"I don't think your Hunter organization is really haunting."

Chen Ge coldly looked at the several purple hunters preaching.

"Oh, boy, you must pay the price of bleeding if you kill so many members of our Hunter group!"

A lead hunter in purple raised his knife and pointed to Chen Ge Nu way.

Voice down, a few purple hunters have to quickly attack Chen Ge.

These hunters in purple are different from those in black. Their strength is obviously much stronger than those in black, and their speed is several times faster.

Chen Ge knew that it seemed that the leader of the hunter was angry, so he used these purple hunters to find himself and wanted them to kill him.

There were five hunters in purple.

Five hunters in purple attack Chen Ge from different directions.

The five of them did not put the target of attack on the three Zhen Ji, but went for Chen Ge.

Different directions, different attack tactics.

It seems very powerful, but for Chen Ge, it is not difficult.

"The wind and dust break!"

Chen Ge suddenly stood on the ground and waved around.

In an instant, there was a gust of wind and dust all around, which directly sent the five purple hunters back.

The five purple hunters were also surprised.

"It's a true person!"

At the same time, five people exclaimed.

They really didn't expect that Chen Ge would be a cultivator. No wonder he has such a strong strength.

"Oh, since you know it, you can't leave alive!"

Chen Ge sneered and snorted.

The voice falls, Chen Ge is to grab the body and step out, leaving a shadow in place.


A knife across, immediately blood mist filled.

Yes, Chen Ge stabbed a purple hunter's chest with a knife, and killed him instantly.

The remaining four hunters in purple were also shocked.

However, they did not choose to retreat, but jointly launched an attack against Chen Ge again.

The aim of hunters is never to shrink back, even if they encounter a powerful opponent, they will not retreat until they die.

In fact, this is very good, at least hunters are not afraid of death.

However, it is precisely because of this that the people organized by the hunters have lost their humanity and become very cold-blooded animals.

Just like the hunters of the seventh team met by Chen Ge three this afternoon, they have no human nature at all.

People with a little bit of humanity don't do things as much as they do.


In an instant, the whole forest is a flash of swords.

Within a few minutes, several cold corpses were lying on the ground.

Yes, it's the bodies of the five hunters in purple.

They will not be Chen GE's opponent at all, can only be the rhythm that Chen Ge gives second kill.

After solving the five hunters in purple, Chen Ge hanged their bodies and wrote four big characters on the tree with their blood.

"Death deserves more than death!"

After writing these four characters, Chen Ge left with Zhen Ji.

"Chen Ge, should we hide our whereabouts, or we will always be chased by hunters!"

Zhen Ji then looked at Chen Ge and suggested.

"Well, you're right. We really have to find a way to hide our tracks."

Chen Ge also agreed with Zhen Ji's proposal.

If the hunter can't get rid of the trouble every day, it's certainly not a way to get rid of the trouble.

At this time, Chen Ge stopped.

Chen Ge took out the map that Mr. Shen gave himself and looked it up.

"Here, if we go here, we can also bypass the phosphate rock area, but it will take a little more time, and this is a town, we can also go there to replenish it!"

Chen Ge suggested, pointing to a town on the map.

"Well, listen to you!"

Zhen Ji had no opinion on Chen GE's proposal, so she chose to accept it.

With that, the four immediately changed their routes and headed for the town on the map.

This town is called Wuxing town.

In fact, it's all because of geography, not for any reason.

After a night's journey, the four of Chen Ge finally arrived at the entrance of Wuxing town.

The four people went directly into the town. It was not that there was no one in the town. Instead, there were many people walking. It was very lively, just like a market."Let's take a look. A crystal head will be auctioned in the black market today. Everyone can go and have a look."

Just at this time, I saw a young man shouting.

All of a sudden the cry caught everyone's attention.

Chen GE's four people were immediately attracted. Unexpectedly, there was a black market in this Wuxing town.

"Let's go and have a look too."

At this time, leilie proposed that he was still very curious about these things.

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Chen Ge also did not refuse, directly agreed to come down, anyway, he also wanted to see what the auction is.

Soon, the four of Chen Ge followed the crowd to a huge place, which was the black market of Wuxing town.

There are all kinds of things in the black market, which are sold or auctioned. Even guns and ammunition are sold. It's really amazing.

Chen Ge four people found a place to stand.

Inside, a man with a hat and a fur coat stepped onto the stage.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the manager of the black market. My name is Gu Ming."

The man in the fur coat introduced himself to the people below.

"Welcome to participate in today's black market auction. I tell you, today's auction is really extraordinary. It will definitely open your eyes."

"Many people may have heard about it just now, but I still want to tell you that there is no second thing in the world, which is a rare treasure!"

Gu Ming spoke excitedly.

The people at the bottom were very excited and cheered.

"Well, then let's witness it!"

"Somebody, bring me the things!"

Then, Gu Ming told his men.

See a man will be a box to the end, directly to Gu Ming.

Gu Ming puts the box in his hand, then opens the box and presents the things in it for the public to see.

"Please see, this is today's auction item, crystal skull!"

Gu Ming looked at the people below and said in a loud voice.

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