"What? You said you lent the house to the girl? "

Chen Ge also told Su Mengmeng about Yang Xue.

As for Yang Xue said she was pregnant and so on, Chen Ge this is not clear.

However, it is not difficult to imagine that Yang Xue must have no good intentions. This account will be calculated later.

Now Chen Ge just doesn't want Su Muhan to misunderstand him.

"Well, well, you don't look like a liar. I'll try to persuade Mu Han that you'd better not lie. You know, Mu Han hates others to cheat her and play with her."

Such a simple exchange, Su Mengmeng also found that Chen Ge doesn't look like a heartless dandy.

It feels very easy-going.

If he didn't, summond would certainly help him.

So Chen Ge was waiting downstairs.

So Sumon went back.

But soon she came out in a hurry.

"Oh, Chen Ge, I can't help you. Mu Han doesn't listen to advice and doesn't want to see you. You really hurt her this time. You'd better go back..."

She went in.


Chen Ge was very upset.

It's not easy to look forward to Su Muhan's coming back. I'm looking forward to the result that he's back at this crucial moment.

Just then.

Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly rings.

Take out a look, it is Su Qiang's phone.

"Rose, what's the matter?"

Chen Ge gentle smile, Chen Ge from the beginning, is to take Su rose as his sister to treat.

"Chen Shao, I'm not rose, I'm her colleague Wei Lin, we met last time!"

Said the female voice on the phone. Listen to her tone, as if there is something wrong, very anxious.

"I remember! What's the matter? "

Chen Ge asked.

"It's rose, rose, she's in trouble, and now she's gone to the hospital!"

Wei Lin said anxiously.


Chen Ge was surprised.

At the moment, she looked upstairs and wanted to shout to Su Muhan, but she was afraid that she would be upset.

After all, she still quite hates herself now. After confirming the situation of rose, come to find Su Muhan.

So Chen Ge ran back and asked.

"What's going on? Make it clear! "

Wei Lin said: "it's still good at noon today. As a result, during the afternoon class, rose suddenly said that she was not feeling well. Originally, I connected her with hot water. I thought she had a cold. Unexpectedly, she fainted after a while! I accompanied her to the hospital! But now the rose is awake, but very weak

"How could it be so?"

Chen Ge is also a little anxious.

I took a taxi, asked clearly, and went straight to the hospital.

"Meng Meng, what did the scum man say?"

As soon as they came up, several girls asked.

"He didn't say much, but it seems that he has been waiting for Muhan to see him."

"Well, can he be so infatuated? I don't believe it

Wu Wenwen sneered.

Then he went to the window, opened the curtain and looked down.

As a result, Chen Ge took a taxi and left.

"Well, I'll tell you, he can't do it. It's only a long time ago. He took a taxi and left. You can see!"

Wu Wenwen points to the road outside.

Su Muhan glanced out of the window.

After seeing Chen Gezhen go, Su Muhan grabs the bed sheet in a hurry.

Yes, I'm really angry, although I don't want to hear your explanation.

You don't want to listen to Mu Han!

Even if you don't explain, you have to wait downstairs for a while, which can prove that your heart has not changed.

But now?

Su Muhan felt very sad for a moment

At the moment, Chen GE has arrived at the hospital.

In the ward, saw very weak, pale as paper Su rose.

Fortunately, Su Qiang has woken up.

"How about it?"

Chen Ge came to the hospital bed and said.

"I don't know what's going on. I suddenly feel like my blood has been drained away, and I fainted when my eyes are dark..."

Su rose whispered.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Worry is anxiety. Here, several doctors have discussed it for several times, and even the cause of the disease can't be determined, so now, I dare not carry out the next step of treatment!"

It was Wei Lin.

Su Qiang red eyes, after all, she also some fear.

No matter how strong she is at ordinary times, it is hard for her to face this situation now.

"I see!"Chen Ge nodded and looked at Su rose with heartache.

At the moment, he went out to call Tianlong Dihu and asked him to send a team of medical experts from the base!

Naturally, the dragon and the tiger dare not neglect it. It hasn't taken long.

The team of experts came.

Everyone in it is famous.

The hospital will naturally cooperate in all aspects.

It took more than two hours.

This group of talents came to Chen Ge.

A face of depression.

"Chen Shao, this symptom of Miss Su Qiangwei is very rare. At least I have never seen it. No matter using western means or Chinese medicine, we can not find out the cause of Miss Su Qiang!"

The group shook their heads in secret.

"What? You can't even help it? "

Chen Ge was also disappointed.

"I'm sorry, young master. But if you can, you can call the medical team in the family. The medical skills of those members are higher than ours!"

The head of an old Chinese medicine is ashamed.

"Well, I see! Go back first

Chen Ge nodded.

I and rose itself is a good friend, and now, I have not confirmed the relationship with rose, anyway, she has been treated as a sister.

She has something to do. How can Chen Ge let go!

"Wei Lin, please help me take care of the rose first, I'll try to find a way!"

Chen gedao.

"I know Chen Shao!"

Then Chen Ge is ready to go back to the hotel to arrange for Li Zhenguo and them.

Let Li Zhenguo be responsible for looking for the famous doctor in his family.

I have to call my dad and tell him about it.

As a result, as soon as I got to the door, I saw a man squatting at the door.

Also holding a sack, it seems that it is Lu luggage.

It's not someone else. It's Qin Yifan, old man Qin.

"Grandson, what did you do? Didn't you mean to go home today? "

As soon as old man Qin saw Chen Ge, he laughed happily and came over with a sack.

Chen Ge glimpses, he this is the other people's hotel is all to clean up.

"Uncle Qin, I don't have time to see you home now. I have a lot of things to do. You really want to go back. I'll send someone to drive you back to Shuchuan."

Chen Ge said impatiently.

Now Chen Ge is really exhausted.

If something goes wrong with Su Qiang, even if she is looking for that woman, she is not at ease.

"No, you said you'd take me home yourself!"

Old man Qin shook his head.

"Well, just wait a few more days. My good friend has an accident and I don't want to go!"

Chen gedao.

Just ready to go, slap it.

Chen GE's shoulder was suddenly caught by old man Qin.

"Well? What's wrong? Grandson, who did you see today

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