"Chen Shao, your subordinates are at the base. What instructions do you have?"

Tianlong Dihu is now Chen GE's bodyguard. It's not necessary for them to follow him 24 hours a day, so Chen Ge asked them to take charge of the emergency base.

"Can the medical team of the base treat some difficult and complicated diseases?" Chen Ge asked.

"Of course, if the Chinese and Western medicine teams can eliminate diseases, they can! What can I do for you, Chen Shao? "

"In the provincial people's Hospital, there is a patient's daughter named Qin ya, who is studying in Jinling University. Please check it for me. If you can, send the medical team from our base to the hospital."

"I see, Chen Shao!"

Hang up the phone, Chen Ge heart way, oneself can help also only these a few.

I don't want Qin ya to be grateful to herself. Besides, Chen Ge is not convenient to show her identity.

He turned back to the dormitory to study.

At the same time, the provincial hospital advanced ward.

"Dean, you must think of a way to save my wife. No matter how much money it costs, my Qin family is willing to do it!"

A middle-aged man was pleading with the president of the provincial hospital. His face turned white.

And in the middle-aged side, also standing a beautiful temperament of the girl.

Tears whirled in my eyes.

It is Qin ya. The middle-aged man is naturally Qin Ya's father, Qin Nan.

"Mr. Qin, we have contacted famous doctors all over the country for consultation. Alas, to tell the truth, Mrs. Qin's disease has never appeared in the history of medicine, but now, it has not been diagnosed. But you can rest assured that our hospital will try its best to solve this problem!"

The president was just ashamed.

Qin fell back to the South powerless a few steps, was supported by Qin ya, just sat on the chair to rest for a while.

"Dad, do you want to contact Yanjing? I think there's a way out there!"

Qin Ya is really distressed to see her father like this.

I can't help but ask tentatively.

Qin Nan shook his head helplessly: "no, since we have cut off the relationship with your grandparents, and we have no relationship with the family, what's the reason to ask them! Is Is this your mother's life? She followed me and worked almost all the time! "

Qin Nan is also the mother who loves Qin ya, and the big man is crying at the moment.

Qin Ya is also sad to cry.

"Uncle Qin, Xiaoya, we've come to see Aunt!"

Just then, several figures came up.

It is Qin Ya's roommate and a boy Li Yue.

They all carry a lot of things.

Zhao Tongtong went back to the dormitory and took her wallet. She took a taxi with her roommate.

"It's Xiaoya's classmates. Thank you very much."

Qin Nan or forced to show a smile.

"Thank you for coming to see my mother!"

Qin Ya is also a little moved.

"Xiaoya, don't say thank you, aunt's disease, has not been diagnosed yet?" Zhao Tongtong asked worried.

"No, this morning, the president called in some experts from all over the country. They have already had an expert consultation, but they still can't!"

Qin Ya sobbed and shook her head.

"Otherwise, my father is abroad now, and my father knows a lot of famous doctors in the medical field in China. Let my father invite some doctors to come and have a look again?"

Li Yue said at this time.

Qin Nan and Qin Ya eyebrows are raised.

Qin said to the south, "Li Yue, if you can, thank you so much."

"It's OK, uncle. Xiaoya and I are good classmates."

Li Yue also smiles.

At the moment, I quickly called my father abroad.

In fact, when the president called for some experts from all over the country, Li Yue was in a dilemma.

His father's contacts are no better than Qin Nan Nan.

What kind of doctor can you call.

But in any case, just like just now, I took the initiative to help, and there was no loss.

And Li Yue's father agreed.

Such a son, from childhood to adulthood.

Then began to contact some foreign medical friends, as well as some of the domestic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

Li Yue went back happily.

"Uncle Qin, my father arranged it. Maybe tomorrow, they will be in place!"

Li Yue said.

"The Qin family owes us a lot of money, no matter how much money we owe to Qin family, the sooner we pay them back!"

Qin said quickly to the south.

"Li Yue, thank you!"

Qin Ya said softly.

Li Yue nodded: "don't be polite, ha ha!"Abroad.

"Hello, it's me. I'm Lao Li. Ha ha. Is the specialist Durang from Notre Dame hospital in? He will Ao, I don't have time. I'm sorry to trouble you

Li Annan was not happy to be shut up.

But the son now obviously promised others, can not do his own face is not face.

Several other foreign experts were contacted successively.

When there is time, there is time, but they all refuse to ask them to leave within one or two days.

You are not what big guy, who is in a hurry to fly to China for you.

It's going to take a week to prepare.

It seems that the foreign ones can't work, but the domestic ones.

However, several old Chinese doctors were contacted and said that they could not get up in a hurry.

Three days at the earliest.

In three days, Lee Annan thought, three days later.

I want to call to tell my son, but Li Yue is on the phone.

That's how it happened, and Lee Annan had a rest.

Soon, it was the next morning.

At the end of the second round of expert consultation, including the president and experts from all walks of life, they were at a loss.

Qin's head was full of sweat.

At this time, see two doctors in a hurry to come up, a face of excitement.

"Good news, Dean! Good news

Exclaimed the doctor excitedly.

The Dean frowned and glared at the two doctors, indicating that Mr. Qin was still here.

And Qin Nan also frowned at the moment.

"Dean, it's good news for Mr. Qin. A team of experts came from outside and said that they were coming to see Mrs. Qin. There were more than a dozen of them, both domestic and foreign."

"Besides, the Dean, several of them had great achievements more than ten years ago. For example, the doctor Yidi of M, who once won the medical prize, and Mr. Zhao Qing, the famous master of Chinese medicine in our country, they Here we are


The dean and other experts all looked at each other.

Qin Nan Qin Ya is also very surprised.

Zhao Tongtong and Li Yue are all there.

At the moment, Zhao Tongtong's roommates are shocked to see Li Yue, who is a little stunned. Don't mention how much he worships.

Originally, we didn't believe that Li Yue could really call for Chinese and Western medicine because of the strength of their family. To tell the truth, Zhao Tongtong was clear about it.

It's not bad. It's not strong.

It can't even compare with Qin Ya family.

Uncle Qin Nan is helpless. What can he do!

But did not expect, lie trough, still be called by him really?

And Li Yue? It's a daze.

What's the situation?

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