At a time when people are at a loss.

"Why do you call me out, my dear?"

Fang Yi asked.

At the same time, he suddenly realized: "Oh I see. You don't want to? "

Fang Yi shook her head helplessly and said, "to be honest, I always look at Xu Yangyang. You can see how she treats her classmates in her class. And Shen Junwen is also a two *, so if they get into trouble, they are in trouble. Why do you want to do something about it

"I know what you said, but, we have no hatred or resentment with them. After all, it's also a classmate's competition. They never offended me. During the match yesterday, several classes of girls all worked hard to cheer me on, including Xu Yangyang!"

"I can't bear to let go of it like this. Moreover, Meng Chuan, I've heard of, is the younger brother of situ Yang. If we can't keep it together, there will be a shadow of situ Yang."

Fang said.

"I'll go, girl. I find that you can write novels with your sensitivity. Isn't this a simple conflict incident?"

Fang Yi's speechless way.

Fang Zhennan shook her head: "I always feel that this matter is not so simple. Maybe it is due to my intuition. Of course, I also hope that I think more. However, we should help, or help if we have a class together."

At the moment, Fang Nan reluctantly takes out the phone.

He called situ Yang.

"What's the matter, girl? Why did you call me all of a sudden?"

Situ Yang asked.

"Nothing. There is one thing I may want to ask you for help. Meng Chuan is your little brother. Now he has a conflict with my classmates. I hope you can persuade him to stop!"

Fang said.

"Ah? Well, you are in school now. I happen to be in the company near your school. I'll go and talk to you! "

Situ Yang was busy.

Although Fang Huanan didn't want him to come, she could not refuse her request.

After all, some things, the Fang family generally will not come forward.

Moreover, although Fang Nan has inherited her father's property, it does not mean that Fang's family will appear on the surface.

At least not now.

At the moment, Fang Xiaonan rang out and hung up.

Soon, situ Yang arrived at the school.

She also held a bunch of flowers in her hand: "Yunan, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have called me for an appointment!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Have you done it yet?"

Fang Nan hugged her shoulder.

Situ Yang's face was stunned, and then he said with a smile: "I've called, but Meng Chuan, a little boy, was beaten hard this time. He was so anxious that he didn't listen to me. You said I didn't have a good way. Can't I beat Xiao Chuan who followed me since childhood?"

"Besides, it seems that your classmates did it first this time? I didn't pay any attention to it

Situ Yang said.


Fang's face was a little stunned.

"Well, I won't look for you. I'll arrange for other family members to come forward!"

Fang Huanan didn't expect that situ Yang didn't even help.

At the moment, he called several other vassal families.

Let them come forward and press things down.

As a result, they all looked for various reasons to refuse.

Situ Yang snickered at the side.

And Fang Nan understood it.

This matter, as expected, is not so simple as he imagined.

But these vassal families, now obviously are only situ family's horse head.

"You don't always be so stubborn. In fact, you should tell me not to talk about Meng Chuan. Even those vassal families, I don't pay attention to them. I can do anything for you, any matter. Do you understand me?"

Situ Yang said.

At the same time, taking advantage of Fang Huanan's inattention, situ Yang pulled Fang's hand.

"You go away!"

At the same time, Sima Yang's direct response is to shake off the flowers.

Situ Yang looked at the scattered roses, his face froze.

On campus, many girls passing by stop to look at the scene in front of them.

"Wow, isn't it a failure?"

"Ha ha ha, this man looks so well dressed that he is rejected by the goddess directly?"

"That's right. Where can the goddess be chased by any boy if he wants to?"

The girl can't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Although girls look at boys, they usually look at the clothes of boys, whether they are ugly or handsome, but look at the clothes of boys. Even if they are a little ugly, they are also very temperament boys.

Wear low, grow well, is also a low13.But now, the boy has failed to make a confession. Even if he wears well, he is despised by several girls.

So they talked and laughed.

And all these laughter also spread to situ Yang's ears.

Let him be full of shame and indignation. If it were not for your daughter, when would I have suffered such humiliation.

"What do you mean, girl? Can't you see my love for you? You don't give me a response? "

Sima Yang's repressed breath finally burst out.

At the moment, he shouts at Fang Nan.


Fang Yannan glanced at situ Yang in disgust, then turned around and left. She didn't want to hear from him.

Because Fang Zhennan knew who situ Yang was. She was disgusted with their father and son.

"I have loved you for so long that you don't even give me the chance to finish my speech. You give me a stop!"

Situ Yang is also red eyed, and feels that he has been strongly insulted.

In the past, there was no such insult, but now, in front of the public, Fang Huanan doesn't pay attention to herself at all.

At the moment, she ran over and held Fang Nan's hand. "I'll let you listen to me!"

"You let go, are you crazy?"


Fang Huanan was also in a hurry. She slapped situ Yang's face directly and subconsciously.

Many girls around see the scene in front of them, and they all look at it with their mouths open in amazement.

But situ Yang was confused.

"Fang Yi, let's go!"

Fang Yannan took Fang Yi's hand and left directly.

"Fang Yannan, you are cruel. How many girls like me? I've never been like this to girls. Now for you, I don't mind giving up everything. But you I don't care about me at all

Looking at Fang Huanan's back, situ Yang tightly clenched his fist, and his eyes were almost red!

"You beat him up for such a trifle, my dear. Isn't that good?"

Fang Yi is also very considerate of the situ family, and reminds her at the moment.

"Well, little thing, do you really think it's a little thing? I know situ Yang has been pestering me, but do you know why I hate him so much? Because he always likes to treat others as fools. It is obvious that this is actually situ Yang who is playing tricks. He not only wants me to read his kindness, but also wants me to see clearly the strength of the situ family now. Other vassal families have already followed the example of the situ family! "

"I hate a person, but I hate a person, I can't cheat my heart!"

Fang said.

"I'll go. I get it. No wonder, when you call, he stands on the side and smiles confidently. What a bitch! What should I do about it, my dear

Fang Yi said.

Then she opened her eyes and said, "look at the girl, isn't that Meng Chuan? He brought so many people into the teaching building!"

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