"Master, according to your opinion, what should we do?"

Taoist priest Qinglong said eagerly.

"Give him Xiuling herb and extract Xiuling liquid to soak his whole body for a total of 77.49 days. I can get out of danger by using genuine Qi to stabilize his cultivation!"

With that, he saw a light from the stone statue, covering ximenfei's whole body.

In an instant, ximenfei's face recovered half a silk of blood.

"Thank you, master!"

Taoist Qinglong said happily.

"Shizu, Feier should die. He lost the Wei Tianling given by Shizu. I'm afraid it's in Chen GE's hands now!"

Ximenfei was ashamed.

"What? Have you lost all the immortal tools?"

Taoist Qinglong was stunned.

"Master, elder martial brother Ximen can't help it. If we don't throw out the order of Wei Tianling, I'm afraid we won't come back!"

Zhuang Yinuo said.

"Master, I really deserve to die. My godson has no way. I have lost all my immortal weapons!"

Taoist Qinglong flopped down on his knees.

"This is not the most important thing. Chen Ge is not an ordinary person. Now with the blessing of Wei Tianling, I'm afraid you are not his opponent. The top priority is to find out the origin of Chen Ge!"

"If he is our opponent, when necessary, the teacher will personally kill him, but if not, we can say that we have found an extremely strong ally and add wings to the tiger!"

The statue smiled.

"Oh?" the four disciples looked at each other.

"Well, you have a banquet for Chen Ge. At that time, find an opportunity to explore the reality and find out his purpose, and I will appear when necessary!"

The statue said, "remember to avoid a direct confrontation with Chen Ge. Hehe, speaking of it, while we are investigating him, he must also be investigating us. At the right time, then this opportunity, everyone touch it and explain their details!"

"Good idea. I'll do it right away!"

Taoist Qinglong and others bowed.

The stone statue has faded.

"Elder martial brother, it seems that the master has left, but will Chen Ge come when we have a banquet?"

Taoist aunt Sanyang asked.

"Hum, didn't you hear what the master said? He's also investigating us, so Chen Ge will not only come, but I'm afraid he's already eager to see us!"

Taoist priest Qinglong looked at Zhuang Yinuo:

"Enoch, leave this matter to your banker. The place of the banquet is set up in your villa!"

"Yes, disciple!"

The other side.

Chen Ge heals Taoist Heifeng.

Mo Longteng was sent to protect Professor Liu Xu and his followers.

Liu Xu's side can be said to be Chen GE's last chance.

I thought it was not difficult to find Yin blood beads, but I didn't expect that such a huge force was hidden behind the dealer.

Especially the expert who seems to have insight into his martial arts skills makes Chen Ge very afraid.

Especially now, I don't even know the details of this opponent.

Let's have a clue of hope and start to become slim again.

Healed the black wind Taoist.

Chen Ge sighed: "I don't know what happened to Professor Bao when they checked the data?"

And just then.

"Mr. Chen!"

Mo Longteng and Professor Bao hurried back.

"Did you find anything?"

Taoist Heifeng asked quickly.

"Not yet..."

Professor Bao shook his head.

There was a trace of panic on his face.

"Although we didn't find it, we received an invitation to you. I was worried that the person opposite would come, so I hurried back with Professor Bao!"

Mo Longteng took out an invitation.

Chen Ge opened it and saw that it was inviting Chen Ge and his party to the banquet held by the dealer tonight.

"Don't think about it. It must be a Hongmen banquet. Mr. Chen, I think these big demons are ready this time. They don't fly like that Ximen. They must be careful!"

The black wind warned.

"Yes, Taoist priest Qinglong is mentioned above. What else is there, Mr. Qidu? These people must be the accomplices of Taoist priest Sanyang!"

Mo Longteng said.

"I generally know the origin of these names!"

Just then, Liu Xu walked into the living room.

These days, Chen Ge and they live in Liu Xu's home.

"Mr. Liu, do you know?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

"Taoist priest Qinglong is the place in the northwest. The leader of Qinglong temple, Mr. seven poisons, is the leader of the seven poisons sect. Their power is very huge. In addition to their own Taoists, there are many vassal families and forces below. Those who chased me before are the disciples of the seven poisons!"

"There is another one, the cold water Taoist of the cold water view!"

"They are all brothers and sisters of the three Yang Taoist priest of the three Yang Temple, and all of them have extraordinary power. There are many rumors about them in our Chang'an! Even, they are all evil!"

Liu Xu brought everyone a cup of tea.

I also took a cup and sat down on the sofa.

"What's the rumor?" asked the dark wind Taoist.

"Let's talk about Taoist priest Qinglong. It's said that he has strong Taoist skills. He can turn stone into gold and fly with his sword!"

"That cold water Taoist nun is not invaded by water and fire. She can jump into the fire pit and bathe in fire!"

"Mr. seven poisons is more vicious. He is good at using poisons and is immune to all poisons. It is said that he can hold his breath for a year! He doesn't eat or drink. He also hides a ferret in his arms. It is extremely poisonous. If he bites it, his whole body can turn into black blood after less than seven steps! No matter your cultivation level!"

"This Taoist nun Sanyang has few rumors about her, but she has an ability to cure diseases with musical instruments. She plays a song and can get rid of whatever disease you are!"

Liu Xu said.

"Hehe, Feiyang, you know that?" Professor Bao said in surprise.

"I guess Ms. Wu Fengyi said it?"

Chen Ge smiled.

In the final analysis, Liu Xu is not a member of this circle, although he knows the face changing technique of the ancient witch family.

"Mr. Chen is right. These are what Fengyi told me, because I once wanted Taoist aunt Sanyang to save my son's disease. After all, except Mr. Qidu, the other three Taoist halls were worshipped, but Fengyi refused!"

"She explained to me the stories and rumors of these people!"

"Also warned me that these people are not good people, and they are not understandable to ordinary people. Let me stay away!"

Liu Xudao.

"She reminded me well. If you get infected with them, I'm afraid your blood Yang beads will be lost, because they are not human at all!"

Chen gedao.

However, listening to Liu Xu's words, I have a preliminary understanding of the four demons.

"Are we going or not? There must be some good immortal tools in their hands. I'm afraid..."

Taoist Heifeng and Mo Longteng looked at each other.

"Go, of course. The invitations are coming. If we don't go, we won't give them face. Moreover, if we don't go into the tiger's den, we won't get the tiger's son. We can't find out their identity and their hidden purpose here. We want to get Yin blood beads to save Mr. Liu Xu's son's life. I'm afraid it's more difficult!"

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