Mom thought dad was strange and mysterious.

Because looking at his tattered clothes, he always makes unexpected things.

What's more, his father at that time looked very weak. When he was beaten and scolded, he would not say anything.

At first, his mother had sympathy for him, but then slowly, just like himself and Su Muhan, he fell in love and got together.

But the Yang family in Yanjing was the first of the four families in Yanjing.

My grandmother, Mrs. Yang, is the kind of person who manages her family very strictly. Otherwise, she would not be able to make the Yang family so strong after her grandfather died.

What's more, Grandma had one shortcoming that made her mother angry.

That is, the idea of valuing men over women is particularly strong.

In the Yang family, even up to now, the female members of the family are not able to get important positions. Even if you are working hard, you must give the most favorable family property to the men.

This point, even if you are a woman, the traditional concept is strong, but also male preference, this is not uncommon!

According to the development at that time, the mother must marry the son of the alliance partner as the price of business alliance.

After all, dad was very low-key at that time. He didn't say that he was the richest man in the Chen family.

So the mother ran away from her marriage and ran away with her father.

Of course, if only because of this matter, the two families will not have such a big feud.

Because it was the fifth brother who helped his mother escape from marriage. Unfortunately, it was just because of that.

Five elder brother shouldered all, first was severely punished by the mother, drove five elder brothers out of the family.

Then, he left a grudge against his then allied partner family.

Later, not long after, my father's poor education ended, ready to return to the Yang family, for the original five elder brother out of breath.

Now, I'm still in the bed for five days.

The murderer is the original alliance partner, they think it is the fifth brother that humiliated their family.

In this way, grandma blamed her mother and announced in the media that she had cut off the relationship between mother and child.

And the mother also thought that grandma was too cruel to drive the fifth brother out.

Anyway, because of this matter, the wife and the wife are in conflict.

So, at the beginning, my father and mother did not visit the Yang family.

Instead, he turned around and flattened the family that had harmed five brothers.

It is because of this that the original four families in Yanjing have become three families now.

"What happened then?" Chen Ge understood that her parents had experienced a lot more than her own when they were young!

"Later, your father and I have been secretly taking care of your fifth uncle, but ten years ago, your grandmother took your fifth uncle back to the Yang family!"

Mom said, and she was in tears.

"So son, only you can make a trip for this matter. As long as your grandmother can persuade Mo's family, it's a great contribution to Chen's family."

Chen said.

"Well, I see!"

"And Xiaoge, when you go to Yanjing, you can first find your cousin Xiaobei. Xiaobei is the daughter of your fifth uncle. After so many years, I have been secretly supporting Xiaobei. She knows you, and with her help, you should be more successful. Your grandmother has a special temper, but for you, I believe she will not be too determined! What's more, mom warns you that no matter how your grandmother treated her in the past, you are not allowed to be disrespectful to your grandmother! "

I can hear that my mother still miss grandma. Even though the mother and son have a big feud, they are still a family.

"I understand!"

At this time, the door opened, and it was sister LAN who came in.

"Mom and Dad, Xiaoge, Sister Rose is coming with her second aunt!"

Finish saying, looked at Chen Ge, LAN elder sister then walked downstairs.

"Xiaoge, ah LAN is a girl I saw growing up. She is absolutely a good girl. You should be better with ah LAN and find a suitable day later..."

Mom said again.

"I see. I don't think about these moms now!"

Chen Ge knew what mom was going to say and interrupted in time.

"All right, don't talk about it. Let's finish what's going on in front of you. By the way, Xiaoge, you can go back to Yanjing this time. I've informed Fubo that from now on, all the family property in China will be in your charge, including your sister's!"

Three days later, at the exit of Yanjing airport.

There are two women, one big and one small, waiting in front of a black Passat.

The older is a middle-aged woman, wearing professional suits, skin care is excellent.

The young man just walked out of the university campus. His face was still a little immature, but his appearance was definitely a beauty.

Standing at the exit of the station, they also attracted many people's attention."What time is it? How come it hasn't arrived yet. It's so hot today. I'm really tired of it. There are enough things to do. What kind of relatives do you have to wait for?"

At this time, the middle-aged woman turned her wrist, looked at her watch, and said with impatience.

"Mom, can you be patient. My cousin is here for the first time. Besides, isn't flight delay normal?"

The girl is admonished.

When I got a call from my aunt that my cousin was coming.

Girls are really happy.

She knows that her aunt and uncle have been working abroad all these years. However, they secretly subsidize themselves, including looking for the best teachers and the best schools for themselves.

However, for some reasons, girls can't visit their aunts and uncles, as well as their own cousins and cousins.

"Hum, you have to make an airplane and a car to pretend to be a big tail wolf. Really, I owe you Yang's family. Your father and your father are like this. As a result, your father's sister is also like this!"

The middle-aged woman said coldly.

"Mom, my aunt has been subsidizing and compensating our family these years. You know that. Why do you say that?"

"Well, if it wasn't for you, a frustrated aunt, who had eloped with a d-silk, your father would not have been like this, and our wife's status in the Yang family would not be like this. You know, you are the first lady of the Yang family. You can't go out like your cousins and cousins, and you have to have a fleet. Look at us and drive a Passat

"What's more, it's you. Your grandmother has forbidden it. If anyone dares to associate with that woman, it's not just to expel Yang's family. Then, my mother's work will have to follow you, the crazy girl. Alas, I'm so anxious!"

Looking at the old woman, she didn't look forward to it.

I don't know what my cousin looks like. If my aunt is so beautiful, my cousin will be handsome.

"Yang Xiaobei?"

At this time, a young man with a suitcase came to this side.

Looking at the sign of Chen Ge in the girl's hand, the young man asked with a smile.

And girls, biting their lips and nodding, staring at the beautiful boy in front of them.

"Are you Chen Ge?" She had a sweet smile.

"Mm-hmm, I am!"

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