Lin Jiao this matter, is really let Chen Ge pinch a sweat.

Fortunately, after being sent to the hospital for diagnosis, it was just a concussion, because the impact coma passed.

It's good to have a rest for a while.

"Chen Ge, don't go, I love you!"

"Chen Shao, you must not go, I love you to death!"

In a coma, Lin Jiao is still mumbling nonsense.

Chen Ge is also drunk. Do you love me? You just love Chen Shao.

Finally, Chen Ge paid Lin Jiao the highest standard of medical expenses.

Then I drove to Yunding mountain to release the car.

From the Yundingshan parking lot, Chen Ge is ready to take a taxi to leave.

All of a sudden, Chen Ge noticed that something was wrong with Yunding mountain.

That is Yundingshan villa, which is full of lights at the moment.

The architectural style of the villa itself is very ancient. At the moment, the night is getting thicker and the lighting is developing. It is really brilliant and colorful.

It's wonderful.

But he is not in, Tang ran also dare not so blatantly live in.

Who would be in there?

Chen Ge was surprised for a while.

Decided to go up and have a look.

When I came to the door of the villa, I found that there were indeed people inside, and there were more than one. There were men and women. It was very lively.

It's weird. Who is this? How to open the part in my house, and my house key!

Chen Ge is with a bit of anger went to push the door open.


The people inside saw Chen Ge appear and were obviously surprised.

They all looked in amazement.

And Chen Ge also looked at these men and women in his own home in dismay.


There are more than a dozen men and women.

The middle living room was made into a bar like appearance, full of all kinds of food and drink.

More than a dozen people were drinking it!

However, Chen Ge doesn't feel familiar with these ten people. It's definitely not Bai Xiaofei's gang or Huang Shao's.

It's so strange.

The two security guards on the hillside are still there. How did these people get in?

"Who the hell are you? Shit! Is this a place that ordinary people can come up to? "

A ruffian boy wrung his brow and scolded.

"I'll be a loser at a glance. I must have heard of the domineering power of Yunding mountain and want to visit it!"

"Is it hard to climb up from the back of the mountain? Oh, it's a big forest. Everyone has it

Several girls are looking at Chen Ge with irony on their faces.

Yes, Chen Ge, who never pays attention to dressing up and only thinks that it is good to wear clean clothes, will definitely be rejected wherever he goes.

A few girls who are used to high wealth and handsome are naturally despised.

"I also want to ask you, who let you in?"

Chen Ge wrung her eyebrows and said faintly.

In the future, I don't want to buy a fake villa, but I don't want to be angry.

What has this become? Think of it as a playground?

"This loser's tone is not small. How did we get in? Can you ask?"

A girl who was obviously drunk came over and poked Chen GE's chest.

"Forget it, Xiao Li, there are so many people like this. If Zhao Shaoqian of Yunding mountain villa had not told him not to see blood, I would have abandoned him and called the security guard and sent it to the police station directly!"

"Yes, take him to the police station!"

As they agreed, they began to call.

"What's the noise?"

Suddenly at this time, listen to the balcony on the second floor, sounded a very impatient boy.

Then I saw a boy and a girl walking down the stairs.

"I'm looking at the scenery, so you can't stop for a moment, really? When this is your own home?"

The boy is obviously the head of the crowd, at the moment, he scolded rudely.

"It's Zhao Shao. Isn't it that someone wants to make trouble?"

The boy who scolded Chen Ge immediately said with a smile on his face.

The boy watching the scenery on the balcony is not a bystander. It is Zhao Zixing's son, Zhao Shan and Zhao Shao.

At the sight of him, Chen Ge suddenly realized.

It seems that Zhao Zixing gave the key to Zhao Shan!

"Is there any trouble? Who dares to be so bold? Don't want to live! "

Zhao Shan frowned.

"Zhao Shao Zhao Shao, it's him, it's him, it's him!"

Immediately, five or six girls got up one after another and came and caught Chen Ge.

There is a King Kong gourd baby stage, a group of goblins caught the gourd baby's grandfather, like snake spirit to ask for credit.He drew Chen Ge directly in front of Zhao Shan.

"Chen Ge, is it you?"

And the girl who has been standing behind Zhaoshan, after seeing Chen GE's face clearly, is even tighter.

There was an obvious sense of surprise.

And Chen Ge just looked at Zhao Shan, which made him confused.

Zhao Yifan!

"Hehe, Chen Ge, how did you get up here? Don't you want to come up and see the villa of Yunding mountain? "

After the shock, all that remained was a sneer.

Today, there is this activity.

To tell you the truth, some time ago, a god hero bought a villa in Yunding mountain for 800 million yuan, which has been on the Internet for a long time.

Zhao Yifan and they must have heard about the villa in Yunding mountain.

But to have a look, don't even think about it.

This is where the real God is.

However, Zhao Yifan found that since he knew Zhao Shan, all the impossibilities seem to have become possible.

Today, Zhao Shan said that when he had the key to Yunding mountain villa, people still didn't believe it.

Until he took it out with his own hands, the crowd was shocked.

Also agreed that Su Jie and Lin Jiao would come together.

But Su Jie, since the afternoon there has been no news, Lin Jiao was even more mentioned, call unexpectedly turned off!

This makes Zhao Yifan alone some embarrassment, fortunately, Zhao Shan has been accompanied.

Just now on the balcony, Zhao Yifan looked at the scenery in the distance, and really had a sense of achievement under one person and above ten thousand people.

So now, her tone to Chen Ge is just a little bit of banter, and she has no revenge psychology when facing Chen Ge before.

What can be avenged for such a person?

"Yifan, this person you know, how do you deal with it?"

Zhao Shan couldn't see Chen Ge any more, and said with a faint smile at the moment.

"Let him go! I don't want to see such people in such a good environment! "

With that, Zhao Yifan glanced at Chen Ge and walked back upstairs again.

"Do you hear me, sister-in-law told you to go away!"

"Roll away, roll away!"

Not from Chen Ge points out that he has been a group of girls to push out, but also heavily slammed the door.

Chen Ge was almost alive and angry.

First, she was humiliated by this group of women, and then she was stabbed by Zhao Yifan.

And finally let yourself go?

Tigers don't get angry. Do you really treat me as a sick cat?

Chen GE's anger just now, combined with his anger now, is really unbearable.

He took out the phone directly and called Tang ran and Zhao Zixing successively

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