And looking at Chen GE's back, the girl's eyes have some different look.

"Erya, what are you looking at?"

When Aunt Mei saw that her daughter was distracted, she could not help saying.

"Ah? What did I see? "

Erya pursed her lips, shook her head and said.

When Aunt Mei was young, she was also a master of love in all parts of the country. How could she not know her daughter's psychology.

Yes, the singer is handsome.

He has great ability and is good to others.

Indeed, few girls can resist such a boy.

It is inevitable that the heart has ripples.

However, Aunt Mei sighed and said:

"Er Ya, mom would advise you that you and your brother Chen Ge can't be together."

Erya wants to say that there's no mother like that.

But seeing her mother's resolute attitude, she immediately said, "why? Brother Chen GE has no girlfriend

"Why not? It's just that something happened to your brother Chen GE's girlfriend. I don't know what happened. Anyway, your brother Chen ge used to be a very powerful person, and he also loved his girlfriend very much. My mother didn't want to see you hurt before that."

Mei said.

And Erya smell speech, a look of desolation flashed on her face. Without saying anything, she turned back.

Let's talk about Chen Ge. Chen Ge is going to get something on this trip.

For half a year, Chen GE has been following Qin Bo.

All day long soak medicinal herbs, experience physical fitness, carry out a variety of learning and training.

In addition, Chen Ge was also sent out by Qin Bo to carry out some tasks.

Therefore, although only half a year, but Chen GE's change is still great.

As for the relocation.

It was Qin Bo who moved to the town in order to facilitate Chen GE's training in the mountains.

Aunt Mei, who had no relatives in the village, took the old-age pension that Chen Ge had given Qin Bo and opened a farmhouse.

Usually, Aunt Mei is in charge.

In the past six months, with the enhancement of her ability, Chen GE has thought about going back to see her parents, sisters and friends for countless times.

However, although Mo Changkong wants to kill Chen Ge now, it is not easy, even said that it is as difficult as heaven.

But Chen Ge, after all, is weak and weak now. He is a little weak in fighting against the huge system of the Mo family.

Therefore, Chen Ge is forbearance.

At present, the most important thing is to improve our own strength.

As for Qin Bo, in addition to the detailed guidance for Chen Ge in the first three months, Chen Ge practiced more when he was away.

Three days ago, Qin Bo left without leaving because he received a token.

For this, Chen Ge is also used to it.

I know from the bottom of Qin Bo that Qin Bo is indeed mysterious, and mysterious to the point of frightening, because some of his relationships are really too powerful!


There was a sharp brake noise.

Chen Ge, riding the electric tricycle, stops in front of a young man.

"Fat man, where are the things?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Don't worry, brother Chen. I'm wang Xiaohua. I'm in my bag."

The fat man is Wang Xiaohua.

Chen Ge later saw him and was being bullied, so Chen Ge saved him.

It happens that sometimes when I go out to carry out tasks, I will get some external oil and water, and Wang Xiaohua is dedicated to help Chen Ge deal with the oil and water.

At present, Wang Xiaohua patted his bag and jumped onto the tricycle.

"You have to do it as soon as possible!"

Chen Ge said.

Then, I went straight to the antique street.

Inside the bag is an overseas antique, which Chen Ge snatched directly from an overseas rich merchant.

Of course, this rich overseas businessman is certainly not a good thing.

And Chen Ge later exercise, play is this black eat black.

No way, Chen family now Chen Ge can not contact, lack of money, only so.

When the two approached an antique shop.

There is a tall girl with long hair standing in front of the counter.

"Look, how much is this jade bracelet worth?"

Asked the girl.

When I ascended, I heard the voice of Chen's eyebrows.

But can't you think about it?

Plus the girl's back to two now.

Chen Ge did not say anything, simply to the side of the waiting area to sit.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged fat man in his fifties. He has a small beard and looks a little bit obscene.

Holding a jade bracelet to watch for a while.

Immediately shook his head and said: "jade is good, but this kind of jade is common, and its circulation rate is relatively low in the market. If you really want to sell it, I can give you 3000 yuan."Said the boss.

"What, only three thousand? But But I consulted on the Internet, this kind of jade can sell more than 300 thousand! This is from our family! "

The girl is in a hurry.

"Pooh? What do you say? Three hundred thousand? I said, miss, you're very calm. How can you talk so groundless? In my place, it's 3000 days. You still believe in the Internet! "

"What's more, look at your jade bracelet. There are grinding spots on your jade bracelet. Now, I think 3000 yuan is not worth. Don't believe it. I have a jade bracelet of the same material as you in my shop. This is it! You see, I'm selling 10000 yuan to foreigners now, but the quality of others is better than you! "

girl took it as like as two peas.

"But boss, I'm in a hurry to use money. My mother is seriously ill and needs money now! Can you take me for eight thousand dollars? "

"From your accent, it seems that you are not from Southwest China, but from South China? Why, did you come to see Mr. Zuo? "

The girl nodded heavily.

"Oh, you are pathetic, but if you accept 8000, I'll pay a lot. In this way, I'll add two thousand or five thousand yuan, or I won't be able to help you."

Said the boss.

The girl thought for a while, and finally bit her teeth: "OK, 5000 for 5000!"


At this time, the confused girl, the shoulder was suddenly patted.

A subconscious turn back.

When I see the boy standing behind me.

The beautiful eyes of the girl jumped fiercely.

Surprised and pleased.

"Chen Ge?"

"It's really you Chen Ge

The girl jumped up with excitement.

"Xiaonan, I almost didn't recognize you!"

And Chen Ge, touched Xiaonan's head.

Ma Xiaonan is not a girl.

However, Ma Xiaonan's hair at the moment is obviously much longer than before.

It seems to have grown a little higher.

I was familiar with the sound just now.

But Chen Ge didn't recognize it.

Speaking of, since I left Jinling, I haven't seen Xiaonan again.

It's been half a year in the blink of an eye.

Before school, Ma Xiaonan was his best friend.

Even now.

"Long time no see!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, Chen Ge, I heard Fei Er say before that you had an accident and your whereabouts are unknown, but I didn't expect to see you in the southwest now!"

Ma Xiaonan has some red eyes.

Come up and embrace Chen Ge.

Chen Ge patted Xiaonan on the shoulder: "I'm fine. Isn't that good? By the way, you've opened a company with Han fei'er? Why now

Chen Ge asked curiously.

Ma Xiaonan wiped her tears.

"Chen Ge, you don't know, Fei Er, she Phil, there's something wrong with her

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