The place where Ma Xiaonan lives is not far away from Jinling No.1 middle school where she is.

It's a new neighborhood.

As for which position, hanfil told herself.

Chen Ge came here in a car.

It happened to be at the gate of the community.

Chen Ge saw Ma Xiaonan who came back from buying vegetables. He was talking to a man and a woman while he was carrying vegetables.

Among them, Ma Xiaonan side said, the man also side with the book to record what.

It looks like two plainclothes policemen are asking Xiaonan about the situation.

What's the matter?

Chen Ge can't help but tell in his heart.

Of course, I drove slowly towards Ma Xiaonan.

Chen Ge is also deeply aware of the nearby campus, whether there is a girl with the Yin physique.

After a while, the two men got to know each other, shook hands with Ma Xiaonan, and then drove to a school not far away.

Xiaonan's expression looks at extremely lost, carrying vegetables to go home.

Calculate the day, the distance from the original encounter in the southwest Xiaonan, also have to a year.

Now, Xiao Nan, who has become a teacher, has a more mature and intellectual charm than at that time.

I still have long hair and fair skin.

Chen Ge drives with her.

Drop ~ drop!

Honked the horn.

Ma Xiaonan slightly side over, looking at this car with their own luxury car.

At present, there was a sense of impatience in his eyes, which accelerated the pace.

She hates the second generation of rich disciples, and it will be great to have money in the future!


Chen Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Or keep following.

"Didi, Didi!"

This time Chen Ge overtakes Ma Xiaonan and honks his horn.

"You are sick! Get away from me

Ma Xiaonan scolded angrily.

Although, this luxury car into the community, has attracted many people around, and even many girls have begun to slowly follow the car to take photos.

But, Ma Xiaonan is not the same as them.

In the face of teasing, she showed only anger.

"So angry!"

At the moment, the car window falls down, Chen Ge looks at Ma Xiaonan with a smile.

Ma Xiaonan heard the sound.

There was a sudden shock all over the body.

As if the soul of the whole person, just been severely torn.

Let her feel that the whole world has become distorted, illusory!

Did you hear me wrong?

Ma Xiaonan couldn't believe it. She turned her head and looked at the owner of the luxury car.


The fresh vegetables that I bought in my hand fell to the ground directly.

A long time lost tears, began to spin in the eye socket.

In countless nights, no, all the time, she was thinking of Chen Ge, Miss Chen Ge, miss this familiar voice, can ring again in her own ears.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chen often had a good feeling with her.

In her eyes, although the college Chen Ge, in other people's eyes so bad, but Ma Xiaonan feel that he is still brilliant, she can see the flash of his body!

Even in regret, maybe at that time, two people can come together, there is no pain of missing now.

She red eyes, excited way: "Chen Ge? Is that you? "

"I am, of course!"

Chen GE has got out of the car.

Looking at Ma Xiaonan, he said with a smile.

And Ma Xiaonan can no longer restrain himself, rushed to Chen GE's arms.

She thought Chen GE's life and death are uncertain, and even worse

And a lot of people around the community.

One after another looked at the scene with envy.

"How nice to have money! You can do whatever you want

Some men said enviously.

And this sentence was just heard by a woman who came back from a relaxation in the park.

They thought that something had happened, and they were all around the door of their home.

At present, she saw the scene in front of her eyes, her eyelids could not help but jump.

The heroine of the event is actually her own daughter?

"The young and the big are very powerful. It seems that they just said a few words and caught this beautiful woman!"

The uninformed discussed.


The woman was angry.

Thought her daughter was bullied.

"Son of a bitch, let go of my daughter!"She rushed over and pulled Ma Xiaonan to her side.

She is about to scold the disciple in front of her. She doesn't care what the rich second generation is and the third generation is rich. But if she wants to contaminate her daughter, she can't.


But the woman just half scolded.

But shut up, turned to angry face, was surprised to replace: "song? Are you a little song? "

She said in surprise.

"Yes, auntie, long time no see!"

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Oh, I thought someone was bullying Xiaonan. Go upstairs

Xiaonan mother happy way.

After all, Chen Ge cured his illness. In Xiaonan's mother's eyes, it's more than just a lifesaver.

As they went upstairs.

Xiaonan's mother set out to pick vegetables and cook. She had to leave Chen Ge for a home cooked meal.

Chen Ge did not refuse.

Just sit on the sofa and chat with Ma Xiaonan.

Then Chen Ge asked what happened to the two people downstairs just now.

Ma Xiaonan just patted his head and said:

"Xiaoge, I forgot this matter if you didn't mention it. By the way, I had agreed with them. After taking the food, I would go to school to help them understand the situation!"

"Know the situation? What do you know? "

Chen Ge a look, Xiaonan, this is really something.

At this time, Xiaonan's mother came out.

"It's not because of the grant. In addition to being the head teacher of a class, Xiaonan is also in charge of the grant for the third grade of senior high school. Then, one night before the grant was released, the grant was lost. Then Yang Yan, the woman, insisted that it was stolen by Xiaonan of our family. Otherwise, how could we buy a house? "

"What's more, the school was supposed to keep a low profile. As a result, Yang Yan called the police again and insisted that it was Xiaonan. Now the police are coming to the door!"

Xiaonan's mother said angrily:

"Xiaoge, as you know, Xiaonan is not such a person, and to tell the truth, Xiaosong's people always want to give Xiaonan money every time. Xiaonan refused, would she covet the 200000 yuan grant?"

"Of course I believe it!" Chen Ge nods.

"Xiaonan still wants to admit it. Forget it, and make up for 200000 yuan. I firmly disagree. It's a personality problem. Why should Yang Yan get cheaper?"

My mother said angrily.

"Who is Yang Yan?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"It's the head teacher of our next door class. She's always envious that I took over the position that originally belonged to her in the grade, and I won't catch up with the title evaluation this year. The person recommended in the grade is me again. She suspects that I've obstructed her and took everything from her. Therefore, she has great pertinence to me!"

Ma Xiaonan sighed.

"Is it because her husband is so fierce that she bullies you? Xiaonan, your temper is too good. Some people are like this, and you give her a face. The more she thinks you are bullying! Li Zhenguo, I'm always afraid of supporting you

"Well, mom, you can say less, little song, or you will sit down for a while. I have to go to school, and the police are waiting for me."

Ma Xiaonan said.

"Well, I just have to go to your school. Let's go together."

Chen Ge stood up and said.

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