On the golden beach, these beautiful women in bikini are playing volleyball.

Because Chen Ge was too tired just now, so he didn't go to see it. He lay down nearby and had a rest for a while.

But just now, Chen Ge is thinking about things. Maybe when people are in a daze, they don't know where their eyes are, but they are obviously misunderstood by this group of volleyball beauties.

Think Chen Ge is peeping at them, and some dirty things in YY.

Originally, today, everyone came out to play, their group of beautiful women wear some exposed, to some boys, this is nothing.

However, the boy seems to be too mean.

What's more, staring at others, they are also crazy, these girls are past people, what don't understand, so this makes people very disgusting ah!

"It's disgusting. Look at him. The more you talk about him, he's more and more energetic, and he's looking at us."

"She must be peeping at sister snow. Today, she is wearing bolder clothes than before. Just now, a rich second generation wanted to take photos. She was scared away when she heard that she and Huang Shao had a good relationship."

"Yes, I don't think this man knows whether he is alive or dead. Maybe he has already taken our photos, and then, in the evening, he will take them back to the hotel and do something like that to our photos. My mother, it's disgusting!"

"What do you say, sister snow?"

All the beauties cast their eyes on a tall, white and hot girl with long hair and waist.

She is really beautiful, so to speak, she is the focus of the whole volleyball court.

Because there are the most boys gathered here.

Many boys obviously know that snow snow and Huang Shao have a good relationship, so they don't dare to look at it openly, but secretly aim at them.

In this way, Chen Ge seems very different.

Li xuenuo cut his hair and said coldly, "hum! I've seen too many such dirty men. Sisters, let's go and check his mobile phone. If he really takes a picture of us, we'll kill him today! "

Li xuenuo said coldly.

"That's right. It's OK to be looked at by Huang Shao, even the rich and little of Bai Shao's level. But this bully is a shame!"

The crowd said, it is toward Chen Ge came.

Chen Ge is too late even if he wants to run now.

"You! Have you been peeping at us all the time just now and thinking about something dirty? "

A girl with a big chest said, shaking two huge balls of meat.

"I I don't have one

Chen Ge innocent way, heaven and earth conscience, just now Chen Ge really did not pay attention to them.

What's more, one of the beauties playing volleyball is so beautiful.

Otherwise Chen Ge will really stare.

"Hum, I don't know. Who are you cheating on? You've never seen such a disgusting loser like you. Take out your mobile phone and ask us to have a look!"

"Yes, take it out, disgusting man, dirty loser. I'll tell you, you'd better be obedient, or Huang Shao will come later, and you'll have a good time!"

The crowd scolded.

At the moment, Li xuenuo is holding her shoulder coldly, looking very proud.

Yes, although Huang Shao is famous and has a good relationship with him, Li xuenuo has not established a clear relationship with Huang Shao so far.

She was really a goblin, and knew that the easier it was to get, the less valuable it would be.

So over the years, in the face of Huang Shao's bombardment like pursuit, Li xuenuo has been reserved.

In fact, she was already in love.

Huang Shao, he is the son of the richest man in Suzhou. He is a real rich family.

As she thought, the more reserved she was, the more Huang Shao pursued her.

So now, Li xuenuo's status is simply too high, many girls are based on her.

"I said, I didn't shoot you!"

Chen Ge helpless smile, although this group of girls are very beautiful, but also too unreasonable.

As for the Khara, you think, ah, a large group of beautiful women in bikini, standing close in front of you, normal people who do not heart ah!

It is also because Chen Ge is afraid of embarrassment if he stays on.

Just want to slip away!

"You still want to run, sisters, come on, catch him!"

At that time, several beauties surrounded Chen Ge, scratching his head, tearing clothes.

In short, a large group of girls combined strength is not small.

Before long, Chen Ge was pressed on the ground.

More girls are very bold, directly sat on Chen GE's body, almost full.

Put Chen Ge on the beach.

"Hum, I'll tell you, Li xuenuo dares to offend me. When Huang Shao comes, you loser will be punished!"

Li xuenuo gave a cold smile.

At the same time, there have been girls running over to cover Li xuenuo with a bath towel."I rely on big news and big news. There, a group of girls beat up a boy!"

"Ah? Because of what? "

"Ha ha, that boy is a loser. He peeks at people playing volleyball in bikini, and then the beautiful women don't like to let him watch. Anyway, there's a conflict over this and they're fighting!"

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

The movement over there has already spread to the other side of the beach.

Wu Qiang, Su Meilin and Yiyi are having their own barbecue here.

As soon as I heard this, I was interested.

"Yi Xiaomei, let's go and have a look, ha ha, see what kind of brother is so sad?"

Lin Yiyi didn't want to go, but she just wanted to leave. She went to find Chen Ge to see if he had returned to the hotel.

So he nodded and agreed.

The crowd trotted all the way.

When they saw the boy on the beach, sitting under his butt by several girls, still struggling.

Wu Qiang, Su Meilin and Yi Yi are all stunned.

"Chen Ge?"

Lin Yiyi doesn't seem to believe that the scene in front of her is true. She feels like she is dreaming. Chen Shao, who is so noble, is actually sitting under her buttocks by this group of beauties, and has been beaten?

Su Mei swallowed her saliva.

"Wu Qiang Su Mei, isn't he the one you brought?"

A friend of Wu Qiang despised the way.

"No, no, we don't know him. My God, he's really disgusting. It's a shame."

Su Mei exclaimed.

They're blocking their faces.

You Chen Ge poor, you Chen Ge bad, these are not big problems, really, just let people hate it, but, you are still so dirty, your girlfriend Yiyi sister is still here.

Su Mei can't accept it.

"Xiaomei, maybe something happened to him? Maybe the first time I saw someone wearing a bikini, I didn't see it, so I was stunned! Ha ha ha Wu Qiang grinned grimly. Seeing Lin Yiyi's face was very ugly, he thought Lin Yiyi was also ashamed and disappointed.

So he's super crazy. It's even better.

"Hum, you loser. I don't know how you got in here. Tell me, did you shoot or not?" Li xuenuo hugs the shoulder, like a proud peacock.

It is a foot, stepped on Chen GE's head.

Damn it!

Such insults have not occurred in a thousand years!

Chen Ge was angry, really angry, he swore, such a situation, will not have a second time, no, the last time was beaten by girls, was Lin Yiyi and their besieged.

There won't be a third time!

When Chen Ge was angry and wanted to hit people.

Suddenly someone yelled: "God, look at the sea, luxury cruise ship is coming, Huang Shao is coming!"

When they heard the sound, they all looked at the sea.

Just look, a luxury cruise ship is speeding towards the Golden Beach port.

On the deck of the cruise ship, there is a young, chubby man in a bathrobe and sunglasses. His bathrobe flies with the wind.

Beside him, there are all bikini beauties and foreign beauties, nestling in his arms and feeding him red wine!

At the very edge, there are still a few who are rich and small, just a few of them are Bai Xiaofei.

After all, in the final analysis, they all belong to Chen Xiao's forces, and their natural relationship is very good.

"Huang Shao!"

"Huang Shao!"

"Huang Shao!"


With the cruise ship into the field, whether boys or girls, have issued bursts of screams, rich, this is the real rich!

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