
Lin Yiyi is also a Zheng, and then look at the direction of the man's finger in white.

This look direct, Lin Yiyi's eyes directly widened!

"It's him!"

"Who is it? Yiyi, do you know this one who steals food

"Well, he's the slut I'm talking about!"

Lin Yiyi angry way, directly toward Chen Ge that side of the past.

The rich and the young all came together.

But Chen Ge is having a good time here. He is also thinking about how to say hello to the managers of Jinling commercial street in the future.

After all, Chen Ge never experienced such a big scene.

Suddenly, it was dark.

I saw a group of people standing in front of themselves.

Look up, the leader is actually in the hall of the beautiful but violent beauty.

"You are indeed

"How is it you?"

Chen Ge exclaimed.

"You, you, you You are not only dirty, but also dare to sneak in here. I don't think you want to stand out today! "

Lin Yiyi angrily scolded: "sisters, this is the man, peeping at me in the elevator!"

"Hum! Teach him a lesson

With that, he saw five or six beautiful women with extraordinary temperament under the leadership of Lin Yiyi.

Straight at Chen Ge, he grabs, scratches, pinches and tears!

The rich and the young are much more calm. After all, so many elders are there.

If Chen Ge dares to fight back, it's not too late for them to do it again!

"What are you doing? Don't think I don't play

Chen GE's hair is disordered, his clothes are torn, and his face is pinched purple and red.

I'm going to get angry.

Lin Yiyi slapped her in the face and pulled it up again.

"Let you peek at me, let you peek at me! I'll kill you

Crazy women, crazy women!

Chen Ge covered his head and was beaten on the ground by them.

"Stop it!"

At this time, a middle-aged man stood up and stopped directly.

In fact, a lot of people here have already come to this side.

The middle-aged man wore glasses and was gentle, but his bearing was extraordinary.

One of his voice, more like a Hong Zhong general, let the angry Lin Yiyi and their direct stop.

"Dad! You don't mind, let me kill this wretched man, you know, just downstairs, he actually peeped at me! Now sneak in and eat again

Lin Yiyi stomped her feet in anger.

And looking at Lin Yiyi, Lin Yun has no way.

Lin Yun knows that her daughter Yiyi has a bad temper, but she has a strong sense of justice. What she dislikes most is some blind people.

Remember last year, Lin Yiyi saw a rich young girl bullying her, Yiyi directly abandoned that person's lifeblood.

So, at the moment, Lin Yun saw that her daughter hit people again, and hurried over to dissuade him.

"What's going on here? Who are you, little brother

Lin Yun frowned slightly and looked at Chen Ge, whose hair was scratched.

He is really not from Jinling commercial street.

He Lin Yun, almost know all these nephews in the whole commercial street.

"I am..."

Chen Ge is about to reveal his identity.

But Lin Yiyi has raised his legs and kicked Chen GE's crotch.

Chen Ge is in a hurry.

Damn it, if it wasn't for singer Chen, he would have been cut off!

Crazy woman!

See how to deal with you later!

Chen GE's heart is dark hate way.

Lin Yiyi still wants to start.

Just then.

A group of people, led by Li Zhenguo, pushed the door and entered.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li!"

Everyone in the lobby looked respectful.

This group of rich men also stood aside with respect.

Lin Yiyi stopped.

"What's the matter? What are you doing surrounded by so many people? "

Li Zhenguo has a strong aura. At this time, he looks at Lin Yiyi and her side.

"Fortunately, Chen Shao hasn't come yet. Otherwise, if you look like a dandy, what will it be?"

Li Zhenguo opened a training program directly to the young men in white.

The boy in white is very aggrieved. He didn't do it himself!

But I can only bear it.

At this time, Lin Yun changed the topic: "Mr. Li, don't you say that Chen Shao is about to arrive?"

Li Zhenguo cold voice: "but Chen Shao now I can't contact, his phone has been turned off!"

"Chen Shao will not come?"

Then the faces of a crowd darkened.This is their best chance to get to know Chen Shao.

Sure enough, it's not as simple as you think. Chen Shao is not of their class. He can invite him if he can.

It seems to know what this group of people think.

Li Zhenguo said: "you can rest assured, Chen Shao is not what you imagine, he is very peaceful to people, since he said to come, certainly will come!"

Then he turned his head and looked at a young man, "Feihong, try to find a way to contact Chen Shao as soon as possible."

Li Feihong naturally came, and nodded respectfully.

"Uncle Li, we have a meeting today. A man has mixed up with us. What should we do?"

At this time, Lin Yiyi looks at Li Zhenguo like a coquettish.

"Oh? What does my niece want to do with it

Li Zhenguo looks at Lin Yiyi with a smile.

Lin Yiyi is beautiful and generous, lively and pleasant, mainly because he has a sense of justice, so Li Zhenguo has always been very good to Lin Yiyi.

"Hum, I suggest that you give it to brother Feihong and take it to brother Feihong's martial arts school and beat him severely!"

Li Feihong couldn't help but smile.

Li Zhenguo glanced at Chen Ge at the side of his eyes and saw that he had been beaten beyond recognition by all the girls.

He said with a bitter smile: "OK, Feihong, you can listen to Yiyi Go to find Chen Shao first

"That Mr. Li, don't change it! I'm here

Chen Ge only then interposed.


Hearing the sound, Li Zhenguo's whole body shook violently.

Then he looked at Chen Ge, whose hair was messy.

My eyes are wide open.

And a lot of people are looking at each other.

I don't know why.

"Well, you filthy bastard, who do you think you are

Lin Yiyi despised the way.

"Ha ha, I really can act. I'm still pretending up to now."

A lot of beautiful women are also angry.

However, Li Zhenguo, who had come back to God, turned a deaf ear to the words of several little beauties, and even said that they were a little confused.

Chen Shao was dusted today, but he was beaten?

At present, he went to Chen Ge and said respectfully:

"Chen Shao! I'm sorry

Bend straight 90 degrees.


There was a riot all over the place.

Lin Yiyi and a lot of rich and young women are also confused.

This man Actually, he is the boss behind the scenes of Jinling commercial street, well-known in Jiangnan Province, and the backer of Li Zhenguo in Jinling City Chen Ge?

Lin Yun was already pale: "Jinling Jinxing Linyun, met Chen Shao!"

Bend straight 108 degrees.

Finished, the daughter directly beat Chen Shao like this!

"I've met Chen Shao!"

The rest of the rich bow together.

Only Lin Yi Yi, they are still straight body did not come back.

At this time, Chen Ge looked at Lin Yiyi with a playful look:

"little sister, what do you say about this matter?"

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