Until the next morning.

Just as Chen Ge and brother Chen were still sleeping, a doorbell woke them up.

Brother Chen sleepily walked out of the room, went to the door and opened the door.

When the uniform was opened, there was a man in the uniform.

"Are Chen Ge and Mr. Chen there?"

An inspector went in and looked at brother Chen and asked.

Brother Chen nodded and replied, "I am brother Chen. What's the matter?"

"Take it away!"

Hearing brother Chen's words, the supervisor gave an order directly, and the two supervisors behind him came forward to hold him up and walk outside.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Brother Chen immediately yelled.

The huge movement suddenly wakes Chen Ge, Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo.

The three rushed out of the room.

"Are you?"

Chen Ge came out, surprised to look at the military aircraft in front of the people asked.

"You are Mr. Chen Ge. We suspect that you have something to do with the death of governor fan Lao Li, so we have to ask you to go back and do an investigation."

Just listen to that inspector took out a warrant of arrest and told Chen Ge.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Is governor Li dead? "

After listening to Chen Ge, he was shocked.

This news really surprised Chen Ge.

You know, when they parted with Mr. Fan in the early morning of this morning, they were all fine. How could he suddenly die? That's weird.

"Mr. Chen Ge, I hope you can cooperate with us!"

Of course, the supervisor also knows the identity of Chen Ge, so he still looks at Chen Ge in a very gentle tone and reminds him.

"Well, please let's get dressed and go with you again!"

Chen Ge naturally did not have any opinion, directly agreed to come down.

After that, Chen Ge and brother Chen changed their clothes and left with the men from the military aircraft department.

On the way, Chen Ge sat in the car without saying a word.

Chen Ge didn't think of old fan's death, and he didn't know how fan always died.

There must be something strange about all this.

Soon, Chen Ge and brother Chen were taken to the military aircraft department, and they were put into an interrogation room for interrogation.

After a while, two inspectors came in and sat down.

"Mr. Chen Ge, where did you go with inspector Li last night? What did you do? "

One of the supervisors stares at Chen Ge and asks.

"Governor Li and I went to the hometown of the fire ghost King yesterday!"

Chen Ge opened his mouth and answered to the governor.

"When did you come back?"

Asked the inspector.

"At about two o'clock in the morning, supervisor Li drove the two of us home. After seeing us home, he left by himself!"

Chen Ge looked at the supervisor and answered earnestly.

"Have you been at home since you went back? Didn't you go out? "

The inspector continued to cross examine.

Chen Ge frowned.

"You'd better not waste time on the two of us. Do you think we will kill governor Li? What's more, there must be surveillance video on the street where the accident happened. Why don't you go and have a look at it? "

Chen Ge did not want to continue to answer some questions, but instead asked the supervisor.

By Chen Ge such a rhetorical question, immediately let this supervisor have nothing to say.

Indeed, what Chen Ge said is true.

In fact, they just want to bring Chen Ge and Chen ge back to understand the situation.

There is no evidence to prove that Chen Ge and brother Chen killed old fan.

But last night, apart from Chen Ge and fan, there was no one else.

I've seen the surveillance video.

When old fan had an accident, there was no one around, no car, and even in the car was only fan himself.

That is to say, when old fan's accident happened, it was a very strange situation.

During the monitoring, fan's car suddenly tumbled out of control.

It was not until noon that Chen Ge and brother Chen were released.

After leaving the military aircraft office, the two men directly returned to the office by car.

On the way.

"Brother Chen, how do you think governor Li died?"

Brother Chen looks at Chen Ge and asks.

Chen Ge looks dignified, for this he is not very clear, but Chen Ge knows that all this is certainly not simple.

"Is it that the fire ghost king is not dead yet?"

The next second, brother Chen had a bold idea.Chen Ge thinks it is unlikely that the fire ghost king died in front of his eyes. How could he still live.

"Let's go back first. Maybe it's just an accident!"

Chen Gechao and brother Chen reminded him of a sermon.

Soon, the two returned to the office.

"Chen Ge, brother Chen, you two are back, are you ok?"

See two people come back, Zhen Ji quickly caters to come out to care to ask a way.

In the morning, I saw two people taken away by the military aircraft department, which really worried Zhen Ji and Yu Xin.

But now to see the two people safe and sound return, let them both is a sigh of relief.

"It's nothing. It's just an understanding in the past!"

Chen Ge light smile of Chao Zhen Ji answers explain way.

"By the way, did you find the fire ghost king this time?"

Zhen Ji holds a glass of water and hands it to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took the glass, drank a sip of water, and then replied, "yes, I have killed him!"

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhen Ji immediately felt relieved.

Because at last, the fire ghost king, the killer demon, has been solved.

"But the death of governor Li.".. What's going on? I just read the news and said that the death of governor Li seems very strange, not artificial! "

Then Zhen Ji asked Chen Ge curiously.

"I don't know. When we came back last night, inspector Li was still in good condition, and nothing special happened along the way."

Chen Ge is a heavy expression.

It's really weird.


Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhen Ji sighed heavily.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Just then, there was a knock at the door of the office.

"Brother Chen, go and see who it is!"

After Chen Ge heard this, he said to brother Chen.

Brother Chen got up and went to the door. The man standing at the door was a delivery boy.

Opening the door, brother Chen went out.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Ge is here, isn't he? Please sign for one of his express

Express brother a smile at brother Chen told.

"Well, yes!"

Brother Chen responded directly, and then signed and received the express.

"Brother Chen, there is your express

Brother Chen said to Chen Ge when he came back.

"My express?"

After listening to Chen Ge, suddenly a burst of doubt, to know that he did not buy things ah, why have their own express?

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