"Wu ruofeng, do you think that you are the only one in the world getting stronger?"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"Well, I lost. Even if I had a demon possessed, if it weren't for your opponent, Wu ruofeng wouldn't live!"

With that, Wu ruofeng raised his palm and patted it directly on his forehead.


A breeze flashed and knocked Wu ruofeng's palm aside.

And the one who made the move was Qin Yanran.

Chen Ge also noticed the existence of the rest of the people on the scene.

"This must be Mr. Chen Ge Chen. You've hit Mr. Wu ruofeng hard. Both sides have hit hard and tied. Whether it depends on the little woman's face, the two sides will give up. You spare Mr. Wu's life!"

Qin Yanran looked up and smiled gently at Chen Ge.

Only then did I see the Chen Song on Qin Yanran's face, and my heart couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"Qin ya?"

Chen Ge was startled.

The women as like as two peas in the dress style are different from Qin ya.

I remember that at the beginning, after I saved Qin Ya in Nanyang, I took her back to the Chen family for convalescence. Later, Qin Ya and sister LAN disappeared with their parents and sisters.

Unexpectedly, I could meet her here.

Qin Yanran saw Chen Ge looking at herself and couldn't help blushing: "Mr. Chen?"

"Hmm? Oh, no, so miss, you look like an old friend of mine!"

Chen Ge quickly took her heart away. When she heard the woman talking in front of her, Chen Gecai realized later that this was not Qin Ya's voice at all.

But how can there be so similar two people in the world?

"Did Mr. Chen say that it was found by our Qin family, that is, my sister Qin ya?" Qin Yan Ran smiled.

"Hiss... Miss Qin, do you know Qin ya? Where is she now?"

Chen Ge hurriedly said.

"It's more than understanding. Well, Mr. Chen, this is not a place to talk. Why don't I use magic medicine to heal Mr. Heifeng? Let's find a place and sit down and talk?"

"Moreover, today is the master of the cultivation world. When we get together for a full moon banquet, we will discuss the general's tomb together. It's better to sit down first and get familiar with each other, so as to facilitate cooperation in the future?"

Qin Yanran suggested.

"I'll listen to Miss Qin's respect!"

A crowd said.

In the villa, in the magnificent banquet hall.

"It seems that Mr. Chen, we really have fate. My sister Xiaoya was found by us two years ago, and what we didn't expect is that you were not only classmates, but also special friends!"

Qin Yan Ran smiled.

"I didn't expect that Xiaoya's biological parents were the president of the dark night creature group!"

Both sides have talked about Qin ya.

So now Chen Ge is surprised to learn the true identity of Qin ya.

"Yes, miss, I think this is what you said about fate. If the second Miss learns about Mr. Chen, she will be very excited. There is no need to be depressed all day!"

Said the housekeeper beside Qin Yanran.

"So, after the general's tomb, I really want to invite Mr. Chen to our dark moon biology group's house!"

Qin Yanran said.


Chen Ge said.

Regardless of Qin as like as two peas, the two faces are exactly the same.

He failed Qin Ya and hurt her.

Anyway, if Chen Ge can come out of the general's tomb this time, he must find a chance to come to the door in person to find out what happened and inquire about the whereabouts of his parents and sister LAN!

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