"Is it you?"

"Is it you?"

Su Muhan and the girl almost have the same voice, which is obviously quite unexpected.

"Yifan, who is she? How can she look familiar?"

A girl asked curiously.

Yes, the girl in charge is Zhao Yifan.

"Ao, she is Su Muhan, the only one in our school who has entered the best TV station on Hong Kong Island for internship!"

Zhao Yifan some sour said.

All of them are from the broadcasting and hosting Department of Jinling University, and Zhao Yifan naturally has the opportunity to learn.

However, a team of 30 people will be assigned to TV stations or even newspapers according to a certain proportion, and the best learning opportunities will be those with the best performance.

"I know Yifan. It's not the girlfriend of your ex boyfriend you mentioned?"

A few girls on one side suddenly look at Su Mu Han's eyes.

After all, girlfriends are girlfriends, and they must be close friends.

Now, the former girlfriend and the present girlfriend have some contradictions, so it's very embarrassing.

Zhao Yifan has nothing to hide from them.

When I first came to Hong Kong Island, the girls didn't talk to each other. Of course, the topic was more about boys, and there was a comparison between their boyfriends.

To be honest, compared with these girlfriends, I couldn't say anything about Zhuang Qiang at the beginning, just like a dog.

In fact, in the later Zhao Yifan's heart, he denied this relationship.

After all, it was his misunderstanding that Zhuang Qiang helped himself to be with him at the beginning, but I didn't expect that the person who helped him was actually a little song.

Besides, who can be better than Chen Ge.

After all, Chen Ge is so calm and introverted that Zhao Yifan also likes his temperament.

So, although it was just a day of love, Zhao Yifan still said that Chen Ge was his ex boyfriend, and he was the only ex boyfriend.

Of course, when we say that Chen Ge is Chen Da Shao's identity, it really frightens all the roommates and calls it a pity.

Ha ha!

Thinking of Chen Ge, Zhao Yifan's heart aches.

If there is no accident, he is now a rich man.

But Oh!

The two words of Chen Ge, like the haze in the later period, let Zhao Yifan live in the shadow all day long.

Therefore, she chose to come to Hong Kong Island to avoid any memory of Chen Ge.

At present, seeing Su Muhan makes her feel indescribable.

But obviously, the feeling now is less than before.

"Are you OK with that Chen Ge?"

Zhao Yifan said with a bit of pride on his face.

"Mm-hmm, very good!"

Seeing Zhao Yifan, Su Muhan is also a bit of inborn jealousy. After all, Chen Ge once confessed with Zhao Yifan in the corridor because of misunderstanding.

Although he knew nothing happened, Su Muhan was not comfortable.

So, Su Muhan doesn't need to tell Zhao Yifan that he's having a problem with Chen Ge.

"Well, I wish you both well!"

Zhao Yifan smile, appears very indifferent.

Yes, if it was a month ago, seeing Su Muhan, Zhao Yifan would feel uncomfortable, even jealous.

Jealousy Su Muhan robbed her boyfriend.

After all, at the beginning, Chen Ge was interested in himself first.

"Hum, it's true that we found a rich boyfriend in Jinling. Our sails are not bad. We are favored by Yang Shao of Hong Kong Island. Yang Shao and Chen Shao are all from the background of large listed companies. Even if the difference between them is not much, and Yang Shao has Harvard background."

One side of the girls can not help but compare.

I want to give Zhao Yifan some face.


Su Muhan just nodded.

And this is what makes Zhao Yifan change.

Yes, before, she felt that Chen Ge was so proud, but she couldn't be with her. It was not because she looked down on her at the beginning that she led to a hasty ending of a good love story.

A mixture of remorse and remorse can never be better described.

However, she didn't find out until Zhao Yifan came out of Jinling circle.

It turns out that the world is really big.

He is definitely not the only one with the same value as Chen Ge.

Therefore, Zhao Yifan's feeling for Chen Ge is much less.

"Ah! Cruise ship

Suddenly, Zhao Yifan's good friend jumped up and said excitedly.

"That's Yang Shao's cruise ship. Yifan, Yang Shao is driving a luxury cruise ship to meet us!"

On the sea, a very luxurious cruise ship appeared.On the cruise ship, there was a young man in a bathrobe and red wine in his hand.

It should be Yang Shao in their mouth.

"Yang Shao is really handsome!"

"Yes, Yifan is really a man of great fortune. Originally, a simple tea party made Yifan and Yang Shao know each other. I think Yifan, you can promise Yang Shao's pursuit!"

A group of sisters are almost excited to cry out.

Zhao Yifan is just silent and looks at Yang Shao, who is facing the wind with a smile on his face.

Soon, the cruise ship arrived.

Yang Shao jumped down from above.

"Yifan, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Yang Shao looked at Zhao Yifan and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter!"

Zhao Yifan gently cut his hair to the back of his ear.

"Yang Shao, when will our cruise party begin?"

The other girl exclaimed excitedly.

"It's about to start Well? "

Yang Shao said, suddenly a Leng.

Looking to one side, Su Muhan's temperament is definitely better than Zhao Yifan.

"Yifan, is this your friend, too?"

Yang Shao took off his glasses and was quite surprised.

"No, she should have come for a ride by the sea."

Zhao Yifan some dissatisfaction way.

"That's such a beautiful woman. If you don't want to go on my cruise together, let's have a cruise dinner?"

Yang Shao suddenly bows slightly to Su Muhan, making a gentleman's invitation etiquette.

"Thank you, no!"

In the face of Yang Shao's warm invitation, Su Muhan just responded coldly with four words.

This makes Yang Shao's face stiff.

From childhood to adulthood, it seems that no girl has ever refused herself.

Now, it's turned down in public.

"Beauty, I'm afraid you don't know my identity yet?"

Yang Shao could not help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

There was no invitation again.

"Yang Shao, someone else has a boyfriend, and it's Chen Shao in Jinling."

One of the girls said.

"Oh? No wonder! "

Yang Shao chuckled bitterly, "however, the influence of Jinling rich people is always in Jinling! Since you won't, I'm sorry. Yifan, let's go and take you for a ride in the sea breeze at night. "

Yang Shao looks at Zhao Yifan and says.

At the moment, Zhao Yifan nodded with a smile.

On the one hand, some arrogant and coquettish look to Su Mu Han.

That means like to say, see, even if the boy who was abandoned by me finally has the ability, how can I still have better to pursue me.

And you su Mu Han, in the end, is even a girl to admire the goddess level, but also lost to me.

"Ah! Yifan, look So What is that? "

At this moment, those girls suddenly yelled, but this time is no longer excited, but shocked!

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