With that, Chen Ge walked aside with a bitter smile.

Yes, the former students misunderstood themselves too much.

Of course, Chen Ge doesn't have to explain it to them.

"What's the attitude of this man?"

Zhang Ke's husband complained.

"Well, don't pay attention to him, just a d-silk!"

Zhang Ke is also angry.

And at this time, I don't know who was the first to cry out: "lying trough, many helicopters ah?"

"Ah? Where is it? "

"Oh, my God, it's really true. It's got to be thirty-six, and it's in shape!"

For a moment, the audience was shocked.

Although most of the people who come here are rich businessmen.

But there are also young people who are surprised to see such a battle.

Even Zhang Ke's attention was attracted by the helicopter.

"Honey, it doesn't look like a military helicopter?"

Zhang Ke said in surprise.

As for Wang Xue and Chen Chao, they were shocked.

"Of course not. It looks like a civilian helicopter, but it definitely has the quality of the army. In China, it seems that there are not many such battles."

Obviously, Zhang Ke's husband is well-informed and says lightly at the moment.

"Well What kind of person is that? I'm going to have such a big battle. I must be the richest man in the class? "

Xiao Li jumped excitedly.

Also took out the phone brush to take photos.

I'm so excited today.

"Husband and husband, look, these helicopters seem to be landing on the court!"

One side, the woman who played the crooked ball just now also said happily.

"Yes, no wonder. Just now some staff came to clean up the scene. I think it must be some big guy coming! Fortunately, we didn't leave. We were lucky to meet the big guy

The man was also shocked with his face.

It's true that they have money, but it's impossible for them to have money like this!

"Sir, I don't know if you know exactly who is coming here?"

Seeing the heated discussion between the two men and women, and seeing the gorgeous clothes of others, it is extraordinary.

Zhang Ke's husband asked with a smile.

Zhang Ke and they also passed by.

"I can't guess, ha ha!"

The man laughed.

So Zhang Ke's husband talked about the well-known Chinese tycoons and chatted with them.

Chen Chao and others have to admire.

This is the social intercourse between successful people. Simple things can be connected.

All in all, it's the power of connections.

If I am not familiar with Mr. Zhang Ke, how can I have the opportunity to come to such high-end places.

Xiao Li, including Xiao Li, is also full of pride at the moment.

And the helicopter, as expected, had landed in formation on the golf course.

Instantly, the atmosphere of the whole stadium will be detonated.

Even the people who originally lived in the hotel came out to watch.

"Look! Someone's coming down from the plane

Tian Long Di Hu came down from the plane with a team of bodyguards.

"How handsome, really handsome!"

Xiao Li exclaimed excitedly.

And Wang Xue, his eyes can not help but jump slightly.

Obviously, I've been handsome.

And Tianlong and Dihu, ignoring others, wore sunglasses and walked directly towards Chen Ge.


Zhang Ke and they are slightly stunned.

"Chen Shao

The sky dragon and the ground tiger yelled.

"Well, here you are

Chen Ge nodded slightly.

"Chen Chen Shao? "

And it is this voice that makes Zhang kexiaoli and them all stunned.

What's going on?

Why do these people call Chen Ge Chen Shao?

What's more, these helicopters are here to pick up Chen Ge?

At present, people not only feel the pain in the cheek, especially Zhang Ke, Xiao Li and Wang Xue, but also feel the pain of being pulled.

You know how much they look down on Chen Ge.

Can be such a person, incredibly such scenery!

"Impossible, impossible! How could that be possible! "

Xiao Li said something.

And Chen Ge, without looking at them, is ready to go.

"Chen Ge!"

Xiao Li suddenly called out.


Chen Ge turns her head.

"You You, you, the helicopter is here to pick you up

Xiao Li kept her mouth open.

"Mm-hmm!"Light nodded, Chen Ge looked at the side of Wang Xue and Zhang can, also did not say what.

Then, with one hand in his pocket, in a crowd of compliments, he stepped onto the helicopter.

As for the young man and woman, they are going to be very scared.

Oh, my God, what did they do just now to ask such a big guy to pick up the ball for them? God!

Chen Ge is too lazy to look at these people's expressions.

As for whether to install 13 or not, Chen Ge is not as embarrassed as before.

The helicopter starts and flies away from the scene directly in the complicated eyes of Wang Xue and Zhang Ke.

Let's talk about long Shaoyun's birthday party.

Just now Huang Yonghao and Bai Xiaofei are looking for trouble, and long Shaoyun has already got a stomach full of fire in his heart.

Plus the things about hou San before.

The more long Shaoyun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong today.

Because Chen GE's people obviously want to make trouble, but why hasn't Chen Ge come yet.

"I think so. Today Chen Shao is here to rob her. He must come to rob miss qinya!"

"Yes, miss qinya is so beautiful, and Chen's family had a lot of grudges with the dragon family before. It's no wonder that Chen Shao makes such a fuss."

And they said.

"Brother Shaoyun, this What to do? "

At this time, Wei Mengjiao also came.

After all, I'm sorry for Chen GE's people, except long Shaoyun.

That's Wei Mengjiao.

So she was afraid to see this scene.

Because Chen Ge himself is good for himself. He goes to his party for his own face.

I really feel guilty.

But there's no way. Chen Ge doesn't have the details of the dragon family. Of course, he has to help Shaoyun.

But seeing the scene is very embarrassing, everyone dare not say anything.

The senior member of the long family named long Jinnan spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is long Shao's birthday. Now, even Mr. Li has come to congratulate us. This is a very happy thing in itself. Now, I have another happy thing to tell you, that is, our dragon family officially announced that we will purchase the hot spring villa as the basis for our investment project in Jinling, and our dragon family will also show you one Next, the business layout of the dragon family will be carried out in Jinling next! "

Long Jinnan glanced at Li Zhenguo lightly, and then took the way.


Everyone also understood that it seemed that the dragon family was officially beginning to avenge the old lady Chen Xiaoda for rolling out of Jinling like a dog.

And long Jinnan, dare to say such words under such circumstances, must have the confidence of their dragon family.

What is it?

Just when you're curious.

Long Jinnan patted his palm.

Then, I heard a buzzing sound from somewhere in the villa.

Closely followed, is to see, a full six helicopters in the Jinling villa.

Under the helicopter, hung the long family project management Changhong.

It's like six red dragons flying up the sky.

"What! The dragon family's flying dragon fleet has also been sent by the dragon family? I wipe it. No wonder it's the old dragon's crew. It's seldom used at ordinary times. Only when there's a big event, the old master of the dragon family will send out these six helicopter teams! Every one of them is very valuable. "

"No wonder! It's no wonder that the dragon family still has such confidence... "

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