Until the next morning.

Zhao Yifan wakes up.

I drank a lot of wine last night and my head hurt a little.

She just sat up and wanted to take a long breath.

But suddenly found something wrong.


Zhao Yifan opened the quilt and looked at his body in the quilt. He was shocked.

"Xiaohan! Xiaohan

Zhao Yifan suddenly called out.

Xiaohan also woke up, "what's wrong with Yifan?"

"Look, my clothes have been changed into pajamas. I remember that when we were drinking last night, I still wore my clothes. How could I change into pajamas?"

"Did you change my clothes?"

Zhao Yifan asked.

"No, I went to sleep drunk last night. You have hallucinations. Who will change your pajamas? If I go, don't you have to take off all your clothes? "

Xiaohan is also nervous and asks Zhao Yifan if he has any other feelings.

"Well, think about it. Did you change it yourself last night?"

Zhao Yifan rubs the eyebrow heart, how also does not want to understand.

"Last night, I seemed to have a dream. I saw Chen Ge. He helped me to the bed. I can't remember the one behind me! Oh, I'm so anxious. How could this happen? "

Zhao Yifan said in surprise.

But carefully feel their own body, really no other strange feeling, this just let Zhao Yifan a little at ease.

Now, it is full of doubts to get up and pack things, ready to rush to the conference site.

Chen Ge and Tian Long Di Hu also went to the conference site with the team.

Last night, Zhao Yifan did not finish his words, he began to vomit crazily. He not only vomited himself, but also vomited Chen Ge.

After a while, he began to take off by himself.

Chen Ge is really drunk, so quietly gave the hotel attendant a tip of 3000 yuan, asked her to help change clothes for Zhao Yifan and clean the room.

It's really secret to go to Fang's house.

After a while, there was a special car arrived, and everyone was blindfolded, and all mobile phones were turned off and shielded.

Obviously, I don't want people to know where Fang's manor is.


And now, Fang's manor, in the morning.

A few luxury cars have begun to arrive.

"Father, I hope you can mention that for me!"

In the car, situ Yang looked at his father, situ Hong.

"Ha ha, don't worry. This time, I will be polite before the soldiers. If the Fang family agrees, it's OK. If you don't, ha ha, it's no wonder that we situ's family!"

Situ Hong gave a cold smile.

After that, Mr. Si Hong drove into the manor.

"Ahon, you want to see me. What's the matter?"

Fang diferently looks at the old master Fang's study and asks situ Hong.

"Master, there's nothing wrong. What I want to talk about is about the two of them. As you know, they are childhood sweethearts. They grew up together. They have a good relationship. Ha ha, I don't know if the situ family has such a good fortune, so that Xiao Yang can become the son-in-law of the Fang family. If there is such a blessing, then the situ family will be the last of their ancestors!"

Situ Hong said respectfully.

He also knew that his son did not like Fang's daughter for a day or two.

However, the girl Fang Nan was so arrogant that she didn't look up to her son.

In recent years, who in the Fang family saw that situ Hong had made great contributions to the Fang family?

It is reasonable to say that, as a subordinate family, situhong dare not take the initiative to ask for marriage with the main family. However, he did so. It depends on what the old master of the Fang family said.

But Fang is different, eyebrow is slightly a frown.

"Do you mean the marriage between Nana and Xiaoyang

Fang dif erent grinned bitterly.

"I'm afraid you have to follow your advice! Ah, ah Hong, let the young people take care of their affairs! "

Although Fang Difeng was not happy in his heart, he did not say anything at the moment.

However, he declined.

His granddaughter Fangnan naturally did not look up to situ Yang.

"The orders of my parents and the words of the matchmaker, I believe that as long as you say something from the master, you will not refuse it!"

Situ Hong is pressing step by step.

"Master, do you think that Xiaoyang in our family is not worthy of our daughter, and will insult the Fang family?"

Fang said.

"Oh, that's not true!"

Fang Difeng smiles.

And at this time, the door of the study is buckled gently.

It was Fang Huanan who came in.

"Grandpa, here are the guests and the activity arrangement that need to be present today. Have a look at it!"Fang Zhennan is mainly responsible for hosting the conference.

"Let it go, my dear. I don't worry about your work."

"You've come just in time, my dear. I'm talking about you with the master!"

Situ Hong looked at Fang Huanan and said with a smile.

"Oh? Uncle situ talking about me? That's my pleasure

Fang Nan gave a cold smile.

"Yes, I'm discussing with my master about your marriage with Xiao Yang. You're old enough, too. It's time to think about your own life. I'm afraid you and Xiaoyang are the most suitable couple."

Situ Hong said with a smile.

"Sorry, uncle situ, I won't think about it now! Let your son find someone else

Fang Nan said coldly.

Fang Huanan didn't give situ Hong any face.

Situ Hong's face turned green.

Fang Butong said with a smile at the moment: "ahong, don't be angry. I'll make it clear that even if you and Ayan are happy, they won't be together, because from the moment of her birth, she has been destined to be someone else's person!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Fang Yannan and situ Hong were stunned.

"What do you mean, sir?"

Fang Nan also looked at her grandfather in surprise.

"It's a long story to talk about. Ah Hong Nan, you should also know some of the grudges between Chen Fang's family?"

Fang said.

Situ Hong frowned coldly, or nodded.

"Well, even though the Chen family and the Chen family had a feud over each other in the past generation, there was also a period of peace between them. At that time, Chen DIANCANG, the father of Chen Jindong, the head of the Chen family, was in power. When I was young, I had a fraternal relationship with Chen DIANCANG. Later, we both inherited the position of the head of the family. That's why the two of us inherited the position of the head of the family Family disputes, just stop! Moreover, there is a coalition posture, and the only medium of alliance is... "

Fang Difeng said, as if remembering the past.

"The condition of alliance is my engagement?"

Fang Nan was surprised.

"Well, coincidentally, you and Chen DIANCANG's direct grandson were born in the same year, the same month and the same day. At that time, we made an engagement to let you marry Chen DIANCANG's grandson!"

"However, after a fierce conflict between Chen DIANCANG and his son, Chen DIANCANG simply let it go and never asked anything about the Chen family. Chen Jindong is also a very overbearing man. He does not accept the alliance, but wants to rely on his own strength to make our courtiers obey him. At that time, the fight between the two sides started again. After that, what happened to your aunt happened, and the Chenfang family completely broke up... "

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