"You mean Chen GE's clothes are also very expensive?"

Guo Ru had difficulty in establishing channels.

"No, it's absolutely impossible! We know his father Chen Jindong's virtue at that time. How could their family have money? So the biggest possibility is that Chen Ge won the lottery and spent the money just now because of his impulse! "

Guo Ru said.

It seems that the impact of 7.8 million yuan on them is still too big.

"Cousin, now the big aunts are gone. Let's go back and return this card. It's too expensive. It's so much money. What a waste!"

"No, Xiaobei..."

"7.8 million, how can you not use it, and cousin, you Where on earth did you get so much money? "

Xiaobei is really scared.

Chen Ge looked at Xiaobei who was driving and said with a smile: "my cousin told you something. Don't tell me about it, including my fifth aunt!"


Asked Becky.

"In fact, my cousin is a rich second generation who can't spend all his money!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.


I didn't expect Xiaobei to smile: "good, good, rich second representative brother, if you really want to spend more, just give your cousin flowers!"

Obviously, Xiaobei thinks his cousin is making fun of himself again.

"Cough, you don't believe it!"

Chen Ge coughed.

"By the way, cousin, what are you going to give for grandma's birthday tomorrow?"

Asked Becky.

"I don't know what to send. I'll see it tomorrow."

The next day, the Yang family was already very lively.

Today is Mrs. Yang's 80th birthday.

Compared with previous years, the 80th birthday is more solemn and lively.

Not only all the members of the Yang family were present, but also some of the distinguished guests invited to celebrate their birthday.

Inside and outside the family, it's very lively.

"Every gift list of a distinguished guest should be recorded clearly and checked again. You should not be careless! There should be a large number of distinguished guests this year, and attention should be paid to the arrangement of seats! "

In the morning, the old lady was dressed in a festive red robe and did not forget to tell the housekeeper.

When the old lady sits upright.

Under the sign of the parents of the family, the younger generation of the family has begun to offer gifts.

"Grandma, this is the jade bracelet I bought for you. Do you like it?"

A girl came up and said with a smile.

"Like to like, or hetianzi jade, rare you have this filial piety!"

Old lady Yang couldn't close her mouth with a smile.

She took the girl's hand and chatted a little more.

"Oh, Xiaobei, how can you come here?"

At this time, Xiaobei came with Chen Ge.

Just met a few of them.

"Xiaobei, what gift did you buy for grandma this year? Don't give grandma a piece of embroidery you made by yourself, just like last year! Ha ha ha

Yang Ye and others said with a smile.

Especially the poplar leaf, at the moment is the complexion some gloomy looked Chen Song.

"Grandma, I didn't expect you to come too! Oh, how can you come here empty handed? "

Yang Ye suddenly said with a smile.

Then he lowered his voice: "I warn you, you'd better not think about our property! I don't think much about grandma

And Chen Ge, listening to Yang Ye's provocative words.

Instead of looking at him, he said with a smile, "let's go in."

Just go straight away.

Yang Ye could not help but clench his fist.

"Hillbilly, I won't let you off lightly!"

Yang Ye said indignantly in his heart.

In addition to the fact that Yang Ye didn't like Chen Ge because of the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation, at the bar the night before yesterday, the country bumpkin seemed honest, but in fact he stole his own limelight over and over again.

Finally, I don't know what I said to Zhou Bao. I was broken by Zhou Bao in front of my cousins.

These things, in the final analysis, Yang Ye depends on Chen Ge.

The most important thing is that he finally had a happy goddess, and this Chen song has to stand out and put in a foot.

"Look, grandma, this is my birthday present for you!"

On the main table of the birthday banquet, the gifts of the younger generation in the family are still continuing.

Happy old lady Yang can't keep her mouth shut.

"Oh, isn't this Xiaobei? How can I come here? Did you forget that today is your grandmother's birthday

At this time, I saw Yang Xiaobei and Chen Ge.

One side of Guo Ru coldly smile a way.

"How can I forget grandma's birthday? Great aunt, you are serious

Yang Xiaobei retorted."Ha ha ha, let's see what gift Yang Xiaobei gave his grandmother this time?"

Several girls said at the same time.

At the same time, Xiaobei's mother was angry after listening to their words, and then she looked at the present in Xiaobei's hand with a smile.

I'm afraid my mother will be very happy with this gift.

"Xiaobei, show your grandmother the present

Guo Caifeng road.

"Good! Grandma, this is Xiaobei's birthday gift for you this year. It's a dragon cloud jade bracelet

Xiaobei opens it carefully.

"Dragon cloud jade bracelet?"

And Mrs. Yang was a little stunned.

Now look up, but no, it's really a dragon cloud jade bracelet?

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge bought the jade bracelet for Qin Ya before, which cost about 100000 yuan.

Although, Mrs. Yang is not short of this hundred thousand.

But the Xiaobei family are not too rich these years. She knows that they can't give decent gifts in the past years.

Therefore, the 100000 Long Yun jade bracelet sent out naturally shows Xiaobei's filial piety.

"Good, good!"

Mrs. Yang said with a smile.

And it is this dragon cloud jade bracelet that completely compares the jade bracelet sent by Chen GE's second uncle's daughter with that of Tian Ziyu.

Let the second aunt and the cousin's face is a little ugly.

"Xiaobei, I heard that you have been interning in the project Department of the group for several months this year. Alas, you are so big in the twinkling of an eye, and your academic achievements are excellent. In the future, grandma will find a bigger stage for you to study and exercise!"

Mrs. Yang said.

"Thank you, grandma!"

When Yang Xiaobei heard the speech, she was happy, and Guo Caifeng was also happy.

"Grandma, is this a real dragon cloud jade bracelet? After all, there are too many fake goods on the market

At this time, Yang ye came over and sneered.

Yang Xiaobei's face changed slightly.

And Guo Caifeng was also stunned and said, "Yang Ye, what do you say? I tell you, this was given to me by my mother, and I gave it to Xiaobei. How could it be fake?"

Guo Caifeng is telling the truth, this time she really scared the blood.

"Grandma, when I was studying abroad, I learned some basic identification techniques. Let me show you?"

Yang Ye said.

As for Mrs. Yang, when she heard Yang ye say so, she doubted the truth of long Yunyu.

After all, Guo Caifeng, the daughter-in-law, knows that if it is really valuable, she will give it to herself as a birthday present?

Mrs. Yang handed it to Yang Ye.

"False, absolutely false!"

And Yang Ye, after a few eyes, shook his head.

”Yang Ye, what do you know

Guo Caifeng is in a hurry.

"Ha ha, five auntie, what are you in a hurry? Good, good, I won't say, you are serious!"

Then she handed the jade bracelet to Guo Caifeng.

However, Yang Ye's hand suddenly loosened ahead of time.


A crisp sound, jade bracelet directly fell on the ground, and broken in response to the sound

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