White skin.

Chen Ge nods and smiles at her.

"Hey, Chen Ge, this is my cousin, come to play with me, isn't it beautiful?"

Wei Mengjiao said.

Chen Ge nods.

"Hum, but my cousin has been married for a long time. She was a school flower, and now she is a beautiful rose, ha ha!"

Wei Mengjiao joked.

"This is Chen Shao in Jinling? Hello, Chen Shao. My name is Ouyang Ru. I'm older than you. You can call me sister Ouyang

Ouyang Ru said with a smile.

"What's more, Chen Shao, my cousin's family is very powerful in Nanyang, and my cousin is teaching in university now."

Wei Mengjiao said.

"Nice to meet you, sister Ouyang!"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Chen Ge followed several people in.

And soon after Chen Ge left.

A luxury luxury car, at least 10 million prices to start, stopped at the door of the hotel.

Then, the driver got out of the car and opened the co pilot respectfully. A rich and young man in a suit and a pocket watch came down.

"Long Shao!"

Respectfully to the driver.

This man is long Shaoyun.

And long Shaoyun's mouth seems to have been hanging that kind of malicious smile.

Now I have a look inside the hotel.

Then he opened the back door with a smile.

"Sister qinya, here you are. Come down?"

In the car, sitting is Qin ya.

Qin Ya didn't get off the car.

She just painted light makeup today, but still so beautiful, so temperament.

Let long Shaoyun see, both eyes will shine.

Because from the first moment of seeing Qin ya, long Shaoyun felt that this girl was different from other girls at all.

He's met a lot of women, everything.

But it is the first time that Qin Ya has such temperament.

Unfortunately, the first time I met, I made friends many times.

It is reasonable to say that as long as the third young master of Yanjing dragon family nods, countless girls will swarm over.

What's more, it's nice.

But Qin ya did not care about herself.

Later a big listen to know, she is a sweetheart.

Therefore, long Shaoyun stepped up the pressure on the Qin family.

This forced Qin ya to have dinner with herself today.

"Don't be so unhappy, sister qinya. In fact, you don't think I'm a bit dandy, but I'm really good. Although some people look good on the surface, they may hide very deeply. There are few people who say anything to me like this!"

"Thank you, I will judge it myself!"

Qin Ya said coldly.

"All right, all right, let's go in!"

Long Shaoyun smiles.

Then he reached out and wanted to hug Qin Ya's waist.

But Qin Ya quickly dodged.

And he glared at long Shaoyun.

"Can't you touch it? You are my fiancee

Long Shaoyun road.

"Who said I was your fiancee, I did not promise to be engaged to you, master long, please respect yourself!"

Qin Ya's face was tight.

To tell you the truth, she has no feeling for long Shaoyun except disgust.

Of course, the family now has such a crisis. My parents also advised themselves to give up some things for the sake of the family and the family.

Qin Ya didn't think about it. She tried to compromise with the dragon family, and then slowly accepted long Shaoyun.

But in the end, they all failed.

She was disgusted with long Shaoyun except for disgust.

There is no emotion to cultivate.

Even these days, Qin Ya is worried to have some extreme ideas.

And today, it was dad who persuaded him to come.

Qin Ya doesn't know if she should take that step.

"OK, it doesn't matter. It's all about betrothal. Ha ha, don't say it. Let's go in!"

Long Shaoyun also takes Qin Ya in.

Let's go back to Chen Ge.

Chen GE has arrived in the box. Today, Wei Mengjiao invited many people, most of whom are young people of the same age except her cousin Ouyang Ru.

There are local people in Jinling and some people from other places who come to Jinling.

A group of people are very respectful to Chen Ge.

Wei mengcai, especially Chen Jiaocai.

He also said that he would like to have fun together in the evening, and a group of friends would come.

Originally, Chen Ge was going to play for a while, but when she went, Wei Mengjiao asked people to serve.

I had to stay and have a drink with them.All of these people can drink.

Drinking and chatting, unconsciously, some people can't stand alcohol.

It was Ouyang Ru, Wei Mengjiao's cousin.

"No, no, I'm dizzy. Can you drink it? I want to go back to the car and sleep for a while! "

Ouyang Ru said.

"Ah? Cousin, I can't do that. I thought you were a big drinker. Besides, why do you sleep in the car? There are rooms above the hotel. Let me help you to have a rest in the room. "

"By the way, elder sister, I have a bottle of soda water here. You can drink it, it will be more comfortable!"

Wei Mengjiao unscrewed and let Ouyang Ru drink a few mouthfuls.

But Ouyang Ru couldn't hold on, so she nodded.

Wei Mengjiao has let the service open a good room, Ouyang Ru seems to be really weak.

It's almost impossible to stand.

"Hey, Meng Jiao, I'll help you to help you up!"

A boy immediately volunteered.

Yes, Wei Mengjiao is very beautiful, and Ouyang Ru, let alone her temperament, is very nice and beautiful.

It's bigger than everyone else, but it has a special charm.

Which boy is not moved.

"Get out of my way. Don't think I don't know what you think. There's no good thing. I tell you, my cousin is from Nanyang Ouyang family. You have to change people to eat tofu!"

Wei Mengjiao has no good airway.

But she helped it up by herself, and it was a little difficult.

Then he looked at Chen Ge and said, "Chen Shao, I can trust you. Can you help my cousin up with me?"

"All right."

Chen Ge nodded.

Although they are not convenient, but since Wei Mengjiao said, it is not good to refuse.

It's mainly because I don't have any messy ideas in my mind.

Then he helped Ouyang Ru into the room on the seventh floor.

Ouyang Ru, holding her forehead, lay on the bed and went to sleep directly.

"Well, let my cousin have a rest. She can't drink as much as she can! Chen Shao, are you a big drinker

Wei Mengjiao said.

"How are you?"


At this time, Ouyang Ru suddenly and violently retch up, it seems that it is very uncomfortable.

"Ah? Cousin, are you ok? I'm going to buy you a sobering drink. Chen Shao, help me to watch my cousin here for a while, and I'll be back in a minute! "

Wei Mengjiao said.

Finish saying, immediately went out in a hurry.

And Chen Ge doesn't know how to look at it!

At present, Ouyang Ru did not vomit, but fell asleep.

Chen Ge felt that he was in the room, which was not the case.

So he took the room card to the door and waited for Wei Mengjiao to come back.

But after a while, I heard Ouyang Ru's struggling voice.

As if struggling with something.

At first, Chen Ge didn't care, but Ouyang Ru was drunk.

But the more I listen, the more I feel something is wrong, because there are other things inside!

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