"Well, I'd like to ask you to tell Tianlong Group for me. I don't know if the Wunai family has a chance to have dinner with Chen sang of Tianlong Group. This is Meizi's business card. I hope you can pass it on to you!"

Again, she bowed slightly.

Chen Ge took the card and looked at it.

Although she seems quiet and gentle, she seems to be a little girl who is knowledgeable and reasonable.

But it's because of Japanese culture. It's not easy to come here.

The main reason is that Chen Ge didn't know what kind of family the Wunai family was.

After thinking about it, Chen Ge nodded:

"OK, I will convey it to you, Miss meiko. Goodbye!"

Chen Ge nodded with a smile and went out.

When Chen Ge goes out, she finds that Su Hong is still waiting in front of the mountain.

Now, all the forces are settled down!

"Mom, we're all here. Let's go, too?"

Then said the tulip.

"What's all here? Don't worry. There's still one of the most mysterious guests who hasn't arrived. I'll receive him personally!"

Su Hong smiles and looks down the mountain from time to time.

"Ah? It turns out that there is still, I say, the most luxurious villa in the villa. I thought it was our residence? It's not for this mysterious guest, is it

Tulip said again.

"Of course, you are a smart girl!"

Su Hong smiles.

"Mom, today's people are either rich or expensive. They are all famous heroes and powerful people from all over the world. Is there anything more powerful than those people?"

Yu Jinfei asked at the moment.

"Of course, there are people outside and heaven and earth. The strength of this noble guest family is not comparable to that of today's visitors!"

She went on: "this is a chance I met in M country. She is elegant and gentle. She is a standard Oriental woman. Although she is dozens of years younger than me and is almost the same age as Jinfei, you are quite different from her temperament. If not, I would like to worship Jinlan sister with her!"


Yu Jinfei is a little sour said.

"Don't be really unconvinced. By chance, I mentioned the king Shen to her, and she immediately expressed her interest and wanted to buy it! She should be here soon! "

Su Hong said.

At the same time, I talked to my two daughters about this mysterious guest.

At the end of the day, she didn't know where the mysterious guest came from, but she knew that she was very rich.

This is also the main reason why Su Hong has the courage to launch such a large-scale activity.

Mother and daughter communicate with each other, and Chen Ge is listening.

The more I listen, the more I feel that Su Hong is too snobbish.

At this time, under the mountain, stopped a row of luxury cars that no one else had seen.

A team of solemn bodyguards opened the road, and from the car, came down two women.

The first woman, about twenty-five years old, is really good-natured.

And the smaller one, 212.

The young girl, holding the head of the woman's arm, two people toward the mountain.

"Here she is!"

Su Hong, however, was so excited that she laughed.

As for the tulip sisters, they also looked at the visitors.

Chen Ge stood up and looked at the visitors.

Su Hong's excitement is beyond expression.

While Yu Jinfei's sister, looking from afar, was also attracted by the elegant appearance of the head woman.

Because, she absolutely has a face that even girls should be envious of.

Chen GE's eyelid is a fierce jump when he sees someone coming.

"Sister LAN? Xiaobei

Chen Ge almost exclaimed.

Yes, it's not just his fiancee Qin LAN and his cousin Xiaobei.

And it's the Chen family.

It's been more than half a year. In a flash, it's been more than half a year.

Since I left the Chen family, I miss them all the time.

I didn't expect to see my family so soon.

Chen Ge is excited.

However, Chen Ge soon calmed down.

Their disappearance, let's family, has been a great breath.

If you recognize each other rashly at the moment, once you are poked out.

All the efforts of those six months were in vain.

The foundation that has been created will soon be wiped out by the Mo family.

No, we can't recognize each other for the time being!

Chen Ge looks at Xiaobei and Qin LAN.

Then don't look over and head away.

"Sister Qin, you are finally waiting for you!"

Su Hong excitedly said."I have kept you waiting!"

Qin LAN responded with a smile.

At the moment, a close look, let's yujinfei instantly fade down.

Talking to Su Hong.

But it is also at this time, Qin Lan's glance.

See a figure, is turning to another room.


Don't know why, Qin LAN see that figure, suddenly heart a jump.

"What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

Yang Xiaobei asked.

"No It's OK! "

Qin LAN quickly shook his head.

When Qin LAN came here, she heard about the importance of Shen Wang, and her father, Chen Jindong, said that it was a treasure that was hard to find. The Chen family had inquired about Shen Wang before, but there was no news.

Now, when I went with Xiaobei to manage the assets of M country, I happened to know Su Hong when I was in an economic management class with Xiaobei, and she actually owned Shenwang.

Qin LAN immediately reported to Chen Jindong.

No matter how much it costs, I will buy it.

In the twinkling of an eye, night fell.

Besides the most noble villa in Longquan villa.

The rest of the place has been singing and dancing.

The noise of drinking is endless.

Because the people who come today are of different kinds.

"This Su Hong is really. She has already given her cheques to fill in as much as she wants at any auction."

In the villa, Yang Xiaobei, who has just taken a bath, comes to Qin Lan's room.

Qin LAN is wearing a light colored robe.

Hearing Xiaobei's complaint, she said with a smile: "you, the more like this, the more likely you are to frighten others. If you let Mrs. Su fill it in casually, she is afraid that we will have any intention!"

Qin Landao.

"That's what I said!"

Qin LAN glanced out of the window, holding his cheek in one hand, but did not speak.

But two people, also did not notice, at the moment outside the villa window, a figure is listening

"Why do you sigh, sister-in-law? Is there something on your mind? "

Asked Becky.

"When we went up the mountain today, I saw a figure that looked like your brother, so..."

Qin Lan's eyes are full of tears.

"So you want your cousin again, don't you?"

Xiaobei is also sad.

"It's been more than half a year. There's no news about Xiaoge. I don't know whether to live or not..."

Choked, Qin LAN covered his eyes and cried directly.

Xiaobei also cried: "sister-in-law, don't worry, cousin, he has his own natural features. He will certainly be OK. He can't be in trouble. If he is caught, the people of the Mo family will not be so quiet!"

Small Bella lives Qin Lan's arm.

The two sisters hugged each other.

And outside the window, the figure is also tightly clenched fists

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