Chen Gegang is the real Jieqi.

I've never been so happy.

However, Chen Ge also knows that this matter is not so simple. Even in his low-key personality, Chen Ge also understands this truth.

Therefore, Chen Ge did not want to let this matter simple in the past.

Let's talk about it with Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing.

Thanks to Bai Xiaofei and Lin Yiyi, Chen Ge let them go back first.

Su Qiang is both afraid and humiliated today.

So she was in a low mood, and her clothes were wrinkled by Liao Hong's tears.

Looking at let Chen Ge heart a burst of heartache.

Ah, in the end, today's incident, how much is also caused by their own, Su rose to be implicated.

"Come on, I'll take you to buy clothes!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"I won't go, so it's good, Chen Ge!" Su rose bowed her head.

"I have to go. Anyway, it's my fault today, and it's your birthday!"

Chen Ge took Su Qiang's hand and took her by taxi to a luxury clothing store called * *.

The clothes here are of good quality and fashionable.

Direct to Su Qiang bought two, during the period has been comforting her, let her not be afraid, Chen Ge guarantee, today's things will not happen.

Just finished the account and was ready to leave.

"Chen Ge, is it you?"

A beautiful female voice stopped Chen Ge.

Obviously, the girl had some unexpected surprise.


Chen Ge looks back, the girl is not Ma Xiaonan.

Besides, there are three girls beside Ma Xiaonan.

One is Han fei'er, one is Du Yue, the other is Meng Cairu!

Ma Xiaonan is with them. This Chen song is no surprise.

Han fei'er had an accident two days ago, in the emperor.

At that time, a group of people were very impulsive, but Ma Xiaonan was calm and advised Han fei'er not to be impulsive.

Facts have proved that Ma Xiaonan is right. Jiujiang's identity is not simple.

So, Han fei'er thinks Ma Xiaonan is calm and calm, and there is just a lack of such a person around him to remind him.

As for Du Yue, let's forget it. Han fei'er also knows that she follows her own, because she is red.

This is very obvious, get along with, naturally not with Ma Xiaonan comfortable.

Maybe it was the afternoon the day before yesterday. Ma Xiaonan told Chen Ge that Han fei'er asked her to go to her studio to help.

Now, hanfil mengcairu naturally saw Chen Ge.

But they didn't say hello.

Just look at Chen Ge, and stare at Su Qiang on one side to look up and down.

"Chen Ge, who is she? It's so beautiful. Let's introduce it to us... "

Ma Xiaonan maliciously laughs a way.

"This is my good friend Su Qiang, rose, she is my brother Ma Xiaonan, a girl who I often mentioned to you

Chen Ge introduced it carelessly.

"Hello!" Although Su Qiang is in a low mood, she is very happy to shake hands with Ma Xiaonan when she sees Ma Xiaonan who is not mentioned in Chen Ge.

After all, something happened more than an hour ago.

Chen Ge didn't want to talk more in front of Han fei'er. He said hello to Ma Xiaonan and left with Su Qiang.

"Horizontal trough, horizontal trough!"

Du Yue, on the other side, was discontented and exclaimed: "Chen Ge is really capable. Fei'er and the director are all here. The loser doesn't see it? Director Phil, you see that? He didn't look at us just now? "

In Du Yue's heart.

People like Chen Ge, when they see themselves, have to be polite, and they have to be very formal.

But Chen Ge ignored it directly!

This is too much for Du Yue.

It's obvious that Meng caige and Chen ruoer are not treating them like this.

He didn't say hello to him, and he didn't say hello to them. It's tough.

"Well, loser, I don't care about him!" Hanfield's airway.

"Well, well, don't talk about Chen Ge. Just now I saw that Chen GE's face was not very good-looking. Maybe something happened, so I forgot to say hello to you!"

Ma Xiaonan explained in a hurry.

"Xiaonan, you don't have to explain for this person. He can do what he likes. Anyway, we are going to the hot spring villa this afternoon. Go back and change the new clothes! You're right, Phil

As soon as Du Yue remembered that she would go to her dream hot spring villa today, she would have no resentment.

Today, the senior executives of sister fei'er are going to have a party and go to the hot spring villa. Because Han fei'er, the first-line anchor, is local to Jinling, she naturally gives Han fei'er several places.After all, the previous live broadcast platform in the city has been upgraded to the national extraordinary live platform, and the price has been different.

So the places we go to are of different grades.

At this time, Ma Xiaonan's mobile phone suddenly rang.

After the connection, mm-hmm, it hung up.

"Fei'er, the company that rented the car just now called and said that the driver had to leave temporarily. Now all the drivers of their company are going out to have a wedding. No one drives the Mercedes-Benz G500 they rent! Say we can find a driver! "

"Sleeping trough, the driver is gone. Damn it, it's OK in the morning and not in the evening. At this time, where can I find the driver? Besides, I've chosen the drivers myself. I want to be handsome. If I want to go to this kind of party, I must do enough in face!"

Han Fei Er angry way.

Really, it's so hard to do something.

"Yes, only the guide can drive here, but the guide is going as a guest, so he can't drive. Besides, he can't be a driver for us!"

Du Yue also said.

"Well, I remember that Chen GE has a driver's license. He can drive, or he will be a driver for us? And Chen GE has been to the hot spring villa

Ma Xiaonan said.

In fact, Ma Xiaonan is selfish.

Some time ago, Chen Ge did seem to be rich, all kinds of luxury, but after the battle, Chen Ge was depressed.

All the students in the class know that Chen Ge cleaned up the money, not much.

But during that time, Chen Ge developed a bad habit of loving face.

Ma Xiaonan saw it.

But now, let Chen Ge drive. You know, Han fei'er pays the big G driver 5000 yuan.

It's great to earn 5000 yuan in an afternoon.

"No, no, no, Xiaonan, don't you listen to fei'er? You must find the handsome one. Chen GE's low goods, or forget it!" Du Yue was the first to disagree.

"Hiss I feel that Xiaonan's attention is very good. Chen Ge is really low, but he is absolutely beautiful and has a good look. Hum, Yang Xue, who was in our dormitory before, is not blind. I'll dress up and dress him later. I may be a good driver for us! "

Han Fei Er is eyebrow a raise way.

"Mm-hmm, let him have a try. He really can drive!"

Meng Cairu has no opinion.

"Well, Xiaonan, call Chen Ge and say I'll hire him as a driver!"

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