The girl stares at Chen Ge curiously.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge looks down on his ordinary clothes and country people's clothes.

And now I heard that.

Don't mention how embarrassed Jiang Weidong and Tang Lan look.

Especially Tang Lan.

Just now we all said that Jiang Weidong has an urgent matter. We will have a meeting soon, so we won't leave Chen Ge for dinner.

As a result, the daughter suddenly jumped out to say this sentence.

Don't embarrass them.

I said, daughter, it's good if you come out a little late. He's gone!

"Oh, however, you forget that this is the child of your near east uncle's family. Didn't you two meet when you were little?"

Tang Lan said an embarrassed sentence.

"I remember, his name seems to be Chen Ge, right..."

Said the girl.

"My name is Chen Ge. You still remember my sister Ranran! I haven't seen you for years. You are more and more beautiful

The girl's name is Jiang Ranran, whom Chen Ge knew.

Because she came to her house when she was a child, Jiang Ran Ran would point at Chen Ge with disgust on her face and said, "Mom, please let him leave our house quickly. He has stained the floor of our house!

It's also a matter of self-esteem. I'm afraid that Jiang Ran Ran will ridicule himself when I play little Chen Ge.

But now it's much better, Chen Ge said politely.

Thank you, Chen Song! If you have any problems in the future, you should pay more attention to me! "

Jiang Ran Ran Ran also stretched out his hand and shook Chen Ge.

Although Jiang Ran Ran, this sentence is a courtesy.

But this is the warmest sentence Chen Ge heard when he came to Jiang's house.

Then he said with a smile, "OK, no problem. You can come to me if you have anything in the future."

Jiang Ran Ran took back his hand with a smile, but in his heart he thought:

hum, I'm looking for you for everything. Who do you think you are? You will forget yourself if you are polite!

Yes, Jiang Ran Ran was born in an official family. Not to mention his father's connections, even his own connections are not bad.

And after this graduation, I am sure I want to enter the public institution. Who else can I use in the future!

Not to mention you Chen GE's help?

"That Chen Ge, or you can stay here for dinner at noon. It happens that a friend of mine is coming. You can join me. You can see that I was too busy just now. I'm going to prepare dinner now!"

Tang Lan said in an awkward way.

Chen Ge was about to leave just now, but her daughter exposed her, so her face was not very good-looking.

If you don't keep it for a while, it's a bit too smack.

"Mm-hmm, stay here and get to know more people!"

Jiang Weidong also said lightly.

Only Jiang Ran Ran Ran's face is not very good-looking.

The original intention was to invite students, but the countryman got in and was embarrassed.

But my parents invited me, so I couldn't say anything.

However, the attitude towards Chen Ge became colder and colder.

After a while, these students of Jiang Ran Ran came.

There are seven or eight men and women.

After chatting for a while, Tang Lan's food is ready.

Jiang Weidong hastened to invite his daughter's classmates to take their seats.

"Lin Dong, come and sit next to me. You must have a good drink with me today."

Jiang Weidong holds Lin Dong's hand affectionately and has to let him sit beside him.

Lin Dong, a very handsome boy, according to the chat just now, Chen Ge also knows that his father seems to be a * level leader.

It's quite capable.

But he seems to be interested in Lin Dong.

But Jiang Weidong is eager that Lin Dong can develop a relationship with his daughter Jiang Ranran, so don't be too friendly.

"But it's our honor to be good friends with you! Look at Xiaodong. You don't know who can be with Xiaodong in the future! Our family Ran Ran Ran certainly can't, you look at Ran Ran, still resemble a child, compare with you too far

Jiang Weidong said with a smile.

"Uncle Jiang, you are joking. Ranran is so beautiful. Whose girlfriend she can be is the right one. And Ranran told us that when you were a soldier, you did not betroth Ranran to your comrade in arms' son, ha ha!"

Lin Dong said with a bitter smile.

"That's long gone!" At this time, Tang Lan came over with a smile and said to Lin Dong: "no, this Chen Ge is the boy who ran Ran Ran's father promised to be drunk. But you can see that Chen Ge is so elegant now, but our family can't match it. Do you think Chen Ge

Tang Lan asked Chen Ge, sitting on the edge.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Chen Ge how can't hear Tang Lan's meaning, is also afraid that people will lead the topic to themselves, so he quickly nods.But this scene, actually let Lin Dong fear a bit.

To tell you the truth, he likes Jiang Ranran. It's not a day or two. It's just that he hasn't confessed. They've been having an affair.

However, aunt Tang Lan said that the boy who had been betrothed to someone else was here.

And that's the drama.

Because people also turned their eyes to Lin Dong and Chen Ge.

I want to compare them.

At the moment, Lin Dong stood up with a smile: "whoo! If it wasn't for the introduction of aunt Tang Lan, we really don't know. You almost became the husband of our goddess Ranran. Come here, you have to get to know each other formally. Brother Chen Ge, my name is Lin Dong, I work in the * * Bureau, ha ha... "

Lin Dong pretends to be surprised to stand up and shake hands with Chen Ge.

As he spoke, he shook his wrist. The gold watch on his hand was dazzling. He said modestly:

"it's all arranged by the family, and I'm just smudged! After all, I don't have much ability myself

"Ha ha, Xiaodong, don't be modest. If you don't have the ability, just say Chen Ge. Even if you give him your position, he can't do it. Don't talk about Chen sesame and rotten millet. Come on, let's have a drink."

Jiang Weidong slapped Lin Dong on the shoulder with a smile.

Then there are some things to talk about inside the * *, in short, a group of people talk and laugh and listen to the conversation.

But Jiang Ran Ran is also looking at Lin Dong with a satisfied face.

I feel very proud.

Jiang Ran Ran's eyes are not low. She can't look up to ordinary people.

Chen Ge is sitting in the assistant seat, standing up from time to time to pour drinks for everyone.

"Thank you, Chen Ge!"

At this time, a beautiful girl sitting beside Chen Ge smiles at Chen Ge.

"You're welcome!" Chen Ge replied.

"Don't pour drinks all the time. It's OK to drink by yourself. Hee hee, do you seldom come out to eat with others?"

The girl looked at Chen Ge curiously and asked.

This girl also has temperament. In a word, her appearance and temperament are no worse than Jiang Ranran.

Just because they don't drink, some of the girls sit on the side.

Through their chat just now, Chen Ge knew the girl's name.

Her name is Xu Xin.

"Oh, not too much!"

Chen Ge did not attend many occasions.

The main reason is that this occasion is different from the past. After all, the elder Jiang Weidong is here.

At this time, Tang Lan came up with a dish and was ready to put it on the side of Lindong.

But Lin Dong, also did not notice, a wave of hand, touched Tang Lan, directly knocked over a dish!


Tang Lan screamed.

Lin Dong immediately stood up and said sorry.

"It's OK. It's OK, you child. Aunt Tang is afraid of burning you. I'll just clean it up. You two keep drinking. I'll fry you a plate later."

Tang Lan said with a smile.

I cleaned up the ground in a hurry.

Chen Ge then saw that their glasses were full, so he got up and poured them.

As a result, Lin Dong didn't know whether it was intentional. When Chen Ge poured it for him, his hand shook, and then his glass was not held, and he fell on the table and broke it.

"Lying trough!"

Lin Dong was startled.

At this time, Tang Lan came out of the kitchen to see this scene.

"Will you pour the wine? How did it fall? Have you dropped all your glasses? "

Tang Lan angrily pointed to Chen Ge and scolded.

Jiang Weidong also gives Chen Ge a cold look, which is disrespectful of Chen Ge

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