"Oh? Who do you want to give it to? "

Chen Ge is the first time to see xiaopang hair ch like this, can't help but smile bitterly.

"Hey, it's for a girl I always like. She's from Taekwondo Club. She's going to compete in school in a few days. She's training very hard. I'm going to buy her something!"

Xiaopang said with a smile.

Seeing xiaopang like this, Chen Ge is also very happy for him. Xiaopang is a smart person, but he is very practical to people.

Chen Ge didn't take him for anything, just took him as his friend.

So Chen Ge stopped by to have a look.

Came to Taekwondo Club.

I found that many people are training.

Xiaopang looks around with his food.

Finally, my eyes fell on a beautiful girl with a ponytail.

"Ha ha ha, Qin Nuan, who's here? That fat man has come to give you food again

When Wang Xiaohua and Chen Ge go in.

Those who practiced Taekwondo pointed to Wang Xiaohua and laughed.

Chen Ge also can see that in fact, in school, there are few people who really take Wang Xiaohua as a friend, and there are not many people who look up to Wang Xiaohua.

"It's really single-minded and infatuated. It's so hard to send them every day. Qin Nuan, if you meet such a good boy, you can be his girlfriend."

Several girls also came to make fun of Qin Nuan Dao.

Qin Nuan is a beautiful girl.

At the moment, listening to everyone's ridicule, he looked at Wang Xiaohua, who was short and fat.

She felt insulted.

At present, he ran to Wang Xiaohua angrily.

"Wang Xiaohua, I didn't tell you not to come. Why do you still come to pester me? Are you bored? I feel sick when I see you!"

Qin Nuan ran over and said angrily.

"Warm, I'm afraid you're training too hard, so I bought you something!"

Wang Xiaohua handed the thing to Qin Nuan.


Qin Nuan slapped him.

"I don't want it! I don't want it! I said, I don't want anything from you. You go

Qin Nuan sees Wang Xiaohua continue to stay here, her face is red hot.


And a lot of people on the scene all gathered around and yelled.

"Warm, how do you become like this now? You have never done this to me before!"

Wang Xiaohua looked at the snacks and drinks scattered on the ground, and his eyes were red.

"Are you sick? I let you go!"

Qin Nuan gave Wang Xiaohua another push.

Wang Xiaohua did not pay attention, directly a head on the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha, I fell like a tortoise!"

"That's right. This kind of person still wants to chase Qin Nuan. Let's dream about it. No wonder people like Qin Nuan..."

One girl didn't go on talking about it.

I shut my mouth.

"Really, day by day, I'm really bored to death!"

With that, Qin Nuan kicked Wang Xiaohua's snacks out again, and then turned to go.

"Well, are you going too far?"

Chen Ge couldn't help but shout.

"Do you know that when Xiao Hua left school just now, he was still thinking about your training. He was afraid that you would be too hard, so he came to give you something. Even if you don't like him, you don't need to treat him like this?"

Chen Ge said angrily.

"Hehe, whatever you want, I will do what I want to do to him. Whoever asked him to come to the Taekwondo Hall, I think he deliberately humiliated me! You're not going yet

After that, Qin Nuan still wants to fight Wang Xiaohua a few times.

Chen Ge stood in front of him and pushed Qin warm.

Qin Nuan was also short of breath.

He kicked Chen GE's chest with a kick.

Chen Ge didn't expect the girl to be so irascible.

Straight was kicked back and forth, and then a butt on the ground.

Qin Nuan, however, is also aware that he is somewhat impulsive.

I also know that Wang Xiaohua is interested in himself.

But, no feeling is no feeling, what are you doing?

Besides, girls are very vain.

Wang Xiaohua is the image again.

If you are treated like this by a handsome man, Qin Nuan doesn't feel anything at all.

But as for Wang Xiaohua, Qin Nuan felt very shameful.

And in front of all the girls and all the boys.

I really want to kick him away.

"Brother Chen, brother Chen!"

Wang Xiaohua saw Chen Ge get beaten for himself.Hurry over and pull Chen Ge up.

Chen Ge also wants to argue with Qin Nuan.

But Wang Xiaohua saw that a few of their Taekwondo club's tough people had already come.

He was afraid that Chen Ge would suffer losses.

He took Chen Ge and left.

"Brother Chen, it's all my fault. It's me who caused you to be beaten. But don't blame wennuang. If you want to blame me, you can blame me. It's me who humiliated wennuang again. It's me who can't hold her head up in front of her Taekwondo Club classmates. It's me who is wrong!"

Wang Xiaohua sat outside the park and cried with Chen Xiaohua.

Although Chen Ge got a foot, his chest hurt.

But when I saw Wang Xiaohua like this, I didn't say anything.

Because Chen Ge saw Wang Xiaohua, it seemed that he had seen himself before.

He would rather be beaten by himself than let Yang Xue be hurt in any way.

Ha ha!

Chen Ge patted Wang Xiaohua on the shoulder: "OK, don't cry, you told me that you two have a good relationship, but I look at it, it's not good!"

Chen Ge doubts.

"We used to be very good. We grew up together, but later, after going to college, we gradually changed..."

Then Wang Xiaohua tells Chen Ge what happened before he and Qin Nuan.

When I was a child, Wang Xiaohua and Qin Nuan were very good indeed. Even in school, some people bullied Qin Nuan, and Wang Xiaohua always took the lead for Qin Nuan.

The worst time was in their fourth grade.

Qin Nuan was blocked by several senior students.

At that time, I was very young. I knew a fart. I read a beautiful girl, and then I wrote a love letter and asked to be his girlfriend.

Or the powerful ones will stop the girl and ask her to be his girlfriend.

That's the whole story.

Then Wang Xiaohua fought with those people in order to protect Qin Nuan.

Finally, the knee was knocked down and broken, and there are still scars.

It's similar to Chen GE's fight against Wang Xue in junior high school.

Therefore, Qin Nuan and Wang Xiaohua are very good.

After graduating from high school, the two became boyfriends.

Later, Wang Xiaohua found that Qin Nuan had changed.

Qin Nuan is hiding from Wang Xiaohua.

At the end of the day, it is even more important not to be with Wang Xiaohua in front of others, nor to tell others that they are lovers.

Some time ago, Qin Nuan said to separate for a period of time.

And then it slowly became like this.

Wang Xiaohua didn't believe that Qin Nuan was changing so fast, so he didn't like to be entangled in it.

But now That's it.

After listening to Chen Ge, he shook his head and didn't know how to persuade him. After all, he was not like this to Yang Xue at that time.

He patted Wang Xiaohua on the shoulder.

Wang Xiaohua wiped his tears and said that it was all right. It was much better to go out.

Chen Ge was just relieved.

Two people are going back.

But also at this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang, it was su Qiang calling.

"Chen Ge, come back quickly!"

"What's the matter?"

Listen to the tone, Su Qiang seems very anxious

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