"Let's go. What's wrong with it?"

Fang Yi pulls Chen Ge out of the room directly.

Chen Ge is also curious. What is Fang Yi looking for?

When you get in.

Fang Yi made a gesture of booing to Chen Ge.

"Fang Yi, are you back?"

At this time, the voice of Fang Huanan rang out in the bathroom.

Then Fang Nan pushed the door of the bathroom and came out.

The next moment, Chen Ge was stunned.

I saw a black and pretty girl with beautiful hair. At the moment, she was just wearing a nightgown.

His white round legs were exposed.

Obviously, she has just taken a bath and is rubbing her hair with a towel while talking to Fang Yi.


And see Chen Ge actually standing in the house, staring at himself.

Fang's pretty face turned red and hurried back to the bathroom.

Yes, from childhood to adulthood, Fang Huanan has never stood in front of a boy like this.

In fact, for that kind of love, or ambiguous, Fang Fannan always felt that it was an ethereal thing.

Because she didn't touch many boys.

At the moment, just like the lost deer, hiding in the bathroom, his heart pounding.

"Fang Yi, how did you lead him to my room?"

From the bathroom came Fang's voice of shame and indignation.

"Ha ha! Of course, otherwise, how could Chen Ge help us? "

Although this scene is much worse than the expected effect, it is also quite good!

According to Fang Yi's idea, Chen Ge should just break through Fang's bathing.

Even though she knew that Fang Yi sometimes did not go through her brain, she would never have thought that Fang Yi would make such a joke.

"Hey, no more trouble. Chen Ge, please come here. We really need your help. Only you have the strength to help us in our two classes."

Fang Yi said.

At the moment, Fang Huanan has changed into a long skirt and walked out of the bathroom.

After she glared at Fang Yi fiercely, she glanced at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is also very embarrassed.

He touched his nose and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's easy. We're going to ask you to find something for us!"

Fang Yi said, "it shouldn't be difficult for you. Besides, what did you see just now? Don't think I don't know. If you can help us, if you don't help us, are you worthy of your daughter?"

"Fang Yi, what are you talking about?"

Fang Nan has no words.

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge really intends to help the sisters.

This is the best chance to get close to both of them, and the servant of Fang mengheng may be in their hands now.

This opportunity, Chen Ge is a bit eager!

Then he asked, "what are you looking for?"

"Well, tomorrow I remember that all our classmates are going to travel. So, you can take some reliable ones, and then we can go to a place! That's it! Of course, you are the one to look for it

Fang Yi Road.

Chen Ge had a pause. I'm afraid it's impossible to know anything.

Wait until you can find it.

He nodded: "good!"

After Chen Ge leaves.

Fang Yannan grabbed Fang Yi's ear: "you, you, you are really angry with me, you dead girl! Just now, fortunately, I came out with a coat on. If not, you

Fang Huanan was afraid when she thought of it. Now she hated Fang Yi.

"Well, well, this is not, the matter has been done, I guess it is true, Chen Ge really like you, you don't know, he just looked at you straight!"

"You said, I'll kill you!"


At the moment, in a manor.

Four or five luxury cars entered the manor.

Then the people from the car, Qi Qi walked towards the villa.

"Yang Shao, all hands are here!"

A housekeeper led the group in.

"Hello, Yang Shao. Can you tell us what the purpose of calling us to come this time

The speaker was a foreigner, but his eyes were cold, he had no emotion, and he was very cold.

"Ha ha, of course, Shaoyun has also explained to you. After you come, all the actions will be subject to my command, and I will tell you straight. This time, I want you to help me kidnap a person!"

Yang Shao is just situ Yang.

At the moment, his face is not willing, some angry said.The housekeeper naturally handed the photo to the head.

"It's just a woman, Yang Shao. Do you need to be so inspiring?"

The first youth disdained to put the photo aside.

"Don't be so careless, this woman, but more than a dozen strong men can't get close to her!"

"Besides, for the sake of safety, you should use some other means to outwit. Of course, you are only responsible for taking her to the designated place, and I will do the rest."

Several killers looked at each other and nodded.

"Fauber, arrange for them to stay first!"

"Yes, young!"

After the group had left, an old man, half white and half black, came out of the room in the dark.

"Uncle Jiu, if you let me go through all the trouble to find such a few goods, would it be superfluous to make a fuss about it? Although Fang Huanan is a powerful girl, it is still easy for me to deal with her!"

Situ Yang hate said.

"Naturally, Fang Huanan doesn't have to work too hard. However, if the Fang family knows about it, it will be a great disadvantage to the situ family. Therefore, it is safest for you to find someone else to do it for you."

Said the old man.

"I'm right. I don't know what the fangs are up to now. I don't know what the fangs are up to now. I've asked her to come to Hong County for activities. My subordinates have heard that they're looking for something. They don't know what to look for!"

Situ Yang said, "but my father asked us to find out. Ha ha, Fang Nan, you never put me in the eye, so don't blame me for my ruthlessness. This time, I will turn you into my woman!"

Thinking of that day, Fang Nan slapped herself in public.

That sense of shame is all over the body.

Now that he kidnaps Fang Huanan, he can not only create some chaos for the Fang family, but also find a breakthrough from both the Fang family and the careless Fang Yi.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

Uncle Jiu is right. If you ask long Shaoyun of Yanjing to help you, you can hide behind the scenes, and then you can respond.

Long Shaoyun and situ Yang have known each other for a long time.

After all, both of them are famous all over the country. Naturally, there are many intersections between them. Similar things have never been done before.

Just then, a luxury car came out of the door.

Situ Yang looked outside and said with a faint smile, "it's Dragon Shaoyun coming!"

"Brother Yang, long time no see. Are you ok?"

Soon, long Shaoyun came in with his hands in his pockets.

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