Chen Ge looks at Zheng Yue's expression, this has something to do.

At present, it is to follow Zheng Yue's eyes towards those men and women.

All of a sudden, it was a little unexpected.

There were two men and a woman over there. One of them looked more social. There was a listen to Maserati in front of him.

It looks rich.

Talking to the man and the woman.

To Chen GE's surprise, he knew all the men and women.

Xu Dong, a classmate, and Lin Jiao, a roommate of Zhao Yifan.

Damn it! How did they become lovers?

Chen Ge is very surprised.

And it seems that Zheng Yue knows them.

Because that social man, at the moment, has moved his eyes, and some small excited toward Zheng Yue's car.

"Damn it, damn it! Ah! Chen Shao, I'm not scolding you, but this Xu Chao. I didn't expect that he was here. It's really haunting! "

Zheng Yue was upset.

It was a good plan, but I really met Xu Chao.

Chen Ge understood.

It seems that he should be a suitor of Zheng Yue.

But Zheng Yue obviously didn't like him.

Chen Ge doesn't know. On the contrary, before meeting Chen Ge, Zheng Yue still had some feelings about Xu Chao.

But in any case, Chen Ge saw that Xu Dong and Lin Jiao also came to this side with a smile.

It's not very nice to get off the bus.

"Well, you go down to have a party. I'll wait for you in the car. After the party, I'll take me to the door of the dormitory."

Chen Ge reluctantly scratched his head.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

Zheng Yue answered and got off the car directly.

"Xu Chao, why are you here? What's more, what have you been calling me for? Are you bothered? "

Zheng Yue jumps in anger.

"Yueyue, I didn't expect to meet you here. I came to see my brother and my sister back to school. I remember you mentioned before that you would often come to my alma mater to have a look. Then I thought of calling you and asking you to come around together!"

Xu Chao said with a smile: "Yueyue, let me introduce you to you. This is my cousin Xu Dong, who is a junior this year. This is my sister-in-law Lin Jiao, from the broadcasting and hosting department, and is also a junior!"

"Hello, sister-in-law. She is so beautiful!"

To tell you the truth, when you see the sexy and beautiful Zheng Yue, Xu Dong's eyes are a little straight.

Then he said with a smile.

"Who is your sister-in-law! I'm not Xu Chao's girlfriend

Zheng Yue wants to make this Xu Chao perfunctory at the moment. Of course, his face is not good-looking.

Xu Dong was stunned.

In fact, when my cousin called Zheng Yue just now, he heard it. Zheng Yue's tone was too cold.

Which is like the cousin said, women are like this, need to coax.

Now the attitude, the look, the taste is not right, coax a fart!

Xu Chao is naturally not able to come down.

Then he said with a smile: "OK, Yueyue, don't make a fuss. Let's go, you stop the car and let's go for a stroll."

"Who's making trouble for you, Xu Chao, I've made it very clear that we can't be together, and I have someone in my heart. You're so rich. Please find some beautiful girls and stop wasting time and energy on me!"

Zheng Yue said mercilessly.

At the moment, there are many students out to play, attracted by this scene.

You think, two luxury cars, men and women are fighting, want to attract attention is difficult.

Especially now Zheng Yue's words are so loud that Xu Chao can't get down.

"Yueyue, tell me, who is in your heart? Don't tell me, it's a Mercedes Benz, your godfather? He's almost sixty! "

Xu Chao's face suddenly became fierce.

"Lying trough, Xu Chao, can you pay attention to your words?"

Zheng Yue was gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Lin Jiao in one side, affectionate arm of Xu Dong, at the moment will also Zheng Yue up and down.

To tell you the truth, Lin Jiao was very jealous when she saw the beautiful Zheng Yue from the luxury car.

What's more, Zheng Yuegang didn't even look at himself.

Lin Jiao was very unhappy.

At present, I have understood some meanings and whispered to Xu Dong and Xu Chao:

"Oh, my cousin, my sister Zheng Yue is very sociable. It's normal for some big bosses to buy a car. But when it comes to sweethearts, maybe it's not the big bosses. Maybe sister Zheng Yue's family has a new little white face!"


However, Lin Jiao's voice has just dropped.

Zheng Yue gas a mouth son to draw up: "your mouth gives me to put clean point, who raised small white face?"

"You, you, you Do you dare to hit me? "Lin Jiao covered her face and was almost hoodwinked!

Zheng Yue wants to play again.

But Xu Chao grabbed the wrist: "Xiaoyue, do you think what Jiaojiao said is true? Do you like little white face

Xu Chao said nervously.

"Xu Chao, you let me go. I like who cares about you!"

Zheng Yue is really sorry now. He knew that he would not get off the bus at all. Although Xu Chao saw him, he could only drive away with one foot of gas.

Now I'm good. I'm a big boss, and I'm a little white faced person. I'm not easy to let Chen Shao change's good impression of his point of view. All of them are ruined!

But the more he did, the more he believed it was true.

Damn it, how much money did he spend for this woman, and she actually took care of other little white faces?

Chen Ge sat in the car and listened to their quarrel.

Actually, it's quite speechless.

Zheng Yue loves money very much, Chen Ge knew from the beginning.

Especially in the hot spring villa, as a receptionist, now he has become a foreman. It is impossible to say that social relations are not complicated.

But now, Chen wants Zheng Yue to drive away.

Suddenly I feel a dark side.

A figure came up.

It was Lin Jiao.

Lin Jiao just got a slap in the mouth. She wanted to see if her face was swollen.

If it's swollen, Lin Jiao will fight hard with Zheng Yue.

So I'll take a look at the front passenger's window.

I'll sell myself a cute one to see if I'm still feeling like a mouthful.

Well, it's still there!

Lin Jiao nodded with some satisfaction, but then, she was suddenly shocked.

Because, through the glass, she vaguely saw that there was still a man sitting on the co pilot.


Lin Jiao can't care.

She looked at Zheng Yue with a sneer and said to Xu Chao, "cousin, she just keeps a little white face. Now, that little white face is sitting on her co pilot and dare not come down!"

Lin Jiao was as excited as she had discovered a new universe.

Compared with Xu Dong, his cousin Xu Chao's family is richer.

The power is also very strong in this area.

Today, this Zheng Yue looks good and makes you crazy! Let you keep cool!


After hearing this, Xu Chao and Xu Dong looked at the co driver. Due to the film, they did not look inside the car and didn't notice it at all.

Now look carefully, there is a person sitting in the car.

Little did not know, Chen GE has been lying all over the sky!

This, this, this Burning the fire on yourself?

Chen GE has a bad intuition, because there are more and more people outside the car now!

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