After that, the leader of Qinglong temple made a detailed plan for breaking through the Yin corpse Valley and entering the general's tomb.

A few days later, the full moon festival was not held, and everyone hurried into the valley.

In this rally, the people of all major sects add up to 500 people.

Among them, only the realm of Taoism has reached 38.

Heifeng and Mo Longteng were seriously injured and failed to participate.

Chen Ge brought Professor Bao in. Naturally, Professor Bao's accomplishments were far from enough. This professor Bao was formed by Qin Boyi and was ready to help Chen Ge secretly.

After all, the strength of the headless general is not vulgar. Although it is huge this time, it is bound to be dangerous.

If you want to enter the general's tomb, you must go through the Yin corpse valley.

Speaking of it, Zhuang Yunfei of the dealer was attacked in Yin corpse Valley instead of the general's tomb.

As for Yinshi Valley, it was originally a forest valley with luxuriant branches and leaves. It was as big as a large city.

Moreover, miasma is rampant in the valley, which is extremely dangerous.

Due to the large number of soldiers buried in the general's tomb, over time, it was called Yin corpse Valley, also known as Yin soldier Valley!

Just because there are hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers in it!

It has been five hours since Chen Ge and others entered the valley.

Because of the dense miasma, it is difficult to distinguish the specific direction now.

It is only vaguely seen that the moon is already round, indicating that the time has come for the headless general to absorb the essence of the sun and moon.

However, evil, corpse and miasma formed a natural protection for the headless general. Looking for the general's tomb became a little confused.

To be on the safe side, the leader of the green dragon temple called everyone together and rested in a seemingly dilapidated village in a valley.

Of course, the village has long been deserted.

"I remember many years ago, when we entered Yinfeng Valley, the corpse and miasma here were not so terrible. How did it become like this today? Even the cultivation of my Taoist realm is difficult to distinguish the direction here!"

Xu Haiying, the helmsman of Tianshan Taoist school, said in a calm voice at the moment.

"It is expected that, based on my years of experience, the magic of the headless general is getting stronger and stronger! Let him take it with him. The whole valley is full of evil spirit, so we must be careful!"

The main way of Qinglong temple.

Be unbearable to contemplate the idea of the dragon, so I propose that the headless general will absorb the essence of the sun and moon tonight, and the moon will fade away when the morning is in the morning. In that time, the headless general will cease to practice, and at that moment, naturally, the headless general has not yet consolidated the essence. Therefore, we must break into the general's tomb at the early hours of the morning, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable.

Qin Yanran spoke at the moment. She paused and continued: "therefore, we must not harbor ghosts, let alone be greedy. If we didn't successfully complete the set goal at that time, we should run as fast as we could, because the headless general at that time, no matter what array we used, could not deal with it!"

Hearing Qin Yanran's story, everyone nodded.

Even Professor Bao, who became Qin Bo, nodded in affirmation.

Chen Ge added: "in addition, tonight we will sit still and practice, conserve our energy, and strive for a quick decision in the early morning!"

"Mr. Chen is right!"

A group of scattered practitioners echoed the Tao one after another.

This dilapidated village seems to have a history of thousands of years.

Because no one entered, it was well preserved.

The whole team, five or six hundred.

They occupied more than half of the houses in the village for cultivation. They waited for the miasma and evil spirit to dissipate after midnight to break into the general's tomb.

Chen Ge and Qin Bo also came to a house for retreat.

Then Chen Ge looked up.

When I saw the night sky, suddenly a miasma like black cloud covered the sky and the sun, completely covering the only trace of moonlight.

This makes Chen Ge frown.

"Uncle Qin, I don't know why. I always feel that something bad will happen in the Yin corpse Valley tonight!"

Chen Ge said.

"Do you perceive it? Ha ha, yes, the evil spirit is covering the moon, and the essence of the moon is sucked away. This headless general may be far more powerful than you think."

"Alas, I should have said that. Now the world has become one foot higher than the devil. No wonder your grandfather is bent on pursuing the devil!"

Uncle Qin shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Hiss, according to your opinion, it looks really extraordinary tonight. What will it be?"

Chen gedao.

"I don't know. I can only watch it change! Don't be afraid, Xiaoge. If you want to succeed in stepping into the fairy way, you must break into the general's tomb."

Qin Bo seemed to see through Chen Ge and had a slight retreat.

He encouraged.

In fact, Chen Ge is not afraid. After all, Chen Ge once died in the flame cave.

Now it's better not to be afraid than to give up.

Because Chen Ge always felt that it was too difficult to step into the fairy way. Now, it's not easy to cultivate himself. It would be a pity if he died in the general's tomb.

It's like the story that uncle Qin told himself about the cultivation of headless generals.

He has reached the realm of true immortality in his previous life. He is incomparable and his strength exceeds the three realms. However, he pursues the realm of golden immortality.

As a result, he died in Huafan, and all his accomplishments were gone.

There was only one headless body left, which became a corpse demon.

This living example is right in front of us. It is false to say that Chen GE has no lingering fear.

"I understand, uncle Qin!"

Chen Ge took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Then he followed Qin Bo to practice all aspects of fahua.

However, in the latter half of the night, it was about eleven o'clock in the evening.

Chen Ge, who was concentrating on cultivation, suddenly heard a movement outside, as if it were a plausible sound of watchmaking.

Chen Ge opened her eyes alertly.

Qin Bo turned a deaf ear and continued to meditate with his eyes closed and knees crossed.

"Did you hear wrong?"

Chen Ge talks to himself.

Then he jumped and went directly outside the village.

The village was empty, and there was a violent overcast wind blowing from time to time.

After Chen Ge came out, he saw that someone had already come out.

That's Qin Yanran.

"Mr. Chen, did you hear that?"

Qin Yan Ran asked.


Chen Ge nodded.

"It's strange. If ordinary ghosts and monsters saw us, they should have been too scared to get close. Who dares to watch here?"

Xu Haiying came out with floating dust in his hand.

"That can only show that we have been found, and those close to us are definitely not ordinary ghosts!"

People came out one after another.

The green dragon Taoist priest said at the moment.

"Look, what's that?"

Just then, a doorman pointed at the sky and shouted.

The crowd immediately looked

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