Chen Ge can't help but glance at Hu Huimin.

She thought she had helped her last time, but she changed her view on herself.

Now I can't help but smile bitterly in my heart.

"Don't mention the useless ones. Now, we still try to find a way to escape."

Shen Junwen said.

"Go in, all in!"

Just then, there was another sound.

Then the iron door opened.

More than 30 people, men and women, old and young, were wearing headgear and were pushed in.

When the headgear is on.

Fang Huanan was stunned.

"Why are you? You've been arrested, too? "

Fang Nan was shocked.

"You, miss? It turns out that these thieves of situ's family have caught you too

One of the old men couldn't help saying.

Obviously, these people are familiar with Fang Huanan.

Because they are not other people, they are the key figures of the Fangs' vassal families. Now, half of the Fangs' vassal families, large and small, have been arrested!

Because they are the most loyal members of their own family.

"Miss, make up your mind quickly. I'm afraid the situ family will be disadvantageous to the other family. They will rebel."

Said an old man.

"But what else can I do now! I didn't expect that they had worked so hard for so many years! "

Fang Huanan said sorrowfully.

At the same time.

Fang's inner courtyard.

"It's Mr. situ. I'm sorry. The master just took the medicine and took a rest."

Si Tu Hong came to the door with several well colluded vassal families.

"It's an important matter. I'd like to ask the housekeeper to report it. We'll wait here!"

Said situ Hong.

But the housekeeper slightly frowned, obviously, this action of situ Hong is very rude.

But there's no choice but to report.

Soon, old master Fang met them in his study.

"Ahon, what can I do for you?"

Fang asked.

"Well, Mr. Fang, one of us in situ's family works in the headquarters and is hospitalized due to work-related injuries, but the medical expenses that should be paid by the headquarters are not in place."

Si Tu Hong Dao.

"Well? This is what you want me to do? "

Fang diferent frowned.

"Yes, because the medical expenses were not timely, this employee of the situ family died!"

Si Tu Hong's cold way.

But Fang Difeng has noticed some charm.

"What do you want to do?"

"Simple, punish the person responsible for this! Otherwise, the situ family will not be convinced

"Who is responsible?"

"Fang Nan!"


On the one hand, Hong, slap the table boldly! What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel with these goods? "

"Ha ha, master, you are so loyal to each other's family for so many years. Now I just want a statement! Well, if you just sign this agreement, I will not pursue this matter! "

Situ Hong handed over a paper of agreement.

But Fang dif ferent a look, facial expression changed instantly.

"Situhong, you're just crazy. You want to die!"

Fang Butong's eyes were red and angry.


Fang diferent roared.

"Ha ha, don't shout. Your four guards, your four ghosts, have long been abandoned by our people. Now, you are almost useless. For your sake, for the safety of your two granddaughters and two sons, I hope you can sign and announce it in public."

Situ Hong sneered.

Fang Difeng naturally knows what's going on now.

But I never thought that when did the situ family have such energy?

"Did you catch the girls Fang Yi?"

"Ha ha, master, I'll give you five minutes to think about it. As for the board of directors, I believe it won't be long before those old guys who follow you will also sign and approve it!"

Si Tu Hong Dao.

"You'd better not waste your effort!"

"OK, let me sign, but there's one thing I want to know. Did you, situ Hong, become the running dog of the Mo family?"

"What a lousy dog! I just choose a smart person to follow! As a matter of fact, it is you who have done harm to yourself today

"The Mo family intended to cooperate with you to help the Mo family search for that Chen Ge in the southwest, but you refused. I had to rely on the forces of the Fang family in the southwest to find the Chen Song. As for the advantage, the Fang family has been surnamed situ since then! Master, don't blame meSaid situ Hong.

"Come on, take the old man back to the room to rest and take care of yourself. Don't delay the meeting tomorrow!"

After finishing his speech, situ Hong took people out directly.


At this moment, the secret room of the situ family.

More and more people are being arrested.

Most of them are the backbone of Fang family.

"No, there may be something wrong with my grandfather. We have to find a way to get out."

Fang Nan said.

"The top priority is to combine a few skills. OK, let's break out!"

Shen Junwen said.

"Miss Chiu Nan, you are the best in this. You can see that you can also use *, so let's have a try and add Huimin! It's just three people less! "

Shen Junwen said.

"I know how to fight. Count me in!"

"Count me in, too!"

After a while, a dozen people came out.

No one wants to obey the old dog situ Hong.

The moment was filled with indignation.

"But it's very dangerous to go out. Young man, I know you want to escape, but you are not from the Fang family. Don't worry, they won't be too hard on you. Besides, they are all arrested. How can you fight against situ Hong?"

Someone asked, worried.

And Chen Ge also made a gesture, let him not impulsive, and then wait and see!

"Well, you cowards, you'd better talk less!"

Shen Junwen looked at them speechless.

"Now, I'm more inclined to Junwen. I think I can try my best! It's better than waiting to die! "

After thinking for a long time, Fang Nan nodded in silence.

After all, as long as you can rush out, you can report back and invite an assistant to deal with the situ family.

"Well, just now I observed that the defense of their inner courtyard is very loose, and the outside is very strict. Miss Fang, I wonder if you are familiar with the terrain outside?"

Fang Nan nodded: "I know it! I'll try to get out after you

"Ah, ah!"

At this time, Chen Ge spoke.

That means, take him and go out.

"Ah San, I know you are afraid, but if we rush out this time, we may not succeed, and there will be danger."

Fang said with concern.

But Hu Huimin rolled her eyes and said nothing.

"Now that all the families are like this, I can't stay here. I'll run out with you, girl!"

Fang Yi also gnawed her teeth and said.

Fang Huanan looked at the rest of the people. Most of them were frightened by the situ family, and they all counselled them.

At the moment, she nodded.

"No, I don't agree with you. Miss Fang Yi and this ah San, it's really dangerous for us to go out. If you have to follow us, there will be some trouble!"

Hu Huimin said.

"Don't argue about this until it's dark, let's have a look at it."

Fang said in time.

At the same time, Chen Ge went to one side of the corner and took out something like a jade pendant without trace. However, this is not a jade pendant, because there is an instrument button on it. At present, Chen Ge presses it down

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