When Hu Huimin saw Chen Ge, she didn't pay attention to herself. Now she called Chen Ge in a hurry.

What do you mean? When you see it, you don't see it.


Chen Ge is also a complex emotion for Hu Huimin. It's better to ignore her simply. She also understands that she is rich now. She has some unbalanced mood in her heart.

It's not boring.

"Don't you just have money? Hehe, you still pretend that you don't know me. I want to know how your money comes from?"

Hu Huimin looks at Chen Ge and asks.

"Sorry, this is my privacy!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"You still have privacy. Hehe, if you have money, it's different. I used to see your virtue, but now I'll tell you Chen Ge, you're a nouveau riche at best. Do you understand? And the upstart mentality is too strong! Really, you are too lack of mature and steady like Wang Jian

Hu Huimin said.

"Whatever you say, Xiaohua and I have to choose the address of the new company. Excuse me first!"

Chen Ge shakes his head and smiles.

After all, it's not the first time that I've been sprayed like this, but I'm too lazy to explain.

"Start a company? Are you going to start a new company? "

I don't know why, watching Chen Ge get better step by step, Hu Huimin is really not a taste.

"Yes, brother Chen has invested money. We'll set up a travel company together!"

Wang Xiaohua said excitedly for the first time.

Then he went in with Chen Ge.

It's true. Yesterday afternoon, brother Chen called himself and said it.

My grandmother's health is very bad recently, and her feelings are not smooth. Wang Xiaohua is under great pressure.

And Chen Ge timely rain like financing, directly let Wang Xiaohua through all the crisis.

So now, Wang Xiaohua almost dreams of calling the name of brother Chen. Brother Chen, brother Chen, calls more kisses than his brother.

And looking at the back of the two people in.

"I don't know what kind of bad luck this guy has gone through!"

Shen Junwen a face not angry way.

"Who knows, but even people like Chen Ge are going to start a company, and he is so generous!"

Hu Huimin stamped her feet in a hurry. Obviously, there was no way.

"Well, watch him toss about. When he loses his money, see what he has left!"

Shen Junwen sour Road, then said: "don't think of Chen Ge, go, today's school to carry out Taekwondo competition, all campus activities, also on this competition I have some interest in!"

Hu Huimin said: "yes, before you were a police academy, you had won the senior high school group and Jiangnan Taekwondo champion. If you carry out this kind of competition, you can comment on the new generation again?"

As they spoke, they walked in.

And Chen Ge and Wang Xiaohua reported in the class.

As there was only one thought class this morning, they simply asked for leave.

Chen Ge helps Wang Xiaohua. First, it is because Wang Xiaohua has his own shadow. During this period, Chen GE has always regarded Wang Xiaohua as a brother.

He's not going well. If he can help him, he can help him. It doesn't matter.

Secondly, Wang Xiaohua is very filial to his parents and grandparents.

This makes Chen Ge feel that Wang Xiaohua has a good character and is willing to support him.

So I had the idea of opening a travel company together.

The first thing, of course, is the location of the company.

The location is set in the city near the University City, a luxury commercial office building.

Here itself is built on the mountain and by the river. Many industries have joined in and the popularity is very high.

The purpose of tourism companies is to get the right to organize and arrange the annual meeting of many other companies, so they can't choose to be in the remote areas.

They came to the investment center of the big commercial building.

"It's not the phone call. What about the people who receive us?"

After Chen Ge came in, he asked Wang Xiaohua.

"I don't know. Brother Chen, I called the man. His cell phone is busy!"

"Well, there are so many people in the investment center. Let's wait a moment."

Chen Ge looked at the time.

I couldn't help but shake my head.

All of a sudden, Chen Ge saw Wang Xiaohua looking at the door.

And then he looked up.

At this time, several young men and women came down from the car together and walked towards the investment center.

One of the girls, affectionately arm from the driving position of the young man's arm, two people are talking and laughing with the two girls behind them to walk in."Warm, will you not participate in the group competition of each class this morning?"

Two girls asked.

"The group competition is too low-level, ha ha, warm but Taekwondo master, you can directly participate in the finals in the afternoon, of course, you don't have to participate! Are you right? "

The boy said with a smile.

"It's also Austria. Alas, warm and warm is really too happy now. Now with Li Xiang, you can start your own training class to train students!"

The girls said with envy.

"What's the matter? It's just a training institution. I'll do something I like to do, don't you think Xiangge?"

Qin Nuan said with a happy smile.

"Mm-hmm, but it's warm. You have to be prepared mentally. You have to give a preventive shot first. Now there is too much competition in training institutions. I don't know much about all kinds of fancy training. But my sister also trains with you. Listen to her, you are also very competitive. Although I used a lot of family relations, I started it After that, you and my sister have to work hard! "

Li Xiang said.

"That's no problem, so it's because of the big competition that I want to choose the location near Zhenda shopping mall. There's too much traffic here!"

"But here Well, well, let's not talk about this problem. Let's ask my friend's brother first. He is the business director here! "



At the moment, Wang Xiaohua came to Qin Nuan.

A little surprised to look at the scene.

Qin Nuan, however, was embarrassed to release Li Xiang's hand.

Yes, I told Wang Xiaohua some time ago that the two people should be separated for a period of time. During this period, give Wang Xiaohua enough space to perform well.

At the same time, let yourself concentrate on training.

So Wang Xiaohua promised that they would not be together for the time being.

But later, Qin Nuan's attitude towards Wang Xiaohua was obvious to all.

Now, I got together with another boy.

Wang Xiaohua finally understood why this was. What Qin Nuan said was false.

And Qin Nuan is also because of a guilty heart, so now to see Wang Xiaohua, she is very embarrassed.

"You've been lying to me

Wang Xiaohua shook his hand and his application materials for investment promotion fell to the ground

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