"Wait a minute!"

Fang mengheng suddenly said.

"Chen Ge, I'm so ugly now. Would you scare rose if I went? Besides, for so many years, I have never raised her and abandoned her. Will she hate me and my ugly mother? "

Fang mengheng said with fear.

"She won't recognize me. She won't recognize my cruel and ugly mother!"

"Besides, it's too sudden. Will the rose accept it?"

Fang mengheng felt his face.

Chen Ge scratched his head: "if you tell rose directly, you are her mother, she will certainly be very excited, you do not understand Rose's behavior, she is very good at heart!"

"Still can't, so Chen Ge, can you arrange me to be a babysitter for rose first? I know rose may hate to be a babysitter, but I really want to do something for rose! I'd like to be a cow and a horse for her! "

Fang mengheng said.

"Well, I can arrange this! I'll tell rose the truth when I have a chance

That's what we can do now.

Now, Fang Yannan and Fang Yi have left, and only Wang Xiaohua is left. They are waiting in the car outside.

Chen Ge won't let them in, and they dare not.

At the moment, it is inconvenient to take Fang mengheng, so Lin Shengnan takes Wang Xiaohua and they leave.

Then Chen Gecai found a car and took Fang mengheng to his villa.

"Let's go, aunt Fang. This is it!"

Come to the front of the house, see Fang mengheng stop, Chen Ge wry smile way.


Open the door.

"Rose! Rose

Chen Ge called twice.

No one in the room.

He knew that Su Qiang must have gone shopping.

"She's not here, aunt Fang. Wait a minute!"

Fang mengheng nodded, "Chen Ge, I want to go to the rose room to have a look, don't you know it's convenient?"

"Of course it's convenient. I'll take you there."

Chen Ge opens Su Qiang's door.

But he didn't go in himself.

But Fang mengheng walked in with red eyes.

In the room, is cleaned up meticulously, almost every corner cleans cleanly.

In the wardrobe, put is neat rose usually wear clothes.

Go to Su Qiang's desk again.

On the desk, there is a photo frame, on which is a picture of rose now.

See here, Fang mengheng's tears can no longer be controlled, like the flood of the broken dike, directly flowing down. The rose in

as like as two peas in his own age.

Daughter, really is own daughter!

She looks like herself!

Nothing could have made her feel happier than to meet her daughter again at the moment.

She felt that God still loved her.

Put it on my chest and cried for a long time.

All of a sudden, Fang mengheng's eyes glimpsed and saw a notebook on the desk.

Take a look.

It is the neat and beautiful font of Su Qiang.

This is her diary.

For so many years, rose has been in the habit of keeping a diary.

Turn to the first page, this is before she met Chen Ge.

"Today, I have become a kindergarten teacher. Every day I see the children happy, I am really satisfied. From childhood to adulthood, I have no mother. Maybe, only when I am with these happy children, can I feel that I am not lonely!"

"Today, I heard a teacher secretly talk to others about me, saying that I grew up in an orphanage, and I was abandoned by my parents since I was a child. I pretended not to hear that, but I was really miserable. I really want to find my parents one day and ask them why they don't want me and why they can't give me a good childhood! Why? "


"I worked in a restaurant, and I was scolded by the leader for my careless mistakes. A young master helped me. I don't know why. When I saw him, I had a kind feeling."

"I saw him again, and he helped me, but I was a little nervous in front of him because he was rich. I was a poor girl, but he told me that he had similar experience with me. I don't know why, I still think he is kind. As long as he is around me, I have a sense of security."

"These days, I miss him very much and want to see him. Today, I see him again. I want to follow him and take care of him all the time. But I know that he has a girl who loves. The sister is very beautiful and generous. Brother Chen Ge won't like me, but I still want to do anything for him."

"If I had my own family, I would tell elder brother Chen Ge that I like him, but I have nothing. I am an orphan, and I don't even have family relations. What's more, love?"“……”

Fang mengheng turned his diary page by page. Unconsciously, every page of his diary was full of tears.

"For more than 20 years, I don't know how many grievances and sorrows my daughter has suffered. She is still a child, but she has suffered a lot in the world."

Fang mengheng held his diary and began to cry.

"Brother Chen Ge, you are back! I went out to buy some vegetables, and I'm going to cook! "

Just then, there was a beautiful female voice outside.

And hear this female voice, Fang mengheng whole body a shock.

And then he came out of the room.

The person in front of her is Su Qiang.

"You Is it? "

Su Qiang saw Fang mengheng come out of her room and asked.

"I am..."

Fang mengheng's hands were shaking.

"Rose, she is aunt Fang. In the future, she will cook for us in our house. In the future, you can accompany aunt Fang to buy vegetables and cook."

Chen Ge said in a hurry.

Fang mengheng nodded.

And Su rose see scarred aunt Fang, heart suddenly raised a kind of same emotion.

And at the sight of aunt Fang, Su Qiang has a strange feeling in her heart, a kind of long lost cordiality.

Then he nodded with a smile: "Hello, aunt Fang, my name is Su Qiangwei! After that, let's take care of Chen GE's brother's daily life. "

In fact, Chen Ge certainly won't let rose serve himself.

But, rose is a restless person, so a long time, Chen Ge also did not persuade her.

Fang mengheng is also his second aunt. It's definitely impossible to serve him.

But now, Chen Ge didn't say anything.

Then they went to cook.

Chen Ge was happy.

At this time, Wang Xiaohua suddenly called.

"Brother Chen, bad food!"

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Ge was speechless.

"I'm not going to do it. You shouldn't let a female driver drive. My God, we all went through hell!"

Wang Xiaohua was so scared that he burst into tears.


Chen Ge was helpless. Indeed, among the boys, only Lin Shengnan had a driver's license. It was not convenient to tell them about Aunt Fang's affairs, so Chen asked Lin Shengnan to drive back.

"Are you all right?"

"It's OK. It's just that we've rear ended a car. Now that woman is crazy and grabs us and won't let us go. She says she wants to let the owner come."

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