The next second.

A figure appeared in the cat's eye.

Chen GE's eyes suddenly enlarged.

Yes, the figure in the cat's eye is no one else. It is the owner of this hotel.

The owner of the hotel is standing at the door of the room where Zhen Ji used to live.

Chen Ge can see clearly through cat's eye.

The owner of the hotel took out a long incense like object from his clothes, lit it up and put it at the door to let the smoke of incense enter the room.

After all this, the owner of the hotel turned and walked to the door of Chen GE's room.

Chen Ge saw this and immediately withdrew.

"What's the matter?"

Zhen Ji three people are not sleeping, see Chen GE's reaction, let them very surprised, asked Chen Ge in a low voice.

Chen Ge stretched out his hand and put it in front of his mouth.

Then Chen Ge picked up a towel to cover his mouth and nose.

Seeing Chen GE's action, the three immediately understood and took out things one after another to say that their mouth and nose were blocked.

Chen Ge will not forget to open the window.

At this time, a burst of white smoke came out under the door, and the white smoke immediately filled the whole room.

Sure enough, all this is just as Chen Ge and Chen Ge expected. The owner of this hotel is indeed in trouble.

This half night to do such a thing, must have no purpose.

Fortunately, Chen GE's four people are aware of early, so they can make a response and response.

If you were someone else, I'm afraid you would have been unconscious.

Chen Ge goes to the door and takes a second look through the cat's eye and finds that the hotel owner has left.

This makes Chen Ge very puzzled, why this boss just did this thing to leave?

All of a sudden, Chen Ge thought of something and quickly went to bed and lay down.

After lying down, Chen Ge immediately put his soul out of the body.

See all Chen Ge lying on the bed suddenly unconscious, Lei lie is also staring eyes up.

Lei liegang wants to stand up to check Chen GE's situation, but is stopped by Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji reaches out her hand to Lei lie, indicating that he should not move.

After seeing Zhen Ji's gesture, Lei Lei calmed down and continued to sit in his position.

At this time, Chen GE's soul went out of his body and turned into a ghost spirit. He wanted to see what bad things the hotel owner wanted to do.

After leaving the room, Chen Ge fluttered around the hotel to check up.

At this time, the owner of the hotel came up with two men and went straight to the door of Zhen Ji's room.

Chen Ge is right behind the three of them. They can't see or feel Chen Ge at all. Only when Chen Ge shows up can they know.

"Leopard master, those two women live in this room. I have used enchanting incense to make them unable to wake up!"

The innkeeper, with a sinister look on his face, said to the big man beside him.

"Well, good, good, well done!"

The man named leopard nodded and said with satisfaction.

With that, the owner of the hotel took out the key and opened all the doors of Zhen Ji's room.

As soon as it was opened, the three went straight in.

However, after walking in, the three were stunned.

Because the whole room is empty, not even a ghost.

"Where are the people?"

The leopard was shocked.

"Well? Why are people missing? It's impossible. They are clearly in the room! "

The owner of the hotel also exclaimed in surprise. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

"Mad, are you kidding me?"

The leopard master was very angry, and pulled up the collar of the hotel owner and scolded angrily.

"Leopard. I don't dare to play tricks on you, leopard. They really live here. "

The innkeeper looked at the leopard and explained.


At this time, I saw a gust of wind, and then the leopard master was shaken out.

In a flash, the other man was scared out of the hotel and was shocked by what happened.

Chen Ge rushed forward and grabbed the leopard by the neck.


A hard squeeze, Chen Ge crushed the leopard's neck.

Such a person, Chen Ge is absolutely not merciful, dare to Zhen Ji two people have an idea, that is an end, die!!

Seeing the leopard's death, the hotel owner and another man immediately panic, directly rushed out of the door.How could Chen Ge let them go and fly out.


One foot out, Chen Ge will be the hotel owner and another man to kick fly out.

Another man was kicked to death by Chen Ge on the spot.

Only the innkeeper fell to the ground alone. His face was full of fear. All of a sudden, his pants were wet and he was scared to pee.

Then, the innkeeper immediately began to kneel on the ground to beg for mercy, crying and begging for mercy. It looked very ridiculous.

The next second, Chen Ge will show his real body.

"I knew from the beginning that you must have a problem, saying, what do you really want to do?"

Chen Ge appeared in front of the boss, staring at him coldly.

Seeing the appearance of Chen Ge, the hotel owner immediately widened his eyes.

Then, the hotel owner is two eyes one black fainted in the past.

After all, Chen Ge is in the state of ghost spirit now, so suddenly appearing, of course, will be very frightening.

Seeing the owner of the hotel fainted in the past, Chen Ge also sneered in his heart.

However, Chen Ge didn't intend to let the hotel owner go. Instead, he carried it up, tied it to a chair with a rope, and locked the door of the hotel.

In this way, no one will find out.

As for the body of the leopard Lord upstairs, Chen Ge also disposed of it.

After solving all these problems, Chen Ge returned to his room and his body again.

After returning to the body, Chen Ge immediately got up.

See Chen Ge suddenly get up, almost did not give Lei lie also give a fright.

"Brother Chen, what happened to you just now? Why did you suddenly faint? "

Lei lie is very puzzled. He looks at Chen Ge and asks.

Chen Ge a listen, Leng for a moment, and then open a simple explanation.

"It's OK. You'll find out later!"

Hear Chen Ge say so, Lei lie is also confused, do not understand what Chen Ge is in this word.

But since Chen Ge doesn't want to say it, Lei lie has no choice but to wait for Chen Ge to tell himself. He knows that Chen Ge is not willing to tell himself. There must be a reason.

"Let's go. It's all right outside. Let's go out and have a look."

Then Chen Ge preached to the three of them.

With that, Chen Ge opened the door of the room, went out and went straight downstairs.

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