Chen Lin is jealous.

At the moment, I was in a bad mood, so when I saw Chen Ge coming, I felt that he was even more eye-catching.

At ordinary times, she can still maintain the basic politeness, but now, Chen Lin starts to spray directly.

In short, a lot of ugly things were said in public.

People have come to persuade, this just let Chen Lin a little annealing.

To tell you the truth, now Chen Ge wants to do one thing, that is to raise the slap and slap Chen Lin hard.

I'll let go of the taunts.

Now I'm really angry with myself. I look down on people!

"Come on, Chen Lin, what do you call him? If he is willing to eat, let him eat it. You should have an idea. In the future, you will be a teacher and an iron rice bowl bearer."

Ding Hao said with a smile.

See Ding Hao this time to persuade themselves, Chen Lin this just extinguished the fire.

"Hum, this person is annoying to see. It's Ding Hao. Although you were poor before, you are better now. You are the second generation of demolition. You will not forget the old and see the new, do you forget my friend?"

Chen Lin leaned against Ding Hao.

"How can it be? No matter what happens in the future, you Chen Lin is my good friend!"

Ding Hao laughed.

This sentence, and let the side of Li Shihan feel a little uncomfortable.

In fact, all the people present could see that the atmosphere was very wrong tonight, just like the back and forth tug of war between Chen Lin and Li Shihan.

Two people around Ding Hao, the next fight.

Yes, Ding Hao's hometown is going to be developed. No matter what, he will be able to divide into several apartments. There will be millions of them in the future. He will have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

No wonder the two beauties are fighting.

"Chen Ge, come here and make it. I'm ready to bake it!"

Su Qiang looks at Chen Ge clenching her fist and looks like she wants to get angry. She is very sensible and pulls Chen Ge aside.

It is also su Qiang's advice.

Let Chen Ge not attack.

Ha ha, look down on it, when you can announce your identity that day, I don't know what kind of expression you Chen Lin and Li Shihan will look like?

Will you regret today's behavior?

A wry smile of some evil taste.

Chen Ge didn't pay any more attention to them, and went to enjoy the lake with Su Qiang.

This night, is arranged by Ding Hao village Hostel, let everyone live.

Chen Ge is late to see the sky, and Su Qiang seems to want to stay here for a night. It is estimated that she missed the time of her foster parents.

After Chen Lin and they all live in it.

Chen Gecai arranged for Su Qiang, and the two also opened a room.

In short, today, in addition to Chen Lin, Chen Ge is really relaxed.

I really want this mountain to be developed quickly, so that I can live on it!

There was no word all night.

The next day, Chen Ge early in the morning to drive suqiang down the mountain, but also afraid of meeting Chen Lin and them, otherwise they have to start to hit people.

Driving to a place, Chen Ge suddenly put a brake to stop the car.

Then he said with a smile:

"you go to work and I have to go to class for a while. I'll take you to Michelin restaurant for dinner!"

Chen Ge points to the Michelin by the road.

"Ah? Chen Ge, I heard my colleagues say that Michelin is especially expensive. It's all places where you rich people go. I won't go in! "

Su rose lowered her head and shook her head violently.

Chen Ge a smile: "don't worry, even if you eat every day later, it's OK."

Since he became rich, Chen GE's speech has become more forceful than before.

It's true. Even if Michelin is very expensive, how about eating it every day?

Can't stand Chen GE's pull, Chen Ge is directly from the online booking a good seat.

Finally, Su rose was brought into Michelin by Chen Ge.

How do you do, sir

After entering, a waitress came over with a smile on her face.

"Two, we've already reserved seats!"

Chen Ge said calmly.

The waitress frowned a little because neither of them could afford Michelin.

But good professionalism, let her nod politely.

I'm just going to ask where Chen GE's seat is.

Just then, a couple of men and women came up.

At the sight of Chen Ge, the girl was stunned: "Chen Ge, how can you be? You come to Michelin? "

"Well? Wang Xiaoti

Chen Ge was surprised to see Wang Xiaoti, who was dressed in a black, close fitting short dress.

Chen Ge clearly remembers that last time at hanfei'er's celebration banquet, this crazy woman touched her mobile phone and poured a glass of water on her face.He was on the spot on the fire, also want to find Wang Xiaoti revenge, the results of this crazy woman run faster than the rabbit, he came out, she did not shadow.

Let Chen Ge hate all these days.

I didn't expect to meet him in Michelin early in the morning.

"Hum, you are one less Wang Xiaoti, my stage name is also you can call? I can't believe that Chen Ge, you little loser, should come to such a place. Whoa! You're looking for a girlfriend? "

Wang Lina looked at the woman next to Chen Ge and immediately disdained.

"Lina, do you know these two men?"

Next to Wang Lina, there is a tall and handsome boy. At the moment, Chen Ge is cold and cold.

"Yes, of course. Isn't it the poor man in hanfei'er's class? Li Shao, don't you say Michelin is a particularly noble restaurant in Jinling? How come these two people can come in? What do you think they're wearing

Wang Xiaoti shook Li Shao's arm impatiently.

When she came to Michelin, she had a good time, because it was so classy here.

Women are vain.

Especially now, the positions of Wang Xiaoti and Li Shao are all by the window, and people can be seen in the street.

The kind of reverent eyes cast by others really makes Wang Xiaoti feel so cool.

By the way, to say that Li Shao, we have to say it briefly.

Li Shao is also a student of Jiangnan University. He is a second-generation rich man. He fell in love with Wang Xiaoti because he watched Wang Xiaoti's live broadcast. He gave him a reward of 20000 yuan that night. Now he is a big brother and an ambiguous partner!

Originally, they all ate well.

But I didn't expect to go to the bathroom and come back to meet Chen Ge, the loser.

It's too cheap!

"Ha ha, don't worry. Xiaoti, as you said, these two guys should come to work. How can they come to eat?"

Li Shao quickly relieved.

"Well, I don't care. Anyway, I don't want to see this man. It's too early in the morning! You, tell your manager later, even if you want to use waiters, you should also use some high-grade ones. Otherwise, who will come to eat with us rich people? "

Wang Xiaoti side coquettish, while standing in front of Chen Ge next to the waitress cold voice.

"Ah? Dear miss, they are not our waiters! Maybe two guests who want to come to dinner? "

The waitress flattered Wang Xiaoti at the moment and said that because she looked down on Chen Ge in her heart from the beginning, she didn't pay attention to her tone.

"Damn it, not the waiter?"

Wang Xiaoti was stunned.

Chen Ge is fed up with it.

At the moment, a pair of cold eyes staring at the waitress said: "you said enough! What about my reservation? Take me as soon as possible. Today I'm here to try some of your things! "

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