Fang Yi is out.

But it came back soon.

"My daughter, twelve teachers are not here, and some elders of the manor are not here. It seems that they went to the meeting room for a meeting. You forget that every year, our family has a big meeting today!"

Fang Yi said.

Fang Yannan sat on the bed and nodded, "I just remember, OK, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

With that, she looked at Fang Yi as if she wanted to stop talking.

"What's the matter?" Fang asked

Fang Yi mysteriously jumped to her side, bit her lips and said, "dear girl, you said that every year the family holds such a special mysterious family meeting, and as long as those men go, what do you mean?"

How can Fang Nan know what to say.

Then he shook his head and said, "how do I know?" Looking at Fang Yi, "what do you want to do?"

"Cough, what do I want to do? You know, ah, ah, every time we have to avoid, so that we are banned. We don't know why. We don't know what's going on in the family. Besides, you have worked so hard and worked so hard for so many years that you are better than those boys in the family. However, you still don't know anything !”

Fang Yiyou sighed.

Fang Huanan's face was darkened, and this remark just hit Fang's mind.

Yes, I worked so hard to prove that I was better than those boys and could shoulder the responsibility of the family.

However, after so many years, my grandfather turned a blind eye.

"Otherwise, let's eavesdrop. You want to know something about the family anyway."

Fang Yi whispered.

If it was in the past, Fang would definitely refuse, because she didn't want her grandfather to lose his temper.

But Fang Yi's words just now let her daughter say nothing.

If we go on like this, will Fang Yi and myself be concealed for a lifetime?

I will go on like this all my life?

Fang Nan shook her head.

No! Absolutely not! I can't live like this all my life.

It was this voice that aroused Fang's rebellious heart which she had buried for many years.

Now she looked at Fang Yi and nodded to each other.

By the time I sneaked out of the meeting room, the meeting inside had already started.

"Second, third, how are you getting ready for your work? It's very important to be able to deal with this colossus and the weapons you have prepared. "

On the head seat, an old man, leaning on crutches, looked at two middle-aged people and asked.

"Dad, we are almost ready. It's a pity that we haven't finished the most difficult task together. If my elder brother is still alive, we should..."

One of the middle-aged people did not go on.

When Fang Nan heard this, she couldn't help raising her head and listening more attentively.

And the old man, hearing this, his eyes were even more hazy: "yes, if your elder brother is here, our Fang family will not be so passive, but he was killed by people. Heaven is jealous of talents!"

The old man's two lines of muddy old tears came down.

"Yes, after the death of the eldest and youngest masters, elder brother, you are old again. It's a pity that no one in the Fang family can engage with that family in a positive way. Fortunately, the daughter's granddaughter is excellent in all aspects. Compared with the eldest and youngest masters, it's a wise move if you can train your daughter to fight Daliang!"

An old man in the family said.

"Well, I never thought about letting her take part in it. After all, she is Zhenghua's only daughter and her only blood. She has no father's love and mother's love since childhood. I really put her in my mouth for fear. How can I have the heart to let her stand out?"

Fang's family leader shook his head and sighed.

"A girl's family will get married sooner or later. What's your ability? Besides, even founder Hua is not the rival of that family. Both parents are killed because of that, let alone a girl film!"

One side, is also a greasy middle-aged man said.


Fang Zhengye, the second young master, patted the table and glared, "what do you mean by this? Is it because your situ family's wings are hard these years, and you don't pay attention to the Fang family?"

"How could it be? Since I was born, my damned father told me that the situ family will always be one of the vassal families of the Fang family, and they must all listen to the Fang family. Over the years, I am very obedient. I have helped the Fang family to stabilize its influence in the southwest. I have no merit but also hard work? "

Middle aged fat man situhong stares at Fang Zhengye and says.

Today's meeting, in addition to the Fang family, there are several vassal families similar to the situ family.

There must be a lot of vassals under the big family.

Even if Chen Ge creates a group, there will be a lot of Chen's vassals."Yes, ah Hong has made great contributions to the establishment of the Fang family in the past two years. Even the other vassal families like us have got a lot of credit along with them."

Many began to whisper.

At this time, the old master of the Fang family stabbed the ground with his crutch, which made the scene quiet again.

"Ah Hong, I think you have something to say. If you want to say something, just say it..."

Old master Fang took a deep breath.

Situ Hong said with a faint smile: "master, it's nothing. It's not that little Lord's accident has happened for many years. Before, we talked about his property. Would you like to give us a little bit of it and let us manage it? But you said that we have to wait until Fang Fannan grows up. Now she has grown up. Hey, do you have to fulfill the promise of that year? After all, Fang Zhenghua has already There is no heir! "

"Hum, I have known for a long time what kind of idea you Si Tu Hong made. Although the big and young master has been in trouble for many years, his revenge has not yet been revenged. Do you want to divide the property?"

Fang Zhengye said angrily.

"Ha ha, it hasn't been reported yet? I don't think I dare to report it? What's more, his property has been given to you brothers, and you can't see what you've done. On the contrary, it makes the Fang family more and more cowardly! It's better to give us a chance! "

"Ahone is right!"

Many people said.

And just when the two brothers did not know what to do.

There's a bang.

The door of the conference room was pushed open.

Fang Yannan came in with red eyes, swept through the faces of the crowd coldly, and finally stopped on situ Hong's body: "Uncle situ, you can tell me who killed my parents, who are the enemies of the Fang family, and I will avenge this revenge!"

As soon as old master Fang looked at Fang's intrusion, he also guessed that she might have heard it.

At the moment, you sigh.

Everyone did not continue to say, even situ Hong also turned his head to one side, Quan should not have heard.

After taking a deep breath, Mr. Fang stares at Fang Xiangnan: "the meeting will be suspended for a while, you can come with me!"

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