"Huh? How about what? If you can cure it all, I will do what you want me to do! "

In Liu Wang's eyes, this is impossible.

More than one hundred babies are left with one breath.

What's more, Liu Wang specially said all of them.

After Chen Ge nodded, he did not pay attention to him.

He changed his clothes and went to the isolation room.

Only three people can go in, that is, the dean and Ma Jin.

They followed Chen Ge all the way in.

In the isolation room, when Chen Ge came in, all the babies had stopped crying.

It's quiet.

Their faces were black and their bodies began to swell.

The lips were all broken.

There is only one breath left.

It's really soul sucking!

This is exactly the state of soul devouring. They should be less than one third of their ability.

That's when the water evaporates to the surface.

It leads to a high fever.

"It's cruel!" Chen Ge said in his heart.

Chen Ge had no choice but to cure them, saying that acupuncture was only the basis for ensuring the smooth operation of Qi and blood.

You have to use soul swallowing technique to make up Qi and blood to them in another way.

If so, his identity will leak out, and the rock has not yet been fully excavated.

Once the storm leaks, Yunqing comes to her door, and she is not an opponent at all.

You can't live tonight without help!

Chen Ge bit his teeth with hatred.

Anyway, it's important to save these lives first. I've sucked too much blood from adults. In sum, saving the lives of these children should be enough.

As for the leakage of true Qi.

You can use the Zhiyin blood in Yufu to deal with it for another night. Now is Yunqing's fragile period. She should not be as terrible as before!


Chen Ge immediately began to act.

He first used the silver needle in his hand to quickly stab several acupoints on the baby's chest, such as Tiantu, Guanyuan and Jiuwei.

Deep shallow, or thorn or pick. The needle was punctured for 18 times in a row, and the needle was pulled out quickly. There's no gap in the middle, like a magic show. Let Lin Zhonghua standing next to him can't help but be stunned.

It's just silly.

After a look at master Ma Jin, Ma Jin is addicted to Chen GE's needling.

Then Chen Ge reached into the quilt, held their wrists, and used soul swallowing technique to regulate and replenish qi and blood for them.

"Well, next, cover up. Then take off the clothes of the 002 baby. Be quick. We don't have much time! " Chen Ge said in a hurry.

"Is that all right?" Lin Zhonghua asked with wide eyes.

"All right. Next. "

"Good OK Lin Zhonghua nods like a pound of garlic.

"Destiny needling? Is this a divine needling? " Outside the glass wall, an old Chinese doctor in the expert group first showed a dignified expression, then screamed in surprise.

"Lao Li, what is the destiny needling technique?" The boy asked, but it was really a needle.

"Tianming needling, this is a lost unique skill. It has been lost. Among the rumors, only Mr. Wu Sanfeng is proficient in three needles!" The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine obviously didn't notice the expression of the vice president and explained excitedly.

"Can't he be Mr. Wu Sanfeng's Apprentice? No, old Mr. Wu Sanfeng is only proficient in three needles, and this boy can master seventeen or eighteen needles. It's too terrible!" There are also some old Chinese medicine practitioners who know some allusions of Tianming needling.

At the moment, he clapped his hands, his eyes were wide open, and he was pleasantly surprised.

"How could he know such a deep needling skill when he was young?" More people can't believe it.

"There can be no mistake. He used the as like as two peas, which I saw Mr. Wu Sanfeng play three months ago. It can nourish the body and expel the miasma and dampness in the body by using an inch long six point sharp needle, three lifting and three discharging, and then a "Fengxiang" type needle His surprise explanation.

"However, it is said that Tianming needling requires internal strength. Does this person still have internal strength?"

"Well, he's not good at it? Maybe it's just the shape. Let's talk about the results. " Liu Wang sneers repeatedly, even in his heart are distorted cry: do not cure! Don't cure it!

Chen Ge in the isolation area didn't know that people outside caused an argument because of his needling skills. He gathered all his mind and kept putting out and withdrawing needles.

Originally pale face now is not a trace of blood color, forehead exudes big big big sweat drops, and then merge into a stream to slide down the cheek, looks very tired.

After all, Chen Ge needs to input too much Qi and blood.

But he was extremely fast.

When the baby was more than 100 years old, he was not all adjusted.The faces of the babies, where there is a little black trace, but has appeared white, and then towards the ruddy continuous recovery.

The swelling of the body, the skin also constantly appeared elastic.

Even above the life instrument, their breath of life is becoming stronger and stronger!

"Ah! This, this, this... "

Lin Zhonghua's old tears were full of excitement.

It's red in the eyes.

Because they saw a common result, that is, the babies were saved, out of danger.

I can't believe it. I can't believe it!

They clenched their hands and took a long breath.

"Mr. Chen Ge, you can bring the dead back to life!"

After the examination, the two men showed their admiration.


Chen Ge became a little weak.

He didn't want to hear these praises. He cured them by himself.

What's more, what Chen Ge thinks now is, who is guilty in Jinling? Stronger or weaker than yourself?

If you don't find this person, it will do harm to others!

And just now Chen Ge showed her inner strength. I don't know whether Yunqing can know. According to the truth, she is now the most vulnerable time.

But in any case, it's true to rush to Yundingshan villa now.

At that time, the distance between Zhentian stone and its appearance was getting closer. Yunqing didn't dare to get close to it.

So Chen Ge came out in a hurry.

When people outside heard that the children had been out of danger, they were all excited and admiring looking at Chen Ge.

In particular, Chen GE's one-hand Tianming acupuncture, some old Chinese medicine practitioners want to kneel down to worship their masters.

"That's great. You're lucky!"

And Liu Wang said with a cold face.

Chen Ge wanted to go, but when he heard him speak, he stopped.

"Do you remember what you promised me just now?"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"What?" Liu Wang was stunned.

"That is, I did it. You can do whatever you want to do!"

"Yes, Dr. Liu, we all heard your promise!"

People looked at Liu Wang Road.

"Well, I'm Liu Wang. I'll do what I say. What do you want me to do?"

Liu Wang pretended to be upright.

Still loading!

Chen Ge looked at him scornfully: "fart!"

"What do you say?" Liu Wang was stunned.

"I said let you fart, let a hundred farts to everybody!"

The crowd laughed.

"This How could that be possible? Is fart what I want to let go? "

Liu Wang felt strongly insulted.

"Why not? A hundred farts, simple, I'll help you! "

With that, Chen Ge raised his hand and poked at one of his acupoints.


A loud fart should be heard by luck!

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

And put them one after another.

Liu Wang's face is almost humiliating green, but he can't control it at all.

All of them covered their noses. Outside the isolation room, the Buddha was covered with dust.

"Poof Poof

Finally, a strange voice sounded, Liu Wang cried, finished!

Chen Ge also covered his nose and ran away.

When a group of old Chinese doctors wanted to chase him, they found that Chen Ge had already disappeared. It turned out that he was taking advantage of Liu Wang to fart and take a step first.

Besides, Chen Ge left the hospital all the way.

It was evening now, and it was getting dark.

Chen Ge drives, ready to rush to Yundingshan villa.

So along the way, Chen Ge opened very fast.

When the car drove to a dense forest outside, Chen Ge slightly stung, slammed on the brake and stopped the car.

It's a bit desolate.

In the middle of the road, there was an old lady squatting with a piece of hot paper in her hand, putting it into the brazier.

Chen GE's eyelids beat hard.

Obviously, Chen Ge knew this old lady

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