"Who is it?"

It was a maid who came to open the door.

When she saw Su Muhan, she was stunned and thought that there was such a beautiful girl.

"You Who are you looking for? "

Asked the maid.

"Is Chen Ge at home? I'm looking for him

Su Muhan smiles.

"Xiao Hong, who is it?"

At this time came the impatient voice of Yang Xue.

"Miss, I'm looking for Chen Ge!"

Said the maid.


Yang Xue came over.

When she saw Su Muhan, Yang Xue was shocked.

And Su Muhan is surprised to see Yang Xue.

"Su Muhan!"

"Yang Xue!"

The two almost spoke in the same voice.

As Chen GE's ex girlfriend, Su Muhan naturally knows her, but how can Yang Xue not know Su Muhan.

In fact, before Yang Xue, it was so certain that Chen Ge would not have anything with Qin ya. At most, it was a rumor.

Because Yang Xue knows Chen GE has a girlfriend.

Hum, damn it, and Yang Xue also knows that Chen Ge loves her very much, at least at the beginning.

So Yang Xue is really surprised to hear that Chen Ge is engaged to Qin ya.

Now, Chen Ge and Su Muhan have been separated. After all, Yang Xue knows that Chen Ge is not a man who steps on two boats.

On the contrary, Chen Ge takes emotion seriously.

Only in this way will Chen Ge go to make a date with Qin ya.

However, since the division, what did Su Muhan come to Chen Ge for?

Lie back, is it the same as their own ideas, trying to compound with Chen Ge?

That oneself is not to have a more powerful opponent than Qin ya.

After all, Su Muhan is so beautiful.

With the two of them, there is no competitiveness at all. In addition to playing the past cards with Chen Ge, what else do you have?

No, she has to leave! At present, Yang Xue has already had a worry.

"Why are you here?"

Su Mu Han frowned.

"Of course I'm here. Ha ha, I've made up with Chen Ge. I'm pregnant. I'm here to raise a baby here."

Yang Xue said.

"You're talking nonsense!"

Su Muhan's face turned white with fear.

However, since it is nonsense, how can Yang Xue live in Chen GE's home?

"Whatever you say, we are about to get married, but it's you. What are you looking for him for? Give up your mind as soon as possible! "

Yang Xue rolled her eyes.

"Mu Han, what's going on? Who is she? "

At this time, Su Meng Meng was angry and said directly.

"Her ex girlfriend is Chen Ge!"

Su Muhan tears down.


"I'll go, motherfucker

The crowd knew what was going on.

"Let's go! Don't shed tears for such people! "

Su Mengmeng said, staring at Yang Xue.

"It turns out that Chen GE has been deceiving you. While calling you and contacting you, he is about to get married. The boys really don't have a good thing!"

Su Mengmeng said again.

Su Muhan took a deep breath. "I'll call Chen Ge now. I'll let him tell me in person what's going on here!"

With that, Su Muhan took out the key to Yunding villa and threw it directly in front of Yang Xue.

And Yang Xue is also confused.

I go. It seems that Chen Ge didn't break up with Su Muhan. They are still in love.

What's going on here?

Is Chen Gezhen a scum man?

Su Muhan made a few phone calls to Chen Ge, but no one answered.

"Why didn't he answer my phone?"

Su Mu Han worried way, "before, my phone, he is the first time to answer!"

And Yang Xue finally determined that Chen Ge is really in two boats, and has been hiding Su Muhan.

Ha ha ha!

Yang Xue's heart suddenly flashed a plan.

Su Muhan was about to leave at the moment.

Yang Xue quickly called out: "Mu Han, you wait a minute!"

"What else do you want to do?"

Su Mengmeng says coldly.

Yang Xue bit her lip, and tears were swirling in her eyes. "Mu Han, although we haven't communicated before, I know you are a good girl. I just didn't have the heart to tell you the truth. You will be disappointed!"

"Ha ha, the cat cries, the mouse pretends to be merciful, does not listen to her to say!"

Said summond.

"Muhan, do you think I'm good? Yes, although I live in the Yunding villa now, Chen GE has given me a lot of glory and wealth, but how dreary he is, you know, he said, good horse does not eat the grass, even if I have his children, he will not be with me! ""And I'll tell you a big secret!"

Yang Xue said.

Su Muhan asked, "what's the secret?"

Yang Xue lowered her voice and said, "it turns out that Chen Ge is Chen Shao in Jinling. He has a lot of money and is a super giant! I don't know if he has a child

Su Muhan looks at Yang Xue, has a bit of faith, and nods at the moment.

Yes, Chen Ge said that his identity could not be exposed.

Now, Yang Xue already knew, and lived in Yunding villa, which is very illustrative.

"By the way, if you can find this, you must know Chen GE's identity! Yes, he is not the same as before. He has become so rich that men will get worse if they have money. Now I have his children. I just hope that he can be reunited with me, but it is impossible, because he has been with other girls again! "

Yang Xue began to cry.

"Other girls?" Su Muhan has almost no strength to speak.

"Yes, if Chen Ge is willing to be with other girls, I will give up. But he cheated me and wanted to keep me. On the other hand, he went to stay with other girls. Today is the day when he was engaged to that girl! But I dare not stop, because he will hit me

Yang Xue cried.

Su Muhan felt like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

"Where is he engaged? I'll find him

Su Mu Han said coldly.

"He is..."

Yang Xue said the engagement place, originally she had planned to make trouble, but thought that if she did, it would be counterproductive, so she gave up the idea and went to sleep in the room.

I didn't expect Su Muhan to come back suddenly. It's not too coincidental.

"But promise me not to tell me, or he will kill me!"

"I see!"

With that, Su Muhan left directly with the sisters.

On the way, Su Muhan felt incredible. She had always had confidence in Chen Ge and felt that she would not mistake people.

Of course, we will not just rely on Yang Xue's one-sided words to misunderstand Chen Ge.

Therefore, she wanted to see for herself whether what Yang Xue said was true or not.

"Hum, it's ridiculous. I have to talk about it seven or eight times every day. As a result, people don't have you in their hearts."

Wu Wenwen sneered.

"Well, ask, Mu Han's heart has been chaotic enough now, can you stop talking about it?"

Said summond.

The driver drove for a while and the car stopped at the door of a hotel.

"Muhan, this should be it!"

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