Chen GE's body suddenly glittered with gold.

As if a super high-intensity high-intensity light was lit in the dark, the golden light suddenly spread all over the iron city who was struggling with Chen Ge.

Under the light of this powerful golden light, Tiecheng suddenly screamed, and black air gushed from his body.

And with the black mans leakage, the ferocity of iron city body is constantly falling, even his strength, are obviously becoming smaller.

Not long, iron city whole body sour and weak, was directly lifted to one side by Chen Ge, unconscious.

"Iron city?"

Chen Ge covered his own blood DC wound, tentatively called.

But Tiecheng has been unable to respond.

At this time, jinmang changed into seven colors, just like a rainbow of seven colors.

This jade pendant is evil today!

Chen Ge looks at the changes brought about by the jade pendant, and is shocked.

"Chen Ge, I can't believe that you still have a treasure on you!"

And iron red eyes flashed a look of greed.

"If I get this treasure, I can further strengthen my cultivation."

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Tie Hong is going to do it herself.


Sand and sand!

Several voices were heard from all directions.

Follow closely, you can see the figure of Badao. The figure of Badao is very fast. It is coming towards this side.

"Old lady, do you deserve this treasure? Chen Ge is ours! "

Eight figures quickly swept over.

Tie Hong and Chen Ge are surrounded.

The eight of them were pale as if they had been dead for a few days, but their voices were very loud.

Chen Ge looks at them with fear.

These eight, the skill is extremely strong, each one, seems to have not weaker than iron red strength.

What's going on?

Is there such a strong existence? And there's so much coming out!

Iron red, iron city, and these eight people, the most strange thing is their internal strength, which is totally different from their own practice.

It seems that their inner strength is inherently awe inspiring.

I heard what tie Hong said just now. It's obvious that there are two forces. They are against each other.

One is Yunqing.

On the other hand, they are the eight.

The only certainty is that the two sides seem to have come for themselves.

"Well, it depends on whether you have the ability to compete!"

Speaking, iron red a pair of cold eyes locked Chen Ge, and quickly toward Chen Ge swept over.

And the eight men, acting at the same time, came to Chen Ge one after another.

Bang bang bang!

See Chen GE's limbs and shoulders, are dead by their hands grasp.

Holding Chen Ge, he turns around.

"It's broken, it's going to be broken!"

Chen Ge was in agony.

The limbs are about to be torn off.

"Jade pendant! Jade pendant! Are you an artifact? If you can hear me, help me again! I don't want to die, and I don't want to be killed by them now! "

Chen GE's painful secret way in his heart.

I just hope my cry can be heard by this jade pendant.

But the jade pendant did not move.

But Chen GE has already been stirred by them.

The blood gushed out again.


Chen Ge gave a painful roar.

All over the body burst out.

Suddenly, a huge force suddenly covered his whole body.


This force is leaking out.

It's like a big explosion in place.

Strong air waves, several people quickly flew out.

Chen Ge, however, is also a black eye, directly fainted in the past.

When Chen Ge woke up again, he found himself lying in a room.

And there's a circle of people around.

Tang ran, Su Guoan, Wang Huimin are all here.

"Mr. Chen Ge, you are awake!"

Next to him, he was sitting on his horse.

Obviously, he had just finished dressing his wound.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Ma." Chen Ge covers the wound and sits up.

"Aunt Wang, uncle Su, did you save me?"

Chen Ge only remembers that at that time, he was almost killed by iron red.

At the head of the disaster, he asked for help from Yupei in his heart.

At that time, I seemed to gain a strength.

I can't remember what happened after that.

"Yes, Xiaoge, you scared us to death at that time. They were all shaken out by you, scattered and left, and we quickly brought you back!"Aunt Wang is obviously afraid of the way.

Not long after Chen Ge left the Su family, tie Hong takes people to the door. It happens that Su Guoqiang Tang ran and Wang Huimin are serving the old lady, and Tiehong takes them away.

This is the scene of iron red encircling Chen Ge.

It seems that Tiehong has been in Jinling for a few days.

It's only when you find out where you are.

Chengos cableway.

And this jade pendant, it seems that it is not only as simple as you imagine, it has saved his life several times.

"Chen Shao, this is really frightening to death. When you are carried back, you are covered with blood!"

Li Zhenguo also said flustered.

"What a disaster! By the way, where is this? "

Suddenly I felt a strange feeling coming from around.

Chen Ge couldn't help asking.

"Now it's the mid hillside villa of Yunding mountain. The top of the mountain is under development, and the hole has been pierced. It is estimated that it will be a moment or three to find what Chen Shao wants."

Li zhenguohui reports.

"No wonder!"

The jade talisman in his arms was extremely strong.


At this time, the next room, suddenly issued a female voice scream.

Then there was the sound of the plate landing.

It's like seeing something terrible.

Then a little nurse, about eighteen or nine years old, stumbled in.

"Doctor Ma, the man next door is awake and has broken the chain!"

He said in a hurry.


Li Zhenguo frowned.

He winked at several bodyguards in the room, and the bodyguards rushed over immediately.

"What's going on?"

Chen Ge asked.

"It was the man who tried to kill you with a knife last night. He was in a coma. We carried you back. Soon after, we found that he followed us to Yunding mountain! At that time, he kept reciting Chen Shao in his mouth. I'll save you! Many times

"We didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, so we didn't ask Mr. Li to kill him! He was tied up with a chain, and he was very weak at that time

Wang Huimin said in fear.

"Iron city!"

Chen GE's eyes twinkled.

Turn over and sit up.

And rushed to the next room.

When I saw the bodyguards at the door.

Tiecheng is bound with more than ten steel chains made of refined steel.

But iron city, is born with the hand, tear them one by one.

The bodyguard took the electric baton, and did not dare to start. It was obviously the first time to see such a perverted person.

"Iron city!"

Chen Ge could not help but move his face when he saw him.

And hear the sound of iron city is the whole body a shock, suddenly raised his head.

"Chen Chen Shao

He spoke very slowly, as if he were a child of three or four years old, unable to speak clearly.

But through his eyes.

Chen Ge knew that he was awake and did not know what method was used to revive him.

"Iron City, it's me!"

Chen Ge looked at him and said.

On that day, Tiecheng died to save himself. Chen GE has always felt guilty. Now he sees his little brother revived.

No matter what it looks like.

Chen GE's heart is extremely happy

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