The group was moving very fast, and soon Fang Nan heard the sound of her feet clearly.

After that, we saw a dozen people jumping out of the jungle.

"Found them! Come on, surround them

The leader exclaimed excitedly, if there is no accident, this is a great achievement. They took the lead in finding Fang Huanan.

Everyone's eyes are glittering, thinking that the fruit of victory is in front of them.

"What to do, uncle? They are all very good! "

Fang Fannan looked tight and had been with them for a long time. She was clear about their strength.

"Ha ha, keep them here, girl, stay back!"

Chen Ping An smiles.

Then, open the backpack on the back.

A big bow made of black gold appears in front of Fang Huanan.

At the moment, Chen Ping'an came with a bow and arrow.

At the moment, they are two or three hundred meters away from here.

But Chen Ping An shoots directly.

See a streamer across, the light instantly hit the crowd, and in a dozen people back and forth between the ejection.

When a dust rose and settled, all of them had fallen to the ground.

This streamer, again turned into a bow and arrow, returned to Chen Ping'an's hand.

"Uncle, you are so good!"

Fang took a deep breath.

"Are they all dead?"

"No, I see they didn't do anything malicious to you, so they just knocked them out. They couldn't wake up for at least three days!"

Chen Ping An faint smile: "well, let's go, Xiaoge will be very happy to see you!"

By the time Chen Ping'an took Fang Nan back, it was already dark.

Chen GE has been preparing for this evening's evocation, when he sees uncle with Fang Yannan back.

Chen Ge was overjoyed.

"Uncle, girl, you?"

Chen GE's surprise.

At the beginning, Fang Danan was captured and she was able to escape. This has always made Chen GE's heart uneasy. She always worried about what would happen to her. Now that she is well, she is finally saved.

"I see you have been talking about her, so I helped you save her, so that you can get rid of a piece of your heart disease!"

Uncle looked at Chen Ge and said with a smile.

"Chen Ge!"

When Fang Nan saw Chen Ge, she couldn't control her mood any more. She threw herself into Chen GE's arms and began to cry.

"Well, you're all right. I'm making some compromises with Yunqing. I'm ready to replace you. Uncle has not only solved my heart trouble, but also helped me a lot."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well? What's the sound in the cellar

At this time, uncle was surprised.

"Liba, bring up the ancient style!"

Chen Ge said to the bully in the cellar.

Soon, rebar came up with his sick old style.

Uncle first flashed a look at rebar in his eyes, and then looked at the ancient style of tortured minors.

"Brother Chen, grandfather Chen, when will you let me go back? I have become a waste now, you treat me as a fart and let me go? "

He begged bitterly.

"This boy is the eldest young master of the ancient family. Gu Yuehong loves him very much. Now he is in my hands. I am going to use him to deal with the ancient family."

"Good little song. In this way, you will have a chip in your hand!"

"His name is Liba. He was a friend I met when I was in Yaowang valley."

"It seems that he is a master with extraordinary strength."

Uncle put up a look in his eyes and nodded happily with a smile.

"It seems that you have made a worthwhile trip and gained a lot! Little song, what are you going to do? "

Uncle is talking about the altar.

Chen Ge wants to summon the soul of her sister in white here, so she tells uncle.

"Since it's going to be midnight, it's still early. It's hard for us to get together. We'd better have dinner together!"

Uncle is obviously very happy today.

"Yes, have a reunion dinner!" Fang Nan said with a smile.

"Reunion dinner?" Chen Ge is a little puzzled.

"Oh, look, now that uncle is back, I'm back. Xiaoge, you've found this good helper again. Shouldn't we have a reunion dinner? Anyway, uncle saved my life. I think uncle is my family member!"

Knowing that she had almost let out her mouth, Fang Nan hurried back.

"Well, uncle not only saved your life, but also my life. Ha ha, I always take uncle as my family. Yes, I have a reunion dinner! Tonight, I cook myself

Chen Ge laughs.

"Chen Ge, I'll help you!""Chen Ge, I'll help you!"

At this time, Li Mu and Su Ruoxi said at the same time.

And these words also make su Ruoxi and Li Mumu a little embarrassed.

How to say, Li Mu Mu has some good feelings for Chen Ge, which comes from his admiration for some qualities of Chen Ge.

And Chen GE's strength.

Pretty looks are part of it.

Su Ruoxi and Chen Ge clearly met each other for the first time.

She is too curious about Chen Ge.

Because he is a second generation of the top rich, but he is extremely mysterious.

A woman, if to a man, has a sense of curiosity, then, the process of ambiguity is not far away.

Of course, Chen Ge did not deliberately conceal some things, so that Su Ruoxi has always had a sense of curiosity about him.

It's a lot of things that we can't explain clearly.

Uncle naturally sees all these things.

And then look at Fang Nan, who is obviously jealous.

"Xiaoge deserves to be the son of big brother. He really has the style of big brother in those days."

He had a bitter smile in his heart.

A meal, the atmosphere is harmonious, but also eat each mind mind mind.

Soon, it was midnight.

"It's the first time I've tried this method, and I don't know if it works. Miss Su, you may have a hard time in the next two days, but I promise you won't get any damage

Chen Ge comforts Su Ruoxi.

Su Ruoxi nodded, then sat aside, gracefully closed her eyes.

Chen Ge also sat cross legged, running tianxuangong, borrowing the power of dragon blood jade pendant, and began to try to summon the soul of the white sister.

At the same time, the ancient chamber of secrets.

On the coffin of crystal longevity.

A faint light was shining.

Then the white shadow flashed.

The figure of the woman in white gradually appeared, and slowly sat on the crystal coffin.

In her eyes, there was a touch of expectation, long lost expectation.

"Why did you come out today? Are you lonely and want to talk to someone

With a flash of black light, King Jiuluo also appeared before the coffin of Changsheng.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"King Jiuluo, I would like to advise you for the last time not to do some useless things. Some people, you can't touch, some fate, you can't change!"

The woman in white looked at him and shook her head with a bitter smile.

"I hate your expression the most. I tell you, after tonight, my mind can be condensed into substance. Even if you don't need the array to seal you, I don't have to worry about you running away!"

The king of Jiuluo was cold.

"Cultivate the ghost body by sucking the Yang of others. King Jiuluo, after all, you came from a famous family in the world. Now you are possessed by the devil. You are killing yourself!"

The woman in white looked at him with pity.

Just when the king of Jiuluo is going to say something.

All of a sudden, she saw her whole body, and there was a light shining through the stone wall from the outside, and the two rays of light quickly merged into one.

"This what is it? Why ignore my array! "

King Jiuluo was shocked.

"As I have said just now, this is the last time I advise you. I hope you will remember what I said. Don't do evil, or you will perish."

Women in white.

With that, the light in front of her body became more dazzling.

The king of Jiuluo tried to organize casting.

But he found that he could not get close to the light.

"What power is this?"

His face had become extremely ferocious.

A strong light flashed by, and the figure of the woman in white was wrapped in it. Ignoring the array, she disappeared with the light

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