Drunk, first met Zhao Yifan, now, and then met Yang Xue.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the Fang family meeting to take the rose away quietly.

But now, there are too many extra branches.

If it is recognized by Zhao Yifan and Yang Xue, it will be too busy.

I wipe.

Now Chen Ge broke his glass again. Many people looked at him. Chen Ge quickly lowered his head and picked it up. Then he ran to the back.


But even though Chen Ge ran fast, she still caught the attention of a girl.

This girl is standing beside Fang Yannan. Who can she be.

"Why is it so like Chen Ge? It's unreasonable. We have a meeting in the Fang family. What's the silly boy doing here? "

Fang Yi thought in her heart.

Followed by a curious chase.

"It was close!"

Chen Ge came to the backyard and gasped.

"Chen Ge!"

A girl's voice suddenly rang out at this time.

Chen GE's subconscious turn back.

I can't help but open my eyes.

Sleeping trough, Fang Yi!

"God, I just thought I was dazzled. I didn't think it was you, you, you How did you come to our Fang's house? Why did you come in? "

Fang Yi was greatly surprised.

My grandfather had a birthday party before.

Although Fang Yi has always been that kind of character that two ears don't hear things out of the window, she still knows more or less the secrets of the Fang family.

Chen Ge is just a little rich second generation. How can he be qualified to attend his grandfather's birthday party?


"O'ao, I'm here on behalf of our family to attend father Fang's birthday party! Just looking for the toilet

Chen Ge lied casually, "just now, I still want to send you two SMS!"

"Ah? How come your family is a vassal of our Fang family? "

Fang Yi was surprised and said, "but our Fang family has no influence in Jinling Ping'an County ~!"

Chen Ge looked nervous and thought about the scene when Yang Xue and his wife arrived just now. He explained, "I'm not a direct subordinate of the Fang family, but the situ family asked us to come."

"Ah? That's no wonder! "

Fang Yi was suddenly enlightened.

But then, he raised his hands in anger and took Chen GE's head.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, you should know that the situ family is not in harmony with our Fang family. I can't imagine that your family is actually the vassal of the situ family. The situ family is really more and more unruly!"

Fang Yi indignant way.

"Well, I can't get involved in family affairs either."

Chen Ge said.

Just when Fang Yi had to teach Chen Ge a lesson.

"Look, Sister Li, where is the boy who burned you last night."

Several well-dressed women were heading off the court.

They are the female stars of this event.

"So here you are! I said I couldn't find you. Damn you. I can't wear a skirt any more. Do you know how many points will it make my performance worse? "

Last night's female star rushed over and pointed at Chen GE's head, which was a burst of random poking.

After all, she is a big sister, but she is very powerful.

Last night's incident really made her feel indignant.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop it. What kind of identity do you dare to talk to him like this?"

It's OK for Fang Yi to beat Chen Ge. After all, Chen Ge is several generations shorter than herself. However, the female star dare to fight like this.

This makes Fang Yi feel that she has no face.

Just teach that female star a lesson.

And the actress to see Fang Yi extraordinary clothes, it is the big guy family.

Do not dare to be too presumptuous, the current section of a smile: "Miss beauty, you do not misunderstand, this goods, is for us to do miscellaneous work!"

"For you? You deserve it? Chen Ge, what's going on here? "

Fang Yi was puzzled.

A rich second generation, actually want to see the faces of this group of actresses?

"Cough, I'll explain this to you later. I'm in a hurry to go to the toilet. I'll go first."

Chen GE's scalp is going to explode. Aunt Fang's plan will be destroyed in her own hands.

"Don't go! Stop

"Don't go!"

And Fang Yi and those actresses have different voices.

Fang Yi sees Chen Ge hiding herself, and she doesn't like the feeling of muddle headed. The more Chen Ge wants to go, she just won't let Chen Ge go.

As for those actresses, Fang Yi is the main family.In addition, the young lady seems to have some misunderstandings with herself just now, because this busboy has some misunderstandings.

At the moment, the heart naturally produced a heart of flattery.

What's more, it's just for the miscellaneous.

Not only a cry, five actresses ran to block Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, this is our Fang family. Where do you think you can go? Tell me quickly, you are both young and big, what's the situation? If you don't say it, I'll call for your daughter

Fang Yi grabbed Chen GE's collar and refused to let go.

These girls, although Chen Ge can hit with one hand.

But, if you really want to fight, it will really make things worse.

So Chen Ge can only drag for a while.

"Yes, the boy is so dishonest. I think there is something wrong with him. I can't forgive him lightly."

She said.

Although Fang Yi doesn't like these actresses, what they say seems to be very reasonable.

In a word, Chen Ge is sneaky and wrong.

Fang Yi suddenly has a sense of honor and justice in her family.

We have to find out.

The next one pinched Chen GE's ear: "ha ha, I know you have a fierce fight, but this is our Fang family. I tell you, if you dare to do something, I will let the servant kill you. Don't blame me for not reading our friendship. If you are so dishonest, just follow me. When your daughter is busy, I will ask her to ask you! Follow me

Finish saying, pull Chen Ge to run toward the front hall.

At this moment, two young men came face to face.

His eyes were cold.

Between the fingers, there is a silver needle.

It's about to start.

These two people are the dragon and the tiger.

They are now looking for Chen Ge everywhere, and finally find Chen Ge, but Chen Ge is in trouble.

In order to rescue Chen Ge, Tianlong and Dihu decided to take a direct risk.

But Chen Ge immediately shook his head.

Tell them to follow the original plan and leave it to me!

It makes the sky dragon and the ground tiger confused.

"Still move, be honest with me!"

Fang Yi grabs Chen GE's ear and walks forward.

Four or five female stars followed and grabbed Chen GE's arm.

Their faces were full of excitement.

I'm afraid this time, it will make a contribution to the big family?

And Fang Yi really wants to ask Chen Ge.

But the crowd came to the front of the field.

However, many guests stood up at the moment.

The scene also became very quiet, and the girl, standing in front of the scene, seemed to be confronting the guests.

"What happened?"

Fang Yi astonished way.

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