with Chen Ge for half a year!" Hearing the dissatisfaction in his daughter's tone, Zhou Wanjiang sighed helplessly and said softly.

"What if I don't like him after half a year?" Zhou Min turned her head to face Zhou Wanjiang.

"If you don't like it after half a year, let him expel the cold poison in your body. Of course, if you find other ways within half a year, you can follow your temperament, but you haven't found it in ten years. How can you find it in just half a year?" Although Zhou Wanjiang's tone was relaxed, he was very tough and did not allow any resistance at all.

"So there's no difference between what you said and what you didn't say." Zhou Min snorted coldly.

From her heart, she still has some interest in Chen Ge, but because of her cold and poisonous reasons, she must do that kind of thing with Chen Ge, which makes her have some rebellious psychology. The more Zhou Wanjiang wants her to do, the less she wants to do.

"Sir, you'd better give the young lady some time." The three elders were worried that they would quarrel, so before Zhou Wanjiang could continue to speak, he interrupted.

"You're so used to it." Zhou Wanjiang exhaled several mouthfuls of turbid Qi to stabilize his mood., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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