"Brother tiger!"

LAN Er cried.

"Sir? Do you know him? "

Shen Wanshan asked.

"Well, of course I do. It's not a brother. It's better than a brother!"

Chen gedao.

"Ah! Sir, you must save brother Hu. You have excellent medical skills. You must save brother tiger! "

LAN Er cried.

The tiger brother in Lan'er's mouth is actually a ground tiger.

If I had known that, I would have sent someone to look for it.


"Lan Er, get out of the way first. You didn't listen to Mr. Hu. He and brother tiger are brothers!"

Yu'er pulls Lan'er apart.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, quickly checked the damage of the ground tiger.

The injury is very serious. If we delay the discovery for a few hours, I'm afraid Qin Bo will not be able to recover.

"Quick, take the land tiger back to the manor first!"

Chen gedao.

Two hours later.

The ground tiger's fingers moved slightly.

Then his eyelids lifted slightly.

Eye contact.

It's blue who holds her hand tightly.

"Lan er? I I'm not dreaming, am I? Am I dead? "

The weak way of the ground tiger.

"No! no Brother tiger, you are not dreaming. It is Mr. Hu who cured you! "

LAN Er cried.


"I know my injury, even if it is the southwest left master came, also can't return to the sky, I insist on running over, just want to see you last, how can you cure me?"

"Really brother tiger, Mr. Hu has great skills. He has really cured you!"

"By the way, I forgot when I was happy," said the gentleman. "When you wake up, let me inform him at the first time!"

LAN Er wiped her tears.

He ran out in a hurry.

"Land tiger, are you awake?"

And Chen Ge ran in quickly.

And hear this sound.

Originally still lying on the bed of the ground tiger, suddenly whole body crazy shock.

Looking up, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Chen Chen Shao

The ground tiger looks surprised and happy, and suddenly wants to sit up.

"Don't move, you're just right!"

Chen Ge comes to help him.

And the ground tiger held Chen GE's hand tightly: "Chen Shao, it's very nice to see you. It's said that you I said you were dead, but I didn't expect to see you here

The earth tiger's eyes were full of tears.

And Chen Ge didn't expect that he was not familiar with the land and met the land tiger.

"I'm not dead. I'm fine."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Brother tiger, it's Mr. Hu who saved you!"

Blue said.

"Chen Chen Shao? You saved me? "

The land tiger was surprised, "when did you learn the medical skill?"

"More than half a year ago, don't ask so many questions. I'll tell you later. You'd better tell me what happened to you? I almost lost my life, and what about your brother? "

Chen Ge asked.

A touch of bitterness flashed on the ground tiger's face, and then told about what happened to the two brothers during this period of time.

It turns out that

Since that night, Chen Ge was escorted to death.

They went back to the Chen family.

However, the Chen family was afraid of the exposure of Tianlong and Dihu's help. They gave the brothers a sum of money and let them leave the Chen family.

Originally, Tian Long Di Hu wanted to go back to the overseas mercenary base.

But on the way, I heard that Chen Ge Li Zhenguo had an accident in Qingcheng that night.

Chen Shao's whereabouts are unknown.

then went to the southwest, secretly investigating, but three months had no result.

They found that they had no choice but to leave.

I wanted to establish a foothold here, use this money to form a force, and go back to find situ's family to settle accounts.

However, the brothers underestimated the power of Tiancheng.

In the war of annexation again, he was defeated by Vincent, the powerful overlord of Tiancheng.

It's also the capture of Tianlong.

Land tigers are also being hunted everywhere.

They had to hide everywhere.

Also in hiding, I saw a housekeeper named Liang Er whipping dozens of girls.

So the ground tiger was angry and killed Liang er.

In those days, I got to know LAN er.

Soon, the relationship was established.

And agreed to get married after rescuing the elder brother.

But I didn't expect that the rescue operation failed three days ago. I was defeated by Vincent and nearly died. I escaped to here all the way!That's what happened today.


Chen Ge frowned.

Shen Wanshan's brothers on the other side were also afraid: "Sir, Vincent is a big overlord of Tiancheng. He is not only powerful, but also a dragon. Even the strong one who has practiced hard for more than ten years, he is not his opponent. The ground tiger brothers seem to be practitioners, and their strength is certainly good, but he was defeated by Vincent, It's not unusual! "

"So powerful!"

Chen Ge asked.

Chen Ge knows the strength of Tianlong Dihu brothers. He has a strong physique and talent.

It's really rare that someone beat his brothers and they can't resist.

Shen Wanshan's strength is no worse than Tianlong and Dihu. The look of his fear at the moment is enough to show the terror of Vincent, the overlord of Tiancheng.

"Yes, but Sir, our brothers' lives are yours, and we are not afraid to die. If you do something with Vincent, we will do it!"

Shen Wanshan was ruthless.

"Yes, sir, we are not afraid of death!"

The rest of the brothers took a stand.

Chen Ge raised his hand: "this matter, need to deliberate slowly, Wanshan, I need all the information of Vincent's force, you can find it for me immediately!"

Chen Ge is not afraid of a person, but if it is as powerful as they say.

Didn't these brothers die in vain!

However, the relationship between the two brothers and themselves is extraordinary.

When the dragon is in trouble, Chen Ge will surely sacrifice his life to save him.

Soon, it was evening.

"Chen Shao, when you go to Tiancheng, you must take me with you!"

The ground tiger weakly walked in the yard, facing the negative hand and standing Chen Ge road.

"Land tiger, how did you get out of bed? Besides, I didn't tell you, I'm not Chen Shao now! Don't call me that! " Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, I know Chen Shao."

"Cough, also, my brothers left Chen's house, it is not the dragon and ground tiger that the eldest lady gave me. Call me Zhang Hu!"

The ground tiger also gave a bitter smile.

Chen Ge patted him on the shoulder: "to save Tianlong, I will act immediately these days. You are good at self-cultivation! Don't worry, I will bring Tianlong to you

"But Chen Shao..."

"No more!"

Chen Ge raised his hand and interrupted Zhang Hu.

At this time, Shen Wanshan came in from the outside.

"Sir, the five forces in Tagou town have sent an invitation to attend their meeting tonight, and the person who sent the invitation said that he must go!"

Shen Wanshan sneered.

"What is that? Hongmen banquet? Or coercion? "

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"Ha ha, I understand what these five forces think. It's just that we set up sticks here and want to give us a strong hand. In the future, we should pay them protection fees! Don't pay any attention to them, sir. I just refuse them to go! "

Shen Wan Shan Road.

"Don't say no, let's leave for Tiancheng tomorrow. I don't want to have any worries. Since they are so well prepared, it's not too shameless not to go. Tell them, let's go tonight."

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