"Hum, no wonder Su Qiang dare to disobey me so much today. It turns out that he has found a boyfriend! I'm really pissed off! "

Liu Ke rolled her eyes and looked at Chen Ge and said to Su Qiang.

"Cole, what's the matter?"

And the man with his hands in his pockets leaned on the car door, but also looked at Chen GE's hostile smile.

"It's not su Qiang. Originally, today's students are on holiday. We have to stay at school to check homework, but I'm going shopping and ask her to help. As a result, her boyfriend came and refused to help."

"I don't know. I thought I had a good boyfriend, a loser!"

Liu Ke said what happened just now.

When she saw Chen Ge wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of sports pants and sneakers, she saw that she was wearing a lousy configuration.

So I don't care about it.

"That's right. If you choose the most beautiful teacher, you can still be Ke'er. Your boyfriend is so good that he drives the BMW 5 series. It's amazing!"

"Of course, it happens that I go shopping with my boyfriend. How about taking my boyfriend's car and taking you to play together? After all, we should have a good relationship with colleagues in the future."

Liu laughs.

I want to isolate Su Qiang.

"Good, good, good!"

The group of girls laughed and got on the bus and left.

Chen Ge wanted to spray Liu Ke.

After all, seeing Su Qiang so bullied by her, Chen Ge must be angry.

But, Su rose actually took Chen GE's arm, did not let Chen Ge impulse.

"Damn it! It's great to have money! "

Chen Ge looked at their back and scolded.

Then she took Su Qiang to sit on her big G on the side of the road and left.

It's almost eleven o'clock.

Chen Ge takes Su Qiang into a restaurant.

"Chen Ge, you said you have something important to do with me. What's the matter?"

After sitting down, Su Qiang asked curiously.

"Rose, do you know a woman named Mengpeng?"

Chen Ge also does not beat around the Bush, this matter not only involves Su Qiang's life experience, also involves oneself.

If that dream is really the woman dad used to be.

Isn't that to say that he has a little sister out of thin air!

And this feeling makes Chen Ge feel too strange.

So now, he must ask clearly.

And Su Qiang, hearing these two words, suddenly whole body a meal, and then a face of surprise looking at Chen Ge.

"You How do you know her? "

Su Qiang asked in shock.

Chen Ge once listen, really have a door.

"Who is she?" he said

Su Qiang shook her head desolately: "I don't know who she is. I just know that she abandoned me, probably my mother. I also asked the director of the orphanage later, he told me!"

"Because I was found at the gate of the orphanage. At that time, I was wearing a jade pendant with the name of mengheng engraved on it!"

Su Qiang looked at Chen Ge: "I have never mentioned this matter, how do you know it? Are they big tigers and two tigers? "

Chen Ge thought about it.

Or do not intend to tell Su Qiang the truth.

The main reason is that Chen Ge doesn't know how to say it.

Simply follow the trend and say: "mm-hmm, it seems that they don't know which mention, rose, you don't want to find your mother? Or is this man called Meng Heng? "

Chen Ge digs the subject.

"Of course I want to find her, but how can I find her?"

Su Qiang said: "this is why I don't tell you about this. You have helped me a lot. I really don't want you to help me any more. I don't know how to repay you!"

"What's the matter? Since you want to find it, don't worry. I'll help you!"

Chen Ge clapped Su Qiang on the shoulder with a smile.


Su rose nodded heavily.

Later, he took out the jade pendant wrapped in a piece of red cloth from himself.

"Chen Ge, look, this is the jade pendant!"

Su Qiang handed the jade pendant to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked at it, but it wasn't the jade pendant information in the photos his father sent himself.

"Rose, jade pendant, can you let me take it first? I want to find a master to help me check the origin of this jade!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Su Qiang paused, then nodded: "good!"

Next, Chen Ge asked Su Qiang some things before.

"It's so hot out there that my sunscreen doesn't work any more!"

Just then, the party entered the store.

One of the girls couldn't help saying that she still had a bag of things in her hand."Sister Ke'er, there is a luxury store next to the restaurant. Shall we go in and have a look

One girl said.

"Well, eat first."

This girl is not someone else, it is Su Qiangwei's colleague Liu Ke.

"I'll go, sister Kor. Look, isn't that Su Qiang? She's eating here, too? "

Next to the girl pointed to Su Qiang and Chen Ge.

It's obviously unexpected.

Liu Ke's boyfriend is so rich that he won't take them to a casual place to eat.

So this restaurant is very upscale.

But did not expect, is such an upscale restaurant, unexpectedly Su Qiang this usually only a dish, a rice girl can also come in.

"Oh, isn't this Su Qiang? Come here to eat? "

Liu Ke walks over with a sneer.

Chen Ge also just put away the jade pendant and frowned when she saw the girls coming.

"Did you order? Why just two drinks? "

Liu Ke said.

"Hehe, maybe the couple just want to come in and see. There are more of them. After they come in, they just order two drinks and sit there. They also take pictures, send friends and pretend to be forced to do something!"

Liu Ke's better female colleague said at this time.

It makes Liu Ke laugh.

"Waiter, do you have a set meal for four? Can I have a set meal? Higher standard! "

"Of course, sir. In addition, we have a special roast bullfrog dish, which is made by Sichuan chefs. Would you like to try it, sir?"

The waiter looks at Liu Ke and them again.

Liu ketut is looking at her boyfriend.

"Well, well, let's see..."

Liu Ke's boyfriend took the menu and looked at it, then he was confused:

"shit, are you sick? How about 1699 for a plate of bullfrogs? Is this a dish? "

My boyfriend is speechless.

Liu Ke was also surprised: "ah? It's so expensive. I'll go. I'll finish half of my salary! "

"Yes, sir. It's only a small portion. There are about six. This dish will make you feel worthwhile in terms of eating method and taste experience."

"You see, all the guests at those tables have been ordered."

The waiter pointed to the diner next to him.

Indeed, the bullfrog's pattern is really in place.

And Liu Ke and they looked at a large number of high-quality products, which was 2698.

It's too cruel.

When they come in to spend, the ideal price is only 1000 or 2000.

"Or a small portion?" Liu Ke looked at the table next to him and ate, and he was also very happy.

"Well, will you have one? Oh, no problem

With that, his boyfriend raised his voice and said, "let's have a taste of the roast bullfrog."

This shows that he is qualified.

At this time, Chen Ge also served the dishes.

It was the waiter who brought two clear noodles.

"Ha ha, I'll go and have two bowls of clear soup noodles. Is it really humiliating?"

"Oh, my God. I'd like two rice and a plate of shredded potato for you."

Several girls laughed.

"Excuse me, sir. This is your special bullfrog! I'll give you a meal! "

At this time, a waiter respectfully brought up a bullfrog.

At the same time, Liu Ke and them at the table still cover their mouths and smile with Chen Ge and Su Qiang. At this time, their smiles froze

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