"Master, your injury is getting worse and worse. Otherwise, I'll go to the secret room and get you some holy medicine?"

Said the fifth lady.

"Bastard, did someone else enter the secret room?"

Zhuang Yunfei said angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir. I forgot your usual advice in a hurry."

The fifth lady trembled with fear.

"Well, it's not your fault. You also care about me, but the holy medicine was refined by Taoist priest Sanyang himself. It's powerful. I took it yesterday. If I take it again today, I'm afraid it will explode and die!"

Zhuang Yunfei shook his head.

"What's more, our great secrets are hidden in the secret room. If this matter is mentioned again in the future, don't blame me for enforcing the family law!"

Zhuang Yunfei warned in words.

"You all step down. I'll discuss things with the eldest lady later!"

Zhuang Yunfei waved his hand.


All three, including Chen Ge, withdrew.

After housekeeper Xu went out, he went directly to meet the eldest lady.

Only Chen Ge and the fifth lady are left.

See Chen GE's self-care to go.

The fifth lady suddenly approached and whispered, "silly boy, you still pretend. There's no one. Don't go to my room!"


This sentence startled Chen Ge.

Look at the look of the five ladies. It seems that they still have a relationship with Xiao Chen.

Chen Ge had just heard that the secret of the dealer was kept in the secret room.

I was trying to find it myself, but on second thought, the five ladies should know the location of the secret room.

I might as well borrow a donkey and ask her.

Then he followed the fifth lady to her villa.

As soon as the door was closed, the fifth lady rushed towards Chen Ge.

holy crap

Chen Ge subconsciously flashed aside.

"Smelly boy, what are you doing?"

The fifth lady was angry.

"Madam, wait a minute! I have something to tell you!"

Chen Ge hurried.

"Ah? What's the matter?" the fifth lady was obviously impatient.

"I heard that there is a holy medicine hidden in the secret room!"

"Nonsense, there are not only holy medicine, but also many secrets of the dealer. What's the matter?"

The fifth lady wondered.

"Well, I learned from the conversation between the master and housekeeper Xu that there are two kinds of holy medicines presented by Taoist priest Sanyang, one is for the master to cure the injury, and the other is for women to stay young for 30 years!"

Chen Ge said.

"What? This... This is true?"

Sure enough, the fifth lady was interested as soon as she came down.

"But I was with the master every day before. How come I never heard him mention it to me? Is it difficult? The dealer wants another six ladies? He's prepared for other women?"

The fifth lady said with some jealousy.

"Yes, I heard the master say that this medicine of eternal youth must not be mentioned to anyone, because there is another reason why he entered the general's tomb, that is, looking for a medicine guide. After finding it, that medicine can keep a woman young for 60 years, that is, when you are 70 or 80 years old, you will still look like this..."

Chen gedao.

"God, I know the holy medicine of Taoist priest Sanyang. It's very powerful and can heal people's wounds quickly, but I didn't expect that he even sent one of this medicine."

The fifth lady touched her face and her eyes were full of hope. If she used the medicine herself, she would be the happiest woman in the world.

"Oh, it's strange. The master doesn't give it to his daughter. I heard housekeeper Xu mutter that he wants to give it to a woman and bring that woman home!"

Chen Ge said deliberately.

"The housekeeper Xu didn't tell me anything. Sure enough, the master had already moved away from love. Moreover, he risked himself for the sake of that woman. He knew that the general's tomb was extremely dangerous and rushed in!"

The sense of crisis on the fifth lady's face became stronger.

"Xiao Chen, I didn't expect you to be so sincere to me. It's not in vain that I hurt you so much. Your news is too critical!"

The fifth lady said, "if not, I might not get anything at the dealer and end up getting kicked out."

The fifth lady is a little worried.

"So I'm going to go into the secret room and steal the medicine. I'll secretly know what's good in the general's tomb, which can make your youth last another 30 years!"

Chen gedao.

"Xiao Chen, what you said is true? Do you really dare?"

The fifth lady was also frightened: "but you can't get into the secret room by yourself. The key is in the hands of the master and the two ladies. Don't say you go in. Even if you get close, they will know immediately!"

The fifth lady can't resist the temptation of holy medicine.

"What about the general's tomb? Do you always know the whereabouts of the general's tomb? Madam, I really want to do something for you!"

Xiao Chen said.

"Xiao Chen, I finally understand your sincerity to me now. We don't know where the general's tomb is. The rules of the dealer are not clear to others. Don't you know? All the high-level secrets are in the secret room. Only the dealer's father and daughter can understand!"

The fifth lady finished and lay down in Chen GE's arms.

"Good brother, thank you for telling me the news, but we need to think long-term about the holy medicine. You come in with me first!"

With that, the fifth lady pulled Chen Ge into her room.

Three seconds later, Chen Ge came out of the room. The fifth lady was unconscious.

Joke, there are so many beautiful women who want to pursue themselves and don't pay attention to themselves. Now they will be defiled by you?


But this time, Chen Ge finally got a big receipt from the potential dealer.

First of all, the background of the dealer is not simple, and the arrangement of the dealer is full of arrays.

Moreover, the Taoist priest of Sanyang temple is likely to be the backer of the dealer.

Although the Taoist priest of Sanyang hasn't seen him, Chen Ge feels that he should be a demon repair with a high level.

Otherwise, they will not deceive their disciples with rhetoric to absorb the Yang of others.

There are three ways of human Yang.

One less will damage the origin of the human body and cause various diseases.

Poor Zhuang Yinuo is still in the dark.

As for the second point, it is about the important whereabouts of the general's tomb. It seems necessary to go to the dealer's secret room.

This is very simple. As long as you determine the location of the secret room, you can rush in.

But in this way, Chen Ge was worried about self defeating. He only planned to find out the geographical location of the general's tomb secretly without disturbing the dealer.

Chen Ge is really strong now, but he never feels that he is the first in the world.

If Taoist priest Sanyang is a master who is not weaker than himself, all this will end because of his recklessness.

Demon cultivation is different from traditional Taoist cultivation.

Although I can't reach the level of the fairyland, I have passed the Taoist practice.

However, demon cultivation and demon cultivation do not use the vitality of heaven and earth to practice. They can reach a level comparable to that of the fairy world, so Chen Ge finally decided to be careful

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