"How could that be possible?"

Duan Fei was shocked.

"I said, these are toys in front of me, and these people stand in front of me like dolls! You shouldn't be so impulsive and hurt my friend. You are killing yourself

Chen Ge said with a faint smile.

"I don't believe you're so good. Let's go and kill him!"

Duan Fei hates to gnash his teeth. He is the same age. Why is he so strong!

At present, dozens of bodyguards also have a premonition of a trace of danger. This kind of danger makes them enter the ice cave and stab on the back. It seems that their own lives will die out at any time.

The desire to survive also makes this group of bodyguards full of killing.

They took out daggers from their waists and stabbed at Chen Ge.


With a wave of Chen GE's hand, more than a dozen people have been hit by real Qi, and their blood spurts wildly. They fly out directly and smash the whole yard to pieces.

The remaining ten were stunned.

He stopped in a hurry.

"Big man!"

The middle-aged man who was the leader just now dropped his dagger on the ground.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

As soon as his dagger fell, more than a dozen other people also threw the knife to the ground.

But Chen Ge just carries his hands on his back. At the moment, he doesn't do anything.

"Back, all back!"

The middle-aged man spits wildly. He has already felt the intention of killing. He has faced life and death several times, but never before has the prediction of death been so clear.

In spite of the young man in front of him, he did not move.

But he believed that the dagger in his hand and the gun on the ground were really like toys in his eyes, and they were tragic dolls.

More than a dozen people stepped aside.

"You are very clever, so, because of your cleverness, you don't have to die like these two idiots. You can go!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

"Thank you. Let's go."

The middle-aged man bowed deeply and fled directly with his men.

And Ximen Yu and Duan Fei are completely stupid.

"Feige, what should we do?"

Ximen rain trembled with fear.

"Hum, Chen Ge, don't come here, or I'll kill this woman. You know my skill. I just wave my knife and she'll die!"

Duan Fei immediately took out the dagger and put it on shuixia's neck.

"You are so confident. In fact, I planned to let you escape just now, but now you threaten me. You will die miserably!"

Chen Ge took a step ahead.


Duan Fei is lost. Just now, he can escape?

"You don't have to wait and see. I know that you are loyal. In this case, I let the girl go, and you let me escape?"

Duan Fei said nervously.

"Escape? You don't have a chance! "

Chen Ge shakes his head.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Chen Ge bend his fingers and shoot out a piece of air, which hit Duan Fei's palm.

His hand, instantly bloody, the whole palm directly fell down.

"You! Why are you so strong, you are the devil

Duan Fei was shocked.

He regrets. Chen Ge said it well. If he doesn't come to look for these things and develop well in Wudao, he may become the president of Wudao association with his talent in the near future.

But now, it's all over!

I've got into an existence I can't afford.

Duan Fei wants to make the final struggle. He covers his hand and tries to escape from the wall.

But as Chen Ge said, he has been sentenced to death.

Point it out.

Duan Feikou vomited blood.

It just fell to the ground.


Ximen Yu tore his hair in fear.

Poop! One, directly to Chen Ge kneel down.

"Give me a break, I didn't mean to, give me a break!"

Ximen rain repeatedly begged for mercy.

"It's no use. There's only one chance, so you have to die too!"

Chen Ge shakes his head and points out again that a blade of void cuts across Ximen Yu's neck.

She slowly lying on the ground, the breath of life has completely disappeared.

"You killed so many people at once. You are terrible!"

Su Ruoxi is also shivering.

"These people are damned, I only kill the damned people!"

Chen Ge light finish saying, eyes toward the rear slightly glanced, eyelids can not help but slightly jump.

He said: "shuishuixia, you take the old man and Miss Su to the house first. I have something to remember. No matter what you hear, don't come out!"With that, Chen Ge turns around and jumps out of the yard.

All the way to a river in the village.

On the other hand, more than a dozen corpses have been placed on the riverside, just like those who were released by themselves.

They were all killed by one move, and before they died, they did not even have the so-called struggle.

"I knew you were here. Show up!"

Chen Ge took a deep breath.

"You are worthy of being you at that time. It seems that you have been deceiving me before. Sometimes, I think you are not the one I love. But now, you obviously know tianxuangong, and your style of behavior is more and more like you before. So, do you admit it?"

The wind swayed in the woods, and a woman who could not be said to be strange appeared suddenly.

She smiles very charming, stares at Chen Ge way.

And this woman is not someone else, it is Yunqing.

"I thought you were missing. So many things happened during this time that you didn't show up!"

Chen Ge looks at her.

"You haven't answered my question. Are you, in the end, him? Do you admit it? "

Cloud Qingmu Lu is looking forward to Chen Ge.

Chen GE's eyes slightly coagulated: "I don't know now, but one thing is certain. No matter in the last life or in this life, brother Tianshen won't fall in love with you. I think he has only sister in white in his heart!"

"You What do you say

There was a strong anger on Yunqing's face.

"What I said, you should understand in your heart!"

"Chen Ge, don't think you are arrogant after practicing Tianxuan Gong. You are far from my opponent! But this time I'm here to catch you back. It's better for you to be in my hands than to be captured by the king of Jiuluo! "

Angry Yunqing doesn't want to talk any more.

She shot directly at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge also runs Tianxuan's real Qi to fight back.


A loud noise, two air waves collided together, issued a fierce roar.

There are many thick trees around, which directly respond to this section.

And the central point, is like an explosion in general, the ground burst, dust flying.

Chen Ge went back more than ten steps.

And Yunqing, also backward three steps.

"What a powerful tianxuangong! You are so angry. If I catch you later, I'm afraid it will not be your opponent!"

Yunqing looks at the rapid progress of Chen Ge in front of her, and her face is full of horror

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