
Just hear a clear crack sound.

The wooden bridge just broke!

In an instant, everyone fell directly into the canyon of the abyss.

All of a sudden, the whole canyon was full of screams. The sound reverberated in the canyon for a long time before it dissipated.

At this time, Chen Ge four people fell into the canyon together, and directly fell into the canyon river.

Fortunately, it is not the ground under the canyon, but the river. Otherwise, the rhythm of the four of them would have fallen to death.

But the river was freezing cold.

Chen Ge quickly looks for Zhen Ji's position and swims one by one to catch them.

At this time, Lei lie has completely lost consciousness and seems to have been scared out.

After a difficult swim, Chen Ge, Zhen Ji and Zhou nocai drag Lei lie to the Bank of the river.

All four were lying on the shore one after another.

After gasping for a while, Chen Gecai immediately reacted.

"Come on, we can't rest like this. We have to leave here and find a place to make a fire and keep warm."

Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji and reminds Zhou Nuo.

The river is so cold and piercing that people's temperature will surely drop sharply. If they drag on, they will suffer from hypothermia, and then they will be in great trouble.

Finish saying, Chen Ge will Lei lie to carry up, and then take Zhen Ji two people to leave the river bank.

Four people came to a clearing, Chen Ge will leilie to put down.

"Wait here, I'll get some wood!"

Chen Ge gave an order to the three again, and then walked quickly towards the woods.

Soon, Chen Ge found some wood.

Then Chen Ge raised a bonfire.

"Take off your clothes and dry them first, otherwise you will catch a cold if you wear them all the time!"

Chen Ge tells Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo.

Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo also have no opinion. At this time, they can't care so much. It's very important to protect their lives and take care of other shameless things.

According to Chen GE's order, the four took off their clothes and dried them by the fire.

And Chen Ge took out two clothes from Lei lie's backpack and handed them to Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo.

After all, they are girls, so we should take care of them.

But then again, Chen Ge feels Zhou Nuo's figure is no worse than Zhen Ji.

But at present, Chen Ge can't manage so much.

After about half an hour, the clothes of the four people were finally dried, and Chen Ge San put them on again.

"What's wrong with ray lie?"

Zhou Nuo then looked at Lei lie and asked Chen Ge.

"I must have been scared out! It will be all right! "

Chen Ge began to explain.

Just now Chen GE has already felt Lei lie's heartbeat and pulse, and finds that everything is normal, which shows that Lei lie is scared and dizzy.

Hearing Chen GE's explanation, Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo are immediately relieved.

"Chen Ge, you are right. There is something wrong with that wooden bridge!"

Three people sit quietly, Zhen Ji is afraid of Chao Chen Ge said.

"From the beginning, I didn't think it was right. You think, it's not so easy to find a very shady place. How could there be such an easy wooden bridge between the canyons?"

Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji and tells the story.

"But what was that? How terrible

Zhou Nuo also asked with lingering fear.

Chen Ge and Zhen Ji shake their heads at the same time, which they are not clear about.

"I don't know, but I know that the insects are not simple. They are specially cannibals. You can see that the hunters are only left with a white bone in an instant!"

Chen Ge also said in retrospect.

Hear Chen Ge such a mention, immediately let Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo two people all over goose bumps.

I have to say that scene just now really made them feel very infiltrative.

It's not too terrible for a living man to become a white bone.

But now, fortunately, they are out of danger.

By this time, leilie had also come to himself.

"Ray lie, are you awake?"

See Lei lie wake up, Chen Ge immediately look to Lei lie asked.

"Brother Chen.".. Miss Zhen, i.. Are we dead? "

Lei lie looks surprised at Chen Ge and asks Zhen Ji.


After listening to Chen Ge, the angry hand fan in the back of Lei lie's head.

"What are you talking about! We all live well! You wake me up! "

Chen Ge stares at Lei lie's words.This time Lei Lei Lei suddenly woke up.

"Brother Chen, that's great. We're all right. It's really great!"

As soon as he wakes up and sees that he's OK, Lei lie hugs Chen Ge and shouts happily and excitedly.

He was really scared to death in front of him. He fell down from such a high place, so he was scared to faint directly. He thought he was dead like this, but now he saw that he was OK. It really made him happy.

"Can you be a little promising? How can a big man look like a woman? It's not as bold as Zhou Nuo!"

Chen GE's face is full of resentment.

Take a look at Zhen Ji's Apprentice. Zhou Nuo has nothing to do with her. She is not afraid at all. She seems very calm.

Looking at Lei lie in turn, there is a sharp contrast and gap between them.


By Chen Ge such a reproach, Lei lie immediately on a face of embarrassment and embarrassment.

Zhou Nuo and Zhen Ji are sitting on the side laughing.

"By the way, brother Chen, why is that wooden bridge broken?"

At this time, Lei lie looked at Chen Ge and asked.

"Because there are too many people, the wooden bridge is unstable, and the abutments on both sides of the bridge are hit by stones, so it will be broken!"

Chen gekan explains to Lei lie.

"But we should be glad that if the bridge continues, we will be trapped in it, and then we will become the food for those insects!"

Chen Ge did not forget to say, told some of the situation.

Indeed, at that time, Chen Ge and his group had no way out.

If the bridge doesn't break, then Chen GE's four people will have to face terrible and cannibal insects, which may turn into white bones just like those hunters.

"What should we do next?"

Lei lie continues to ask Chen Ge.

"Take a rest and keep going. There must be another way around here."

Chen Ge spoke directly.

Chen Lei didn't listen to Chen Lei's song.

After all, only by following Chen Ge can they live in peace.

After half an hour's rest, Chen GE's four set off again.

But one good thing is that the four of them finally got rid of the hunters.

In this way, there will be no obstruction on the road ahead.

I don't know what happened to the cloaked man and others?

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