"Where is that cave?"

Chen Ge Ning asked.

The world is really wonderful. For example, there must be some secret in the cave.

Chen Ge guessed in his heart.

If it is, I really can't let go of this cave. I must go and see it.

"It's in the mountains. I still remember that place. Brother Chen, if you want to go, I'll take you there later!"

Aquatic channel.

"Well, please!"

Chen Ge nodded.

The name of Shuishui is Li Shuishui, and his sister is Li shuixia.

Parents are away from home all the year round. They usually live with grandfather.

It's just that his grandfather is weak and sickly, and he needs herbs to keep his life.

Shuishui also mentioned a sister Su Ruoxi many times in the conversation. Li shuixia is Su Ruoxi's secretary. Su Ruoxi paid all the money his grandfather needed to cure the disease.

Has been regarded as a lifesaver by the water.

If Chen Ge is right, Su Ruoxi must be the person he is looking for. Only in this way can we explain the source of Li shuixia's adaptive aura.

"Sister, look who's coming!"

Shouts Shuishui, standing in the yard.

After a while, Li shuixia came out of the house, and the whole yard was filled with strong fragrance of medicine.

"Where have you been again? Dr. Hu is taking the pulse for my grandfather. Keep your voice down." Li shuixia said.

Then he saw Chen Ge and rebar standing behind the water.

At the moment, I can't help but wonder: "it's you..."

It can be seen that Li shuixia's eyes still have some fear.

Although Chen Ge saved himself, they often killed people by means of which any ordinary woman would be afraid.

And also as Chen Ge guessed, at the moment, Li shuixia's body, has no that aura.

"Miss Li, we didn't mean to come here. We just want to ask you for help. You can do me a favor and I can do you a favor, OK?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"I What can I do for you? "

Li shuixia pulled her younger brother to her side.

"I heard from Shui Shui that only Su Ruoxi, President Su, had contact with you yesterday. I would like to ask you to help introduce me!"

Chen gedao.

"Are you looking for Mr. Su?" Li shuixia is a little afraid.

Chen Ge just nodded, and then went to the side of the medicine pot which was frying medicine.

"Your prescription is only a temporary cure, not a root cause. If you take it for a long time, you will have dependence, and secondly, your body will get worse and worse."

Chen Ge said.

"You Who the hell are you? "

Obviously, Chen Ge said, let the latter's face can not help but change.

"Elder sister, elder brother Chen, they are good people, and they are all people with great skills. They are looking for sister Su to help them find someone for them. What's more, elder brother Chen said that he helped us heal our grandfather!"

Water busy road.


"True, of course!"

"Shuishui, this is a Qi and blood pill. You can brew it into twelve times for your grandfather. Take it once a month. After a year, your grandfather's disease will be solved."

Chen Ge said, throwing a Qi and blood pill to the water.

"You don't have to pulse my grandfather?" Li shuixia was greatly surprised.

"No, look at the prescription. I can guess what's wrong with the old man! We don't mean anything else. We really need help from that Su! "

Chen Ge said sincerely.

Li shuixia tangled for a while, but Chen GE's simple appearance didn't seem to be deceiving.

Then he nodded: "OK, I'll introduce you. But I'm afraid that Su is not available now. She's in a meeting. At least she has time in the afternoon."

And this is the time.

Chen GE's mobile phone suddenly came a text message.

"Come back, something's wrong!"

This is a message from Li Mu Mu to Chen Ge.


Chen Ge looked at the SMS, but also a little nervous.

What else can happen to the shantytowns?

It seems that uncle hasn't gone back yet.

No, I have to go back and have a look.

Chen Ge looked up at the water.

"Shui Shui Shui, listen to me with your ears. Is there something wrong with the shantytowns I come to?"

Chen Ge asked.

The water should immediately.

Now lie on the ground and listen.

"Yes, there seem to be many more people in the shantytowns. Many people are gathered together. As for what happened, I don't know!"

Aquatic channel.

Chen Ge frowned and thought.Not good!

It's from the ancient family!

Xinxin was hurt by the ancient wind. He was beaten back by the uncle.

I'm afraid the ancient family will not give up. They must know where they are.

At the moment, a flash of anger flashed in Chen GE's eyes.

"Rebar, let's go back!"

Let's talk about shantytowns.

The water doesn't sound good.

It was true that all the people in the village were gathered on the main street of the shanty town.

And take care of them, it is a team of ancient masters.

And Li Mu Mu also can't escape the thief's hand, was escorted by them, took to the ancient wind in front of.

The ancient wind is standing with both hands on its back.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Where is Chen Ge? It's better to say it out, or my men will kill people, and this time, that expert can't save you! "

The old style is cold.

"I don't know Chen Ge. What's more, you son of a bitch cut off Xinxin's arm. You brute, you can't let go of a child!"

Li Mumu was furious.

Facing the ancient custom is to scold.

The ancient style hears the speech, but also just shakes his head bitterly to smile.

"I know that there is a master hidden in your shantytowns. Maybe you are not afraid, but don't be lucky. I have a way to deal with that person. This time, I will not only look for Chen Ge, but also find the man to avenge! This beautiful woman, if you don't want to end up with that smelly girl, I'll cut off your arms, just tell me

The old wind once again warned.

As he spoke, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Li Mu Mu's neck.

"I don't know Chen Ge!"

Li Mu Mu struggled and beat the old wind.

"Well, I think you people will not be soft without blood. In this case, I'll make an example of others! "

Gu Feng was about to break Li Mu's neck.

The other masters of the ancient family are also ready to kill several people.

"Children, take your life!"

All of a sudden, there was a thundering noise in my ear.

This sound, deafening, and before people, the sound first arrived, a burst of dust.

Later, a small stone broke through the dust and came back and forth.

Straight to the ancient temple.

The subconscious escape of the ancient style.


The stone broke through a thick tree.

Two steps back.

The eyebrow center big congeals.

"Master! Sure enough, this shantytown is not simple! " He laughed in anger.

Looking at the two figures coming towards this side

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