"Just in time, I want to find a chance to have a good chat with you!"

Chen Ge saw Yang Xue, his face slightly red.

After all, Chen GE's mood is very complicated now.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Yang Xue came to Chen Ge with pride.

"But I really want to know that now I'm Yang Xue, I'm not the same as before. To be honest, I've only dreamed about your life, but even if I dream, I can't realize the real life of a powerful family. But now, I've entered a powerful family. At the beginning, you humiliated me and refused me. Now I'm on an equal footing with you. I want to know that you are now What kind of mood

Yang Xue approaches Chen Ge.

"I'm not in the mood. I just want to make it clear to you. If you feel that I have something I'm sorry for, you can come at me if you have hatred. There's no need to take revenge on the people around me!"

Chen Ge said.

"Hehe, what do I think? Don't you feel it, Chen Ge? Have you done too much to me in some things? "

Yang Xue's eyes suddenly turned red.

Yes, Yang Xue has also reflected on herself. Indeed, she was with Lu Yang before, which was too much for Chen Ge, but at best, it was the catharsis of Chen Ge who suffered two years of white eyes and poor days.

At that time, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that God was unfair to me.

The more I feel like I'm weak.

I'm very beautiful, but why do other girls have them.

Boys can buy brand-name, buy other brand-name, love bag to eat.

But why don't you have anything!

On the contrary, he took money to subsidize the boy for two years.

What did you do wrong?

Just don't want to go on like this, she can pay for love before, even can pay.

But in the end, can't you be realistic? Is that wrong?

Want to vent their emotions, meet their vanity, this is wrong?

However, let oneself did not expect is, after breaking up, you Chen GE has money.

So rich.

At that time of their own, how can not regret, finally to break through the clouds to see the blue sky, but the result of parting.

How can Yang Xue not regret it.

So next, Yang Xue is waiting, waiting for Chen Ge to find her own compound.

In fact, as long as Chen Ge says a word, he will return to him and follow him wholeheartedly.

But he didn't.

I'm still flirting with other girls.

Yang Xue hates her very much!

Since then, things have become more and more extreme.

But in the end, Chen GE's identity as Chen Shao in Jinling was exposed.

That day's own is sad and joyful.

She even felt that she was at a loss. After three years with this boy, she finally wanted to enjoy the glory and wealth, but he liked other girls.

I ask this person to give me a chance.

That day, he abandoned the dignity of being a human being, the dignity of a girl.

But it was just the back of the boy.

Finally, he left the hot spring villa like a dog, and the school couldn't stay.

After leaving school, for the future of confusion, social tempering, who can manage their own?

Hate! How hate!

All these are caused by Chen Ge.

So, you have to make him suffer.

Let him see the scenery of his own, feel regret, even regret.

However, the boy did not even say an apology.

Let yourself go for him!


Yang Xue raised her hand and slapped Chen Ge.

Chen Ge didn't fight back.

He just said, "if this can make you angry, you can fight! After the fight is over, I hope we'll be even with each other! "


Yang Xue angrily raised his hands and was about to fight.

However, the palm is hanging in the air, and Yang Xue takes his hand back.

"If you want to be so easy to even, I tell you, don't even think about it. What's more, Chen Ge, how can you get beaten so easily?"

Yang Xue took a deep breath and recovered from the high cold.

"What else do you want?"

Chen gedao.

"Not so good. By the way, I heard that after we separated, you had a lot of female friends, one of whom seems to be called Su Qiang rose?"

Yang Xue hugs the shoulder and sneers.

Chen Ge suddenly raised his head: "what do you want to do? I tell you, Yang Xue, if you dare to move her, I will never let you go! "

Yang Xue took a deep breath, frowned and said, "ha ha, I also tell you Chen Ge, I don't care about anything now!"Finish saying, take out the mobile phone, click to open the video call, and let Chen Ge have a look.

See in the video, Su Qiang is in the school to send the child home, and she, now being watched, he has not noticed.

"You don't have to scare me. I won't be afraid of you. I can throw everything out now. Do you believe it or not, I only need more than ten seconds, and Su Qiang's life will be lost. Do you believe that I have this ability?"

Yang Xue said maliciously.

"Moreover, you also don't want to save Su Qiang, or inform her, do so, just speed up let me catch the net!"

Chen Ge said, "what do you want? As long as you don't move the people around me and some conditions, I will promise you! "


Just finish saying, Yang Xue hit Chen Ge a mouth again.

"Well, you are really affectionate and righteous now, but why, why did you treat me so ruthlessly at the beginning?"

Yang Xue tries to stop her mood.

"If you want me not to touch the people around you, you can do something for me. When you have finished, we can write off all the things! Don't worry, I won't let you kill or set fire to others! "

Yang Xuedao.

"All right."

"The first thing is I want you to toast me in public later!"

Chen Ge nodded: "it's no problem!"

"Then do this one first!"

Yang Xue finished, proud to leave.

About to go out of the bathroom, Yang Xue retreated back.

"I know you, in your heart, I'm the kind of dirty girl, the girl who can easily get married for money, but I tell you, I'm not the kind of girl you think from the beginning to the end, even if I'm engaged now. Because I'm still a woman! "

Yang Xue, leave directly.

And Chen Ge listened to this, slightly stunned.

Chen Ge did not expect this.

To tell you the truth, Chen GE's heart inexplicably produced a kind of complex emotion that did not know whether to be grateful or moved.

Yang Xue is still a woman.

Therefore, their previous practice of Yang Xue, is a little guilty.

However, guilt comes back to guilt. Chen Ge also knows that Yang Xue is really different from before. It is impossible to harm people and prevent people!

Chen Ge just went out.

What's more, Chen Ge doesn't quite understand. What does Yang xuelet's just toast her in public?

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