"You know me, I'm not in the mood to go to a girl, but I'm here for something. I want this girl to really help me!"

Chen Ge shook his head with a bitter smile.

Did not say to the blood of Yin these things, is do not want to let Bai Xiaofei worry for himself.

He and Yonghao have helped themselves too much. Now they are all stabilized. Chen Ge doesn't want them to get involved in their own muddy water again.

I just explained the general meaning to Xiao Fei.

"Ha ha ha, that's it. It's easy to do, brother. You don't know. It's an expert to chase girls and brothers!"

Bai Xiaofei laughs.

I'm not really trying to help her

"I see. It's almost the same thing as chasing!"

"I'm lucky to meet you, boy. I know you have a lot of ideas. Help me find a way. I'm in a hurry! Now, she misunderstood me again! I don't know what to do! "

Chen Ge naturally has his own shortcomings.

It's not something he's good at.

Chen ge used to be an honest and self abased student in school. He blushed when he met girls.

It's just a coincidence with Yang Xue.

Therefore, now let Chen Ge in the absence of any basis to go down in exchange for Shen Nan's sincerity, it is simply more difficult for him than to ascend to heaven.

"Of course, this is no problem, but brother, now my brother has encountered a thorny matter, has a task in his body, and that guy is counting loach. He has been hunted down several times, but let him slip away under his nose!"

"No, we've besieged him in Jinling City now, and we're still searching for him!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed.

Naturally, he was sincere to Chen Ge.

There is no doubt about this Chen Song.

You can see that Bai Xiaofei is really tired by that thief.

At the moment, he said with a bitter smile, "just now I saw that you are very good at it. What kind of thief is so powerful? And run away from your eyes? "

As soon as he said this, Bai Xiaofei blushed with shame.

I'm good at it. I met you just now. I don't even have the ability to parry!

At the moment, Xiao Fei said:

"speaking of it, this man is a beast. He is a philanderer. He has done a lot of cases, but he has not enough hands to chase others, so he has transferred us here too!"

"In fact, it's not difficult to find him. The difficult thing is to catch him. Our strategy now is to cast a net and drive him into our net."

"Good! As long as you can lock him in, give him to me and I'll help you catch him! "

After listening to Chen Ge, he said with a smile.

"Lying trough, really? Brother, are you willing to do it? "

Bai Xiaofei was surprised.

"That's to catch thieves. It's a good thing to contribute. I'm bound to do it!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

And it was at this time.

Bai Xiaofei's walkie talkie rings.

There was a message coming in.

"No.1, No.1, Wang Meng's trace has been found. On the main road of Yuanbei street in Jinling, he committed another crime, kidnapped two girls and robbed a car. He is heading for the South Street. The leader orders you to go to the South Street immediately for support! Please reply

"Got it!"

Bai Xiaofei and his three men stood up immediately.

"Brother, I have found him!"

"Well, let's go!"

Since Shen Nan's whereabouts have been found, Chen Ge is not worried that she will run away.

And I want to let Shen Nan forgive myself in a short time, and sincerely give myself a drop of blood to Yin.

Not to mention, it's really inseparable from Xiao Fei's idea.

Of course, Chen Ge won't help Xiaofei because of this.

Seeing that his brother is in trouble, Chen Ge will not hesitate to lend a helping hand and do his best.

That's how they cast their nets.

After closing the thief into the net.

It's going to fasten the buckle quickly.

And this node is South Street.

The little car drove very fast, five minutes later, it had already rushed to the South Street.

At the same time, many people are also coming towards the South Street.

Because there are only five people in South Street, and there is a severe shortage of manpower.

"How's it going?"

After getting off the bus, Bai Xiaofei joins them.

"At present, Wang Meng's target has been locked in. He will rush to the South Street soon. We are going to stop him here. How come the three of you? Didn't you say you had a helper? "

At the head was a tall woman.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei and asked.

Chen Ge got out of the car at this time. He was in the car just now. He was observing the terrain around him.If you want to stop him, you must know the route that the philanderer may escape.

Although Chen GE has excellent skills, he also has great confidence.

But, listen to Xiao Fei, that thief is really cunning.

Chen Ge did not dare to be too careless, especially to help friends, but also had to be attentive.

After all, I can't use internal force now, or even if I let the thief run for a few kilometers, I will lose him instantly!

After recording them one by one, Chen Ge came down.

"Chen Ge? How is it you? "

But as soon as Chen Ge got off the bus, the woman standing with Bai Xiaofei was very surprised.

At the same time, there is another youth, eyes with a touch of jealousy came to the woman's side.

"Hu Huimin, Shen Junwen?"

Chen Ge looked at them with a bitter smile in his heart.

The world is too small.

I still remember that the last time I met was a year and a half ago, when I dressed up as a San and went to clean up situ's house.

The task of Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen at that time was to investigate some criminal evidence committed by the situ family in recent years.

After I saved people myself.

The firemen burned down.

At the same time, he left some evidence of the crime, and gave these bags and Chen Ge to Hu Huimin.

And posted a note from Hu Huimin.

It's easy to help an old classmate.

After that, they parted. What happened to Hu Huimin? Chen Ge didn't ask.

I didn't expect that they would have been back and promoted!

On his side was Shen Junwen.

Both of them knew the identity of Chen Ge, especially Shen Junwen, whose face was beaten badly.

Now goodbye to Chen Ge, a little bit of childhood shadow burst.

"Chen Ge, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard about it after I came back. You broke away from your family, and then something happened. I didn't expect that you are safe and sound now!"

Hu Huimin looks at Chen Ge and says unexpectedly.

But the eyes did not know the identity of Chen Ge after the shock.

Instead, he said in a superior position:

"what are you doing now?"

"No work, come back to do something, and help Xiaofei a little bit!"

Chen Ge looked at her with a bitter smile.


Hu Huimin and Shen Junwen are surprised at the same time.

He also looked at Bai Xiaofei: "he Is it not the helper you asked for? "

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