"What's the big deal?"

Chen Ge was stunned.

"Here, it was a construction project recruited by China Merchants office a year ago, but now, the materials used by developers may not be the right way, leading to the collapse of a project area, seriously injuring more than 60 workers, and injuring hundreds of people! Fortunately, no one died! "

"Last night, I heard that all the developers ran away. The people in the investment promotion office were implicated. It is said that more than a dozen people in Jiang's office have been dismissed, and they have to wait to be dealt with! "

Workers said.

Do you remember that uncle Jiang was a director of CMO and was dismissed?

But on second thought, Chen Ge asked, "well, it's not like running away, right? No one died again. Is it OK to make compensation? And the main responsibility is not investment promotion office? "

"Cough, developers have been out of money for a long time. It was rumored half a year ago that developers had no money. Anyway, we don't know who to look for, and we are wasting money here. As for the investment promotion office, ha ha, someone has to stand up to fight against it, right? What's more, it's a critical moment for a large group to develop and build Ping'an County. As a result, such a thing happened in Ping'an County. The leadership must be furious. The impact is too bad! "

Chen Ge understood this.

I can't help it. I can't do it myself.

After a little sympathy.

I'll drive around.

On the way, Li Zhenguo also sent a wechat to Chen Ge, saying that this building collapsed. It's really a once-in-a-century event!

Chen Ge just told Li Zhenguo to help him find a jade master.

After all, he knows more people than he does.

Go back to your hotel.

Chen Ge took a bath and was ready to go out for dinner.

At this time, my father called himself.


Chen gedao.

"Son, something happened in our hometown where you invested. I heard that the building fell down?"

"Mm-hmm, yes, but not my group."

Chen Ge thought his father's news was smart.

"Ao, I know it's not your group. I mean, your uncle Jiang has been dismissed. Can you help them?"

Dad said.

"What? Didn't I tell you, dad? Uncle Jiang has long forgotten his friendship with you. How can you ask me to help him? "

After listening to Chen Ge, he was really puzzled.

Because I used to call dad.

Dad didn't mention the things about the Jiang family, which means that if it's difficult, you should help more.

Otherwise you think Chen Ge every time see that look down on their own Jiang Ran Ran, she has something, he always can't wipe face, help her is for what ah!

It's not that Dad mentioned it many times.

But last time I went to Jiang's house, Chen Ge was so cold that he naturally told his father.

This time, something happened to the Jiang family. Chen Ge knew about it on the way, but he didn't take care of it.

After all, according to Uncle Jiang's idea, we should not go to their house to find him in the future.

So Chen Ge is too lazy to answer.

"Well, there are some things. I can't say clearly. Have you met your aunt Tang?"

Dad suddenly changed the subject.

Let Chen Ge immediately frown: "see! What's the matter? "

"Cough, I used to do something sorry for your uncle Jiang, so I blame myself in my heart. In short, they don't care about us. If you can help, you can help. Alas!"

Dad sighed.

"Lying trough!"

Chen Ge was shocked.

Did dad and aunt Tang have an affair?

Put a hat on Uncle Jiang?

"Dad, what's going on? Also, what's the matter with the woman you asked me to find? Is aunt Tang and the dreamer yours? "

Chen GE has a big head.

"Cough, stinky boy, what are you talking about? In short, I and they are not what you imagined. In short, Jiang family and your aunt Tang, if you can help, you must help. You will pay off your father's debt and son's debt. There is also mengheng. When your mother comes, let's talk about it first. That's it!"

Finish saying, hang up the phone directly.

Chen Ge held the mobile phone for a long time.

What's this all about.

Even Chen GE has the heart to call his mother. After all, Chen Ge helped his father hide from his mother, and he really blamed himself.

Oh! But think about it or forget it, believe dad once.

Look, it's only five thirty.

Chen Ge scratched his scalp. He had no choice but to go to Uncle Jiang.

I went downstairs and drove directly to Jiang's house.

When we get there.

Many people have come to Jiang's house today.

Uncle Jiang, who was dismissed because of his responsibility, was so anxious that he could not afford to fall ill. He was lying on the sofa and fainting in a bottle!Some of the guests were there to talk with.

"Ginger, come on. Since this incident happened, don't feel bad. The leaders of the county think that the influence is too bad. They are so angry that they have beaten you up. Maybe they will take over the land again after the past."

"Yes, besides, Tang Lan is still working in a bank, and he has grown up. He is sure to have no economic problems."

"Thank you, Lao Li and Lao Zhao. Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?"

Jiang Weidong said weakly.

"Forget it, we won't eat any more. We'll come to see you. Now we have to hurry back!"

They stood up and were ready to go.

"Lao Li, Lao Zhao, do you really have no way to deal with this matter? You have so much to do with each other. You must give us ginger an idea

Both of them shook their heads helplessly, indicating that they had nothing to do.

"Don't worry, aunt LAN. Before I came, my father said something about Uncle Jiang..."

Lin Dong is also there.

At the moment.

As soon as this speech was said, Jiang Weidong and Jiang Ranran, who had cried beside him, all looked at Lin Dong.

Lin Dong thought, hum, at the critical moment, you have to see yourself?

Jiang Weidong took Lin Dong and said, "Xiaodong, did your father say anything?"

"My dad said, uncle Jiang, this is a matter of things, and it is not a matter if it is not. After all, there is no responsibility for you. As long as you can recruit new developers, fill in the vacancy, and settle down the injured workers and other workers, after all, people make hard-earned money!"

Lin Dong said with a smile.

To put it bluntly, it means to find new funds to take over the offer.

"Oh! However, now this has become a bean curd dregs project. If we can't do well in those completed buildings, who is willing to take over such buildings, and the compensation fund has to be paid by our county. The county can't afford to pay so much money! "

Jiang Weidong shook his head.

This method is not without his thought.

Ding Dong!

Just then the doorbell rang.

Jiang Weidong thought it was a colleague leader again, so he quickly asked Tang Lan to help him stand up. "However, go and open the door to meet the guests."


Jiang Ran Ran nodded and went to open the door.

"Chen Ge?"

Seeing Chen Ge, Jiang Ran Ran was obviously stunned.

"Well, how could it be him?"

Tang Lan could not help but hope for gain and loss.

Jiang Weidong also shook his head in boredom.

Let Tang Lan lay down again.

Obviously, he thought it was a distinguished guest, but when he saw it was Chen Ge, there was a big gap

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