"I I will not stay here! "

As soon as Yang Xue looks at Lu Yang, he knows what he means.

What a shame!

Yang Xue shook her head in a hurry.

"Honey, for the sake of being so kind to you, you can wait for me here for a while. I'll get the money and drive back to pick you up. We'll live outside directly."

Lu Yang said, but also looked at Chen Ge.

Also to remind Yang Xue.

Today they are here to make Chen Ge a fool of himself. Don't mess up the order.


Yang Xue calms down at the thought of Chen Ge.

She Yang Xue, looking for a new boyfriend, is absolutely 100 times stronger than Chen Ge, 10000 times stronger!

I must not lose face in front of Chen Ge.

"Well, I'll stay! Anyway, I know you have money

Yang Xue spoke out loud.

As soon as Lu Yang saw that Yang Xue agreed to stay, he quickly withdrew.

As for Yang Xue's friends, she wanted to be left with her.

But Meng Cairu said it was not good for so many people not to return to their dormitories, so she took the rest of them away.

Chen Ge was the last to leave.

To tell you the truth, seeing Yang Xue like this, Chen Ge is really distressed!


Lu Yang directly threw Yang Xue alone in the restaurant in the middle of the night, and Chen GE's heart ached.

They talked for three years. It's a fake to say that they have no feelings.

Although Chen GE has been disappointed with Yang Xue, even hate.

Also has been persuading oneself, Yang Xue is a green tea whore.

But when Yang Xue is really like this, Chen GE's heart is not a taste.

If Yang Xue can ask him at this time, Chen Ge said that he was not determined and agreed.

But Yang Xue, is always holding the shoulder cold looking at Chen Ge.

That means, you wait, Lu Yang will come to pick her up.


Chen Ge sighs, since this, oneself also need not offend base!

Perhaps what I love is the old sensible and clever Yang Xue who is very considerate and clingy to others, rather than the vain Yang Xue now.

Chen Ge is not a taste of turning away.

Back to the dormitory, I don't know why, today is a very happy day, in front of the students in front of Lu Yang ruthlessly out of anger.

But I'm not happy at all.

Yang Hui came over and patted Chen Ge on the shoulder: "Lao Chen, are you OK with this flower method today? Too many! Our brothers can't stop you! Oh, you said you had the 200000 yuan. How good it would be to finish reading well! "

Chen Ge said with a smile, "ah? I didn't say I won 200000... "


The elder brothers came together and were all surprised.

"Haha, there are more of me than that, and the meal tonight cost more than 100000 yuan, but actually I didn't spend much..."

Chen Ge explained to the brothers.

"How much did you win, old Chen?"

"Yes, don't be so cynical. Let's talk to my brothers quickly..."

Yang Hui and several of them are lying on Chen GE's bed, there is a pair of you do not say, do not want to sleep.

Chen Ge had no choice but to extend his hand to them.

"Five? Five hundred thousand? "

Yang Hui, they were surprised.

"Go to bed, tomorrow and Saturday, go to bed early, get up early, and go to the library to study!"

Chen Ge is hit ha ha, sleep on the head.

"Half a million or five million?"

Yang Hui, they are very anxious.

Through the quilt, Chen Ge will give up.

In fact, if Chen Ge won 500000 yuan or 5 million yuan, he would have enough money.

Yang Hui thinks so in their hearts.

Chen Ge in the quilt, although want to sleep, but also can not sleep.

I'm still cheap, and I remember Yang Xue.

I don't know if she came out.

Chen Ge had investigated Lu Yang before, and his father also opened a factory, giving Lu Yang five thousand or six thousand of his monthly allowance, and Lu Yang's hands at most thirty thousand or forty thousand savings.

There's definitely not enough money.

And according to his virtue, he can go back to pick up Yang Xue.

Chen Ge thought Yang Xue would call himself.

But it didn't wait until 12 o'clock.

Ha ha, what are you doing here.

People love Lu Yang, but not their own loser

Chen GE has no choice but to think of it.

The next day was Saturday.

None of the roommates got up.

Chen Ge early in the morning received a call, a look is not Yang Xue call, but Li Zhenguo!

Chen Ge got up and went to the bathroom to answer.

"Good morning, Chen Shao!"Li Zhenguo said respectfully.

"Mr. Li, you just called. I still want to call you today..." Chen Ge smiles.

"Chen Shao, please tell me what you want."

Chen Ge said yesterday's consumption in the home kitchen.

"Ah! That's right. Chen Shao, you don't have 60000 yuan. The 60000 yuan high-end red wine is produced by Chen's own industry in foreign countries. After all, the capital is only 1000 yuan! Ha ha... "

Li Zhenguo smiles. To tell the truth, Chen shaoken spent money like this, although it only cost more than 100000 yuan, the data is poor.

But it's also a step forward in the task that general manager Chen Xiao ordered to give himself, isn't it.

"Chen Shao, do you mean to let me return your 100000 yuan? It's all about you... "

Li Zhenguo listened and said.

"Cough, forget it. All the money should be charged to the hotel account."

Chen Ge really planned to come back.

But listen to the tone of Li Zhenguo, this hundred thousand is like fart, do not care at all.

If he wants more, it will be a bit of a bargain.

Simply recharge to the account. Anyway, the money my sister gave me is also in these industries.

"By the way, Mr. Li, what's the matter with you calling me today?"

Chen Ge asked.

"It's a small matter, Chen Shao. Knowing that your poverty-stricken years are over, the managers of the major shops in Jinling commercial street have specially arranged a reception banquet for you. Zhenguo thinks that today is Saturday. I wonder if you have time?"

Li Zhenguo asked softly.

Today Chen Ge was going to go out for a walk.

Relax your mind.

But a thought, since the special to put a reception banquet, they are not very cold everyone's heart.

And Chen Ge really wants to contact more people, or he will be like a silly boy.

It should be done now.

And the location, in order to show solemnity, did not choose in their own commercial street, but Jinling City, an extra large hotel.

Brilliant restaurant!

After talking to Yang Hui and them, Chen Ge goes downstairs, turns around first, and then goes.

Passing the girls' dormitory, Chen Ge looked up and saw a man coming out of the dormitory.

It's Yang Xue.

"Why? How did she go back to her dormitory? "

Originally Chen Ge thought that Yang Xue followed her to rescue her, and Lu Yang opened a room.

Chen Ge is because of this heart is not taste.

Yang Xue also saw Chen Ge:

"ha ha, Chen Ge, do you want to go out for a part-time job at the weekend? Did you run out of money last night? "

"I tell you, you can never compare with Yang Shao. You know, Yang Shao came back in less than an hour last night. We were going to go out to live. If I hadn't come to my aunt, hum..."

Yang Xue looks at Chen Ge triumphantly, saying this sentence, is to stimulate Chen Ge intentionally.

I, Yang Xue, is the goddess you can never get!

"All right."

Chen Ge grinned bitterly, thinking that he was really mean.

At this time, a white white horse three series whistling past the campus.

Then the window fell down, Lu Yang looked at Yang Xue with a smile, and of course saw Chen Ge.

"Hehe, Chen Ge, I know you were waiting to see my joke last night, but I let you down. Do you really think I don't have money?"

Lu Yang grinned grimly.

Then he took out a diamond ring from his pocket:

"Yang Xue, I ordered this for you. Do you like it

"Wow! Diamond ring ah, more than ten thousand, Yang Shao is rich, not those who just win the lottery can match! "

"Hum, of course you have money. Xuexue, I'll take you to a good place today. Let's spend a lot of money! But some people will have to be poor in the future! Get in the car

Yang Xue was already excited and got on the bus in a hurry.

Lu Yang scornfully looked at Chen Ge, and then drove out of the campus.

On the way, Yang Xue's face was excited: "Yangyang, tell me quickly, how did you raise so much money last night? And become so rich! Your father gave it to you? "

Lu Yang laughs and plays with his mobile phone while driving.

At the same time, a software on the mobile phone was deleted without trace: "you don't care about it. In short, you just need to remember that Chen song is a fart in my eyes!"

"Wow! Happy death

However, Chen Ge was ridiculed by the two in the early morning, and he was not interested in going out for a walk.

I just wonder why Lu Yang spent so much money overnight?

Ha ha

Chen Ge laughs at himself. What does he want to do

He went straight to the library to read books.When it was nearly noon, I took a taxi to the splendid restaurant.

This is definitely a six-star restaurant in Jinling City. Of course, it can't be compared with Jinling commercial street, but the absolute grade is not bad.

Because of reading books and traffic jam, Chen Ge went to the appointed time a few minutes late.

I'm in a hurry.


"Ah! You are sick

When entering that kind of turnstile, Chen Ge gently pushed the turnstile. Unexpectedly, a girl behind her just hit it!

She covered her chest and scolded Chen Ge. Many people came to watch

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